Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 158 Taoist?Musha?monk?

Chapter 158 Taoist?Musha?monk?
Sure enough, there is a big difference in efficiency between those who have a master and those who do not. It seems that from tomorrow onwards, besides practicing Bamen Dunjia with Kai, he will also find time to find the third generation, so as to give him the basics of ninjutsu. ,
In fact, during this period of time, Jiang Ming has been summarizing his own situation, and has some ideas about his future.
Today's him, if there is one aspect that is the strongest, it is undoubtedly the martial artist + the talent of the immortal clan + the instant body technique + the eight-door armor technique.
After this set, if the enemy's strength is not too much beyond him, it will definitely end up being killed in seconds.

In the later period, when his basic strength of warriors improves, then this set of tactics will be even more powerful. It can be said that besides the technique of nuclear explosion, this is currently his most powerful and safest set of tactics.
The technique of nuclear explosion is powerful, but it is too dangerous. It is a technique that is close to annihilation and cannot be used as a conventional tactic.

As for the general five-element escapism and Buddhist spells, although they are also very powerful, but because he has not been in contact with them for a long time, he is not proficient.
They can play a very good auxiliary role in the warrior's tactics, making it difficult for him to be targeted and restrained, but they can't play a decisive role.

Therefore, Jiang Ming didn't pay much attention to ninjutsu and Buddhist spells before, and his main energy was spent on warriors.
But now, he has some ideas in his mind,
Maybe, he can spend a little more time between ninjutsu and Buddhist magic,
Because he thought about it,
His external identity in the main world is a ninth-rank Taoist from Xiaozhufeng of Xuanmu Sect. This is currently his most formal official identity.

As for his identity as a warrior,

In fact, only a few people knew about it, such as Yan Wushuang and his guards, but at that time, he hadn't even practiced breathing techniques, so he wasn't really a warrior.
And there are Mu Xuanji from Xiaozhufeng, the senior sister, the second senior brother, and the third senior sister,

But they also only know that Jiang Ming's martial arts aptitude is high, and that the seventh rank is expected, but they don't know his real martial arts strength, because he has never shown it from the beginning to the end.

Then if he spends more time on ninjutsu and Buddhist spells in the later stage, it is completely fine in the main world, appearing as a Taoist, and usually only shows the strength of a Taoist,

After all, his immortal talent is not weaker than that of ordinary seventh-rank Taoists, and he can also control Buddhist artifacts to fly and fight. If he is a seventh-rank Taoist, it is estimated that no one in the main world There is no way to admit it,
Of course, he is still just starting out in ninjutsu and Buddhist magic. In terms of real attack power, he must be incomparable with regular seventh-rank Taoists, but this can be practiced slowly.

And in the future, as he experiences in other dungeon worlds, by slaying demons and demons, accumulating merits and learning more Buddhist spells, the strength of the Taoist that can be displayed will gradually become stronger,
In the later stage, it should not be much worse than the real Taoist in the main world!
From now on, in the main world where there are so many masters, on the surface, he is a small ninth-rank or eighth-rank Taoist in Xiaozhufeng of Xuanmu Sect.
Imagine, when his enemies thought he was a ninth-rank or eighth-rank Taoist,

Calculate him with the strength of the ninth or eighth rank, and he can burst out the strength of the seventh rank Taoist to fight back.

And when they discovered that he had hidden his strength and was a seventh-rank Taoist, what they didn't know was that Jiang Ming's real strength was his powerful warrior strength,
If you want to live for a long time, you must have your hole cards,

Just like ninjas in this world, when your intelligence is completely mastered by your enemies, then you are not far from death,
In the more dangerous main world, Jiang Ming felt that he had to be more careful and keep more hole cards so that he could have more protection when danger came.
In the dungeon world, because he is familiar with the plot and character information, he can be bolder to pursue more interests, but in the main world, he is not very clear about the specific situation.
That is to say, I learned something from Yan Wushuang, Eldest Sister, and Second Senior Brother, but these also reveal that this is not a safe world, so it is always good to be cautious,
Therefore, from now on, in the main world, he will be the serious Taoist Yuan Hua, a Taoist who has minored in martial arts, and the real martial artist Jiang Ming will only appear at the last moment.
And as long as it is an enemy who has seen the full strength of his warrior, he must be killed!
As for the dungeon world in the future, he is a Buddhist monk - Juexin!

Watching Jiang Ming and others leave, Kai also walked towards the Hokage Building,
Today was decided by Konoha's senior officials, and he will report on the twelve days, the day when he and his three disciples practiced the Fire Temple Breathing Technique.

Five Generations Naruto Tsunade Office,
Tsunade, Sandai, Jiraiya, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Koharu listened attentively to Kai’s report on his practice with Jiang Ming in the past twelve days.
Ten minutes later, Tsunade concluded excitedly in sign language:
"That is to say, practicing the Fire Temple's secret technique for the past twelve days has indeed strengthened your basic strength!"

Kai nodded firmly.

"Yes, in twelve days, I feel that because of the practice of breathing, my physical strength has increased by about [-] to [-] catties, and Xiao Li and the others have also increased their strength by about [-] to [-] catties!"

Hearing Kai's answer, the smiles on Tsunade's five faces became even brighter.
You know, at Kai's level, it is actually very difficult to greatly improve his strength. If Kai insists on performing high-load physical exercises on his body every day, if he wants to increase his basic strength by another seventy or eighty catties, then there is no one who can do it. Don't even think about it for a month,
But after using the breathing method provided by Jiang Ming, he reached this point in just twelve days, or in less than twelve days, the first few days were spent studying, and it was time to start formal cultivation Only eight or nine days,
Moreover, the breathing method is different from high-intensity physical training. It takes time and requires strong perseverance to achieve it. It only requires you to adjust your breathing while refining chakra to absorb the energy of food in your body.
The operation is simple, easy, and saves a lot of time, you can practice other ninjutsu,
"Kai, have you noticed any disadvantages during the time of practicing breathing?"

Don't just look at the benefits in everything. Although the result was unexpectedly good, the rational three generations still asked a cautious question,

Kai thought for a while and said:
"Yes, there is indeed a problem!"

The five of Tsunade cheered up, and all looked at Kai,
Kay laughed and said:
"It's just that the appetite will increase greatly, because it needs to absorb the energy of food, so it is easy to get hungry. When practicing, you have to eat five or six times more than usual, which may have some restrictions on the economy!"

(End of this chapter)

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