Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 135 Expiration of 1 year

Chapter 135 The Expiration of One Year
In fact, during this period, Zen Master Baiyun also invited him to go to the Foguang Temple in Mount Wutai, and then follow him back to the Great Buddha Temple to practice, so that he can learn more Buddhist spells,
This proposal moved Jiang Ming very much, but considering that he had been in this world for less than a year, and the journey to Foguang Temple and the journey back to the Great Buddha Temple would take more than a year,

And his main purpose, the method of Buddhist cultivation has already been obtained, and he can learn more Buddhist spells, which can enrich his means, but if he doesn't learn, it is enough for now, after all, his main attack is still the way of the warrior,
So in the end, Jiang Ming rejected Zen Master Baiyun's proposal on the grounds that he wanted to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and return the world to a bright future. Of course, he also promised that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would visit the master and his disciples at the Great Buddha Temple.

In this way, Jiang Ming and Yan Chixia walked eastward all the way, and when they heard rumors about ghosts and ghosts, if the situation was true, they immediately went to eliminate them to improve their cultivation.

For the rest of the time, I mainly take the body-enhancing pills and practice martial artist breathing to improve my physical body. When I reach the limit of my martial artist training every day, I will study and improve his original water escape ninjutsu, or learn those from the booklet given by Zen Master Baiyun. buddhist magic,

The booklet records a total of nine commonly used Buddhist spells:

First, the cultivation of Buddhist utensils, through the Buddha power in your body, you can accumulate some things like Zen sticks, Buddhist beads, wooden fish, cassocks, etc. all year round, so that they can become Buddhist utensils with various magical functions.
Second, the technique of flying, you can use your own Buddha power to perform the flying technique, but the speed is not fast, and it consumes a lot of Buddha power, or you can use the cassock that you have accumulated all the year round to perform the flying technique, which is faster and consumes less Buddha power ,

The third is the magic eye, which can see through the illusions of demons and ghosts after being cast, but if the opponent's Taoism is too high, you still can't see through, but if you practice to the peak, you have a certain chance to comprehend the Buddhist celestial eye, see through all illusions,
Fourth, the indestructible body of the diamond, after the cultivation reaches a small level, the blood turns into gold, which has the effect of being invulnerable to all poisons.
Fifth, Vajra Buddha palms, put your hands together, and then use the power of Buddha to hit a piece of Buddha light to hurt the enemy. The speed of activation is fast, but the power is average.
Sixth, the stars are all over the place. Use the Buddhist beads that have been cultivated all the year round to shoot a large piece of Buddha light, causing group damage, and the attack range is large. The power mainly depends on the output of the Buddha power.

Seventh, the net of heaven and earth, use at least five pieces of Buddhist artifacts that have been accumulated throughout the year to form a Buddhist formation to trap the opponent. The more Buddhist artifacts, the stronger, and the greater the power of the formation.

Eighth, Huiguang shines, converts the Buddha power in the body into a Buddha fire with strong restraint against demons and ghosts, and the damage is super high, but it only works on demons and ghosts, and has zero damage to normal humans.
Ninth, exorcising demons and subduing demons, using Buddha power into gold paint, writing Sanskrit exorcism and subduing demons on objects, causing continuous damage to demons close to the spell,

In view of time and energy, as well as personal circumstances, Jiang Ming has learned the four spells of accumulating Buddhist artifacts, flying, magic eyes, and indestructible body. The others have not yet been learned.
As for why he chose to learn these four spells first, it was because these four spells could complement his flaws as a warrior.

The first is to accumulate Buddhist artifacts. He has accumulated three pieces, the Zen staff (Heisha black iron gun), he is better at using a gun than a sword, and Buddha beads, which are prepared in advance for the later study of Xingluomanbu, cassock, and flying Use, similar to the flying magic weapon of the main world Taoist,

Flying technique is because warriors are different from Taoists and Confucianists, they can fly at the sixth rank, and warriors can only fly at the fourth rank, so the flying technique can allow him to have the ability to fly in advance,

Fayan, although the talent of the immortal clan has a certain resistance to illusions, but it is only for general illusions, and it is passive and cannot be seen through actively. Fayan makes up for this very well.
The last King Kong Indestructible Body, although the warrior's attack and defense abilities are beyond the charts, and his recovery ability in the later stage is also very strong, but the resistance to poison is not too strong. The King Kong Indestructible Body is invulnerable to all poisons It makes up for the short board of the warrior very well.
At the same time, the indestructible body of Vajra is perfect, and the golden body condensed with Buddha power, combined with the defense of the warrior's own body, can have the effect of double defense superposition, and the life-saving ability will be improved.
Time flies, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Ming has been in this world for almost a year,

On this day, at night, on a sparsely populated mountain road,

Jiang Ming and Yan Chixia walked forward slowly,

"It's dark and the road is slippery, and there are wild beasts in the mountains, why are you two still on your way?"

At this time, a big man's voice suddenly appeared in the woods beside the road,

The two stopped immediately and looked towards the woods on the side of the mountain road. They saw a big man wearing common clothes, carrying a bundle of dead branches, and holding a hatchet in his hand, walking out of the woods slowly.

"Amitabha, this benefactor, the two of us missed our accommodation because we were in a hurry, so we had no choice but to go on the road at night!"

Jiang Ming let out a sigh and explained,

Yan Chixia beside her nodded quickly, showing a trace of helplessness,
After the big man heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said with a strange smile:
"This little master, and this chivalrous man, it's not safe to drive at Xiaofang Mountain at night, and there are often big bugs infesting here. If you don't mind, the old man's house is not far from here. You can stay at the old man's house for one night and wait until tomorrow morning." It’s not too late to hurry!”

"That's really great, I really trouble the benefactor!"

Jiang Ming hurriedly put his palms together and performed a Buddhist salute to the big man to express his gratitude.
Yan Chixia also nodded, expressing her agreement.
So, the woodcutter led the two of them, turned away from the mountain avenue, and walked along a small path towards the depths of the mountain.

On the path, Yan Chixia winked at Jiang Ming, Jiang Ming nodded, rubbed his fingers on his eyes, and let out a soft drink in his heart:
"Fayan, open!"

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and a completely different scene appeared in front of his eyes.
The big woodcutter in Fayan's eyes is no longer human. His whole body is covered with scratches and bite marks of sharp claws. His neck is broken, his head hangs on his chest, and his stomach has been cut open. The intestines inside are tied with internal organs. Dragging on the ground, with a gloomy air all over,

Turning off Fayan, Jiang Ming looked back at Yan Chixia. Yan Chixia knew the result immediately, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth,
"Brother, your home seems to be a bit far away, isn't it in the deepest part of the mountain?"

After walking for about 10 minutes, the three of them had completely deviated from the road and entered the deep mountains.
"No, it's not at the deepest point, it's just ahead, it's coming soon! It's coming soon!"

The woodcutter turned his head and glanced at the two of them, he laughed a few times and then comforted them.

(End of this chapter)

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