Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 157 3 Days 1 Breakthrough!

Chapter 157 Breakthrough every three days!


That is, Jiang Ming told him that these nine kinds of Buddhist spells can be cultivated by every monk who practices Buddhist mana, as long as he spends time,
In other words, in the later stage, the Temple of Fire will have a large number of flying monks,
This is only one kind,

Next, due to the inconvenient demonstration in the hotel, Jiang Ming only briefly explained the functions of the other eight spells.
Then he passed the cultivation method of Chakra, the talent of the new fairy clan, which integrated the orthodox cultivation method of Buddhism, to Lu Lu,
With Jiang Ming's cultivation method of chakra, the talent of the new immortal clan, the monks of the Temple of Fire no longer have to worry about the problem of cultivation speed. Even if they don't do good deeds or accumulate merit, their cultivation speed is still faster than ordinary ninjas.
Looking at Di Lu who closed his eyes and tried the new fairy chakra cultivation method, Jiang Ming couldn't help but think to himself:

"Is this another kind of Buddhism going east!"

In ancient times, there was Jianzhen, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, who traveled eastward to Japan to spread Buddhism. Today, there is Jiang Ming, who spreads the Buddhist magic of Middle Earth and Earth across the world and across dimensions to Hokage.
Let this world not only have ninjas who are ubiquitous in the future, constantly waging wars and killings, but also Buddhist monks who proclaim mercy everywhere, do good deeds everywhere, and cultivate merit.

Hokage Building Office,
Tsunade, Sandai and others stood on the left side of the long table, while Chilu and Juexin stood on the right side of the long table,
The leaders of the two parties shook hands first, and then, Tsunade handed over the scroll on which the Eight Gates of Dunjia was written to Di Lu, and Di Lu also took a scroll, which was recorded by the Temple of Fire before Jiang Ming taught the breathing method. The scroll was given to Tsunade,
"Juexin will trouble everyone in Konoha to take care of her!"

Putting away the Eight Gates Dunjia Art, Ji Lu clasped his hands together, and thanked Tsunade and the others,
"Should be!"

Tsunade laughed twice,

At this point, the deal between the Temple of Fire and Konoha was concluded, Jiang Ming stayed in Konoha, temporarily joined Kai's team, and followed Kai to learn the art of the eight sects of armor,

At the same time, the four members of Kai's team also learned from Jiang Ming about the breathing method, and initially experimented with the effect of practicing the breathing method.
Di Lu returned to the Temple of Fire with the training methods of the new immortals and the nine Buddhist spells taught by Jiang Ming, and brought all the ninja monks of the Temple of Fire to study the Dharma.
Three days after Dilu left Konoha, at the Konoha Martial Arts Field, there was a bang,
"Eight Doors Dunjia Art - Open the door!"

Jiang Ming, with a faint golden energy floating on the surface of his body, looked at the stunned Kai and said:

"Kai Shangren, I have already learned how to open the door, please teach me the cultivation method of the second door Shumen!"

"This, this, how could you learn it so quickly?"

A careless Kai, the expression on his face at this time is also full of disbelief,
Meanwhile, Ning Ci, Tian Tian and Xiao Li, who were trying to practice the breathing method, also opened their eyes at the same time.
When they saw the golden chakra fluctuations emanating from Jiang Ming's body, they also understood what happened, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time.
In three days, they hadn't even gotten started with the breathing method taught by Jiang Ming, yet Jiang Ming had successfully opened the first door to practice, the gap is too big, right?
Among them, Xiao Li was the hardest hit, because at that time he was learning Bamen Dunjia, and it took half a year to get started. Looking at Jiang Ming at this time, he couldn't help but murmured:
"Sure enough, Juexin is also a genius ninja!"

"This, it may be my physical fitness, which far exceeds the standard of the Eight Dunjia Techniques. In addition, the amount of Chakra in my body is also sufficient, so I can learn it so quickly!"

Jiang Ming laughed and explained,

He only spent one year in total. It is certainly impossible for him to spend half a year to get started like Xiao Li according to the normal procedure.
Since he has learned how to open the door, close the door, and give birth to the door through self-study, there is no need to waste any more time.

At the fastest speed, it is most efficient to let Kai guide him to learn the wounded door that he has never been able to get into.

Doing so may arouse the suspicion of Konoha's high-level management, but in the absence of evidence, they can only suspect. Regarding these, Jiang Ming also has his own considerations. He thinks it is not a big problem.

Now is not the last time when he first came to this world. With his strong strength and self-confidence, he doesn't need to be too cautious, and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to some details. Efficiency comes first.

If he can learn the Eight Dunjia Techniques as soon as possible, his strength will be greatly improved, and he can even try it to fulfill some of his previous expectations.
Hearing Jiang Ming's explanation, Kai touched the back of his head and felt that Jiang Ming's words made sense, but he also felt that something was wrong, but he didn't struggle with it for too long because of his thick nerves, and immediately raised a big eyebrow at Jiang Ming. Thumb, showing its white and gleaming teeth,
"That's right, youth should be like this, Juexin, it's great!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and encouraged his three disciples:

"You guys have to work hard, show your youthful appearance, don't lose to Juexin!"

"Yes, Mr. Kai!"

Xiao Li's blood was boiling, Tian Tian and Ning Ci looked helpless,

"Fortunately, it's Kai, if this is Kakashi, it's probably not so easy to fool!"

Jiang Ming muttered inwardly,

Six days after Dilu left Muye Village, there was a bang in the Muye Martial Arts Field,
"Eight Gates of Dunjia Art - Shumen!"

"This, this is youth!"

Kai gave Jiang Ming a thumbs up with an unnatural expression,
Nine days after Dilu left Muye Village, there was a bang at the Konoha Martial Arts Field,
"Eight Gates of Dunjia Art - Shengmen!"

Kai looked at Jiang Ming and stopped talking. Even though he was very nervous, he felt that something was wrong. There should be a limit to a genius. Opening three doors in nine days is simply outrageous!

Since the development of the eight-door Dunjia technique, up to now, there are only a handful of people in Konoha who can practice successfully, and those who can open more than three doors are only him and his disciple Xiao Li.

But now, Jiang Ming opened three doors in nine days, saying that this is all a matter of talent, which is really unbelievable.

At dusk twelve days after Dilu left Muye Village, at the Konoha Martial Arts Field,

Kai looked at Jiang Ming who was still trying to injure the door, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. If Jiang Ming opened the door again today, he would really collapse.

"Okay, that's all for today, go back and rest!"

"Yes, Mr. Kai!"

Jiang Ming and Xiao Li, when they heard Kai's voice, they left the martial arts arena together. They were going to eat. Ever since they practiced the breathing method, even Tiantian, who is a girl, has increased her appetite?several times,
Through these three days of Kai's guidance to him, Jiang Ming finally got some clues about the cultivation of the wounded door, and he no longer ran around like a headless chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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