Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 298 Let's go to school!

Chapter 298 Let's go to school!


The gem of reality, that is, the ether particle, was sealed in the mysterious space of the earth by Odin's father. It can only be taken out when the celestial bodies converge and the nine worlds communicate, that is, in 2013.
The time gem, also known as the Eye of Agamotto, is currently in the hands of the supreme mage Gu Yi. The ancient mage who owns the time gem has repelled Dormammu many times, yes, it is repelling, not annoying like Doctor Strange Walk,
So now Jiang Ming thinks that he should not be his opponent.
The last one, the Space Gem, or the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, should have been taken away by the Red Skull Schmidt from the church in Tonsberg, Norway, according to time.
This is also the only gem that Jiang Ming can get.
Compared with Jiang Ming, Red Skull Schmidt and his Hydra troops are vulnerable.
However, Jiang Ming didn't intend to take away the space gem right now. After all, he still had to stay in this world for ten years, and he still had some uncertain guesses in his heart.
The six gems representing the rules of the Marvel universe, if they are placed in the main world, will they be useful or not?
Because the six gems are only a medium in the final analysis, a medium that stimulates the power of the law of the universe. When this medium is brought to the main world,
Without the blessing of the rules of the Marvel Universe, can it really still play a corresponding role?
Of course, this has yet to be verified by him!


Except for the six infinity gems, another aspect that Jiang Ming can think of is the strongest spell he created himself - the technique of nuclear explosion.
Because he created a powerful nuclear explosion technique with only a shallow understanding of the principles of nuclear energy,

However, it is precisely because his understanding of nuclear energy is too shallow that his nuclear explosion technique has great flaws. Not only is it slow to launch, but its power is uncontrollable, which can hurt people and self.

So far, he has only used it once, that is, the time he beat the old demon of Heishan. Although he killed the old demon of Heishan, he almost killed himself, Yan Chixia and Zen Master Baiyun together.
Later, through his continuous efforts, he barely solved the shortcoming of launching speed, but the power of the nuclear explosion technique was still uncontrollable.

Now, since he came to 1943, the era when atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs were born one after another, this shortcoming may be truly made up for.

If he can perfect the technique of nuclear explosion in the past ten years, then he will have an extremely powerful trump card!

Even if it is verified later that the infinite gems cannot be used in the main world, it is still worthwhile.

But where to go to learn about the principles of atomic and hydrogen bombs?

In his previous life, he did dabble in some related knowledge about atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, but it was also when he was in school, including what he saw on computers, websites and small videos later.

But did not spend time to study the origin and principle of the atomic bomb and other very detailed content,
After all, an office worker is not a scientist, who would devote all his energy to researching that stuff if he has nothing to do?

He only remembered that atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs appeared one after another in World War II and after World War II. They seemed to be the first to be launched by Taiwan, but before they were invented, they were manufactured by country M first, and two bombs were thrown at country R. ,
The reason seems to be that because of the genocide committed by the Communist Party, many Jewish scientists who studied the atomic bomb and were extremely clever fled the Communist Party in fright and entered the country M.
But in what year and where it was successfully manufactured, Jiang Ming really doesn't remember.
Of course, there is still no rush to study atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. After all, Jiang Ming’s previous college education level is still far from studying nuclear bombs.
He felt that the most important thing for him now was to find a good school, first to supplement the basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and then wait for the atomic bomb to be successfully developed, and then go to study the principle of its explosion.
After all, there are still more than two years to go, and World War II will be over. Before the end of World War II, the atomic bomb must have been developed.

In fact, if it was Jiang Ming's previous life, you asked him to learn mathematics, physics, and chemistry, prepare to study nuclear bombs, and become a scientist, that would be nothing short of fantasy.
When I was in school, I didn't have that learning ability. After working for more than ten years, I don't know how it has degenerated.

But now it's different,

Ever since Jiang Ming became a fairy or a Buddha, now as a fairy Buddha, although he has not grown much in wisdom, becoming a fairy does not grow wisdom, otherwise some fairy Buddhas will not always feel stupid.

However, after becoming an immortal Buddha and possessing the body of an immortal Buddha, his memory ability can be said to have been greatly enhanced. It can be said that he has reached the level of photographic memory.

In fact, whether a person's learning ability is good or not can be summed up in two points, one is memory ability, the other is comprehension ability,

It's just that many people have overturned in terms of memory ability, so they have been studying poorly.
And if you can have the memory ability of photographic memory, even if your comprehension ability is mediocre, your grades will definitely not be so low.
Jiang Ming does not seek to become a super scientist who integrates invention and creation like Howard Stark, or his son, the better Tony Star,
He only needs to use the ability of photographic memory to make up for the knowledge of physics, physics, and chemistry that he has long forgotten, and then learn the principle of launching a nuclear bomb, and finally successfully transform his nuclear explosion technique perfectly.
So, next, go to school!

After finalizing the plan for the next step, Jiang Ming woke up from his contemplation. At this time, Howard Stark and his female models had left the display stand.

"Oh Ginger, did you see Steve?"

At this time, Bucky on the side suddenly noticed that Steve, who had been standing behind, had disappeared at some point, and asked Jiang Ming quickly,

Jiang Ming turned his head and looked at the back, then pointed to a passageway in the distance of the exhibition hall with a sign saying "conscription":

"Maybe you can go over there and have a look. Along the way, I heard Steve talking about being a soldier. Will he sign up again!"

"Fuck, Steve is an idiot!"

Seeing the "conscription" sign, Bucky immediately knew that Steve must have gone there,

Steve is Bucky's best friend since he was a child, and he is also a true best friend. Because Steve is thin and suffers from various diseases,

So in Bucky's eyes, Steve has always been an object that he needs to worry about and protect constantly,

The key point is that Steve's character is still very stubborn. As long as he thinks it is a just thing, he never admits defeat, never bows his head, and never runs away when facing a strong enemy.

Therefore, it also caused him to be beaten frequently!


(End of this chapter)

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