Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 297 Three Infinite Gems

Chapter 297 Six Infinite Gems
"There's not one more, and all I need is one!"

Steve pointed to Jiang Ming next to him, shrugged,

Bucky turned his head to look at Steve, and Jiang Ming, who was concentrating on admiring the surrounding scenery, replied:

"Believe it or not, as long as Jiang takes off his shirt now to reveal his muscles, he will have a wonderful night tonight!"

Steve nodded immediately, he couldn't refute this sentence,
"You really are!"

Jiang Ming looked at the two people making fun of him, smiled helplessly and shook his head,

"Hey Bucky, here!"

At this moment, in front of the stone statue imported by the Future Expo, two Caucasian girls in long skirts enthusiastically waved to Bucky and said,
"The one in the white dress is my girlfriend Annika Jordan, and the one in the red dress is my girlfriend's friend Nina Yuri, who I introduced to you before, and they are all students at Columbia University! "

Bucky explained something to Steve in a low voice, then raised his head and blinked at Jiang Ming who had seen him, and said:
"I introduced it to Steve specially this time. If you are interested, I will ask my girlfriend to introduce another one for you next time!"

"That's unnecessary!"

Jiang Ming quickly smiled and waved his hands,

To be honest, these two Caucasian girls in skirts are not bad looking, youthful and beautiful, fair and beautiful,

However, in terms of the entire Marvel world, the one who really hit Jiang Ming's aesthetics is the widow sister in the Avengers. She has long reddish-brown curly hair and a combat tights.
As soon as Iron Man [-] appeared on the stage, Jiang Ming fell. For Jiang Ming who can't grasp the beauty of Westerners, this is relatively rare.
Of course, the current widow sister should also be a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, carrying out spy missions somewhere in the Soviet Union.


"How did you introduce me!"

Steve, who is not very good at dealing with girls, saw the two beauties on the opposite side, stroked his hair a little nervously and asked in a low voice,
"Don't worry, it's all good words anyway!"

Bucky waved at his girlfriend, then patted Steve on the shoulder encouragingly,
However, Jiang Ming, who knew the ending long ago, couldn't help shaking his head,
For most girls, appearance is justice. No matter how good Bucky described Steve's character, Steve's current thin image is definitely not pleasing.
Especially for most white girls, they prefer tall and big hunks to small fresh meat,
Of course, there is nothing right or wrong about this. Before getting along with each other, the first criterion for choosing a mate of the opposite sex is of course appearance and figure. The same is true for women and men.

Sure enough, after the three of them introduced each other to the two girls and entered the exhibition hall of the Future World Expo together, the girl in the red skirt was not willing to talk to Steve at all.

On the one hand, it was because Steve's body and appearance did not meet her standards, and on the other hand, it was also because Steve basically didn't speak during the whole process. In the end, she became interested in Jiang Ming, who had a bright appearance and came from a foreign country.

However, Jiang Ming didn't have the time to talk to the love-brained girl. What he was really interested in was the various strange and interesting black technologies displayed in the exhibition hall from Stark Industries.

To be honest, although it is the 40s now, some of Marvel's black technologies in the 40s are more developed than some of the technological products in his previous life,
At this time, when Jiang Ming was staring at a showcase in a red uniform that resembled the original Human Torch, cheerful music suddenly sounded in the entire exhibition hall.

And in the center of the booth, a red car, accompanied by five or six models in hip-wrapped skirts and black stockings, slowly climbed up from the bottom of the center booth.

This time, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

After a kick dance among several female models with attractive figures, the leading female model immediately picked up the microphone and shouted excitedly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us please Mr. Howard Stark!"

Hearing the words Howard Stark, there was thunderous applause from the audience,

Accompanied by warm applause and cheers, Howard Stark, the owner of the Future World Expo, the big boss of Stark Industries, and the father of Iron Man, stepped onto the booth calmly,

He first kissed the red lips of the leading female model, then took the microphone and started explaining about the red car.
Looking at wiping lipstick marks with a handkerchief while explaining the future technology car that can be lifted by magnetic force, Jiang Ming couldn't help but sigh, Iron Man really inherited his father's genes perfectly,
Hua Hua Da Shao lives up to her reputation!
In the 40s, Howard actually began to study how to let the car fly by magnetic levitation. It can only be said that he is indeed a proper technological genius. Although the final demonstration was halfway through, the car still broke down and landed.

But even so, everyone present was amazed,
Similarly, looking at the levitating car, Jiang Ming, who had no idea about the next ten years, suddenly had some plans in his mind.
First of all, in the entire current Marvel universe, the most valuable must be the six infinite gems,
Those six infinite gems are the embodiment of the most basic laws in the entire Marvel universe, and they are also the core of this universe.
If he could obtain any one of these gemstones and fully exert its power, Jiang Ming would be far from being able to match them at present.
Take the power gem inside as an example, as long as the power in it is exerted, a planet can be easily destroyed,
Can Jiang Ming's current power destroy a planet?

Of course not!
Even if he used all the magic power in his body to activate the strongest nuclear explosion technique, the power would be stronger than a normal atomic bomb at most, and even worse than a hydrogen bomb.

You must know that after a hydrogen bomb explodes, its instant temperature can reach tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, which is already close to the temperature of the surface of the sun. Of course, different amounts of hydrogen bombs explode with different powers.
According to the understanding of the plot in the previous life, at this time,

The power gem, that is, the cosmic spirit ball, should be on the ancient planet Moraglai. Without a spaceship and an interstellar map, Jiang Ming will definitely not be able to make it through, even if his body can survive in the universe.

I don’t know the location of the Mind Stone. I only know that Thanos got it and gave it to Loki. It was inlaid on Loki’s scepter and brought back to Earth. Jiang Ming can’t get it now.

The soul gem, the Vormir star that has always been in the universe, needs the soul of a loved one to get it. Similarly, without an interstellar map and a spaceship, Jiang Ming cannot get it.
(End of this chapter)

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