Sweeping the world

Chapter 107 Qiu Zhen

Chapter 107 Qiu Zhen
Standing alone in his yard, Chen Ming was still thinking about the gains and losses of this attack.

From a normal person's point of view, the woman's origin is unknown, and it was definitely a good thing for Xu Qing to coerce Xu Qing into sneaking into the Tianfeng faction, and Chen Ming made a move, and made her escape from the situation of being coerced.

But Chen Ming always felt that this matter couldn't be counted that way.

Is Xu Qing an ordinary person?
He is not.

As someone with great luck, Chen Ming reckoned that even if he was coerced by that woman, he would definitely be able to save himself from danger in the end, and he would be able to gain great benefits from it.It may even be possible to implement the woman's husband.

If we look at it from this corner, wouldn't he destroy Xu Qing's chance to some extent?

Regarding this question, Chen Ming stood there, and after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head helplessly and stopped thinking about this question.

Judging from the scene at the time, it was impossible for him not to take action, and it would be a bit nonsense to pin the future on an invisible and intangible fate.

Now that things have happened, there's no point in worrying about them now.

If you have time to worry about, it is better to use it to practice martial arts.

When Chen Ming thought so, he was on the other side of the Tianfeng faction.

On a vast flat land, Bai Feng walked here quietly.

She didn't walk in those areas where people often walked, but took those remote trails to avoid the nearby outer disciples.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Tianfeng Sect"

Walking on the deserted path, Bai Feng clutched his chest, at this moment he only felt the pain from the knife mark on his chest.

In the face-to-face confrontation with Chen Ming before, the internal injuries caused by Chen Ming seemed to affect the previous wounds, causing her new and old injuries to flare up at the same time, making her body extremely uncomfortable and painful.

"that person"

Walking on the road, Chen Ming's appearance involuntarily appeared in her mind, as well as the invincible and domineering martial arts will that she had felt from the other party before.

Recalling that astonishing martial spirit, she couldn't help sighing in her heart: "That kind of person is really rare in the world, and he would lurk in this small outer sect of the Tianfeng sect."

"In time, this person's future will be unimaginable."

"It's a pity that I bumped into it so quickly."

The corners of her mouth were bitter, and she stood there for a long, long time before she managed to calm down the boiling blood in her body, and her face became extremely pale.

"I can't go yet."

"The secret store will be opened after a while, no matter what, let's get through this period of time."

This thought flashed through her mind, then she looked ahead, after a moment of hesitation, she took out a mask and slowly covered her face.

It didn't take long for her image to change suddenly, from the original beautiful woman to an ordinary woman with ordinary appearance.

After doing this, her figure flashed and quickly disappeared in place.

Time passed slowly, and soon, another half a month passed.

Xu Qing finally persuaded Song Ling to come back.

In fact, the little girl had already guessed that something was wrong with Bai Feng, and she also had some guesses in her heart at the time. Now, after Xu Qing's explanation and Chen Ming's testimony, she forgave Xu Qing once and moved back soon.

Time passed so uneventfully, Xu Qing and Chen Ming seemed to have forgotten what happened that day.

Chen Ming didn't take the initiative to mention why he had to hide his abilities, and Xu Qing didn't take the initiative to ask.

The two of them kept in touch like this, never mentioning what happened that day.

Days seemed to be calm again.

Song Ling sewed clothes for the two as always, and occasionally went down the mountain to look at the surrounding fields and shops to prepare for the marriage in the future.

Chen Ming practiced martial arts and read books as in the past, acting like an outsider disciple who pursued improvement.

The only thing that has changed is Xu Qing.

Another morning.

Standing on the deserted martial arts arena, Xu Qing's face was full of joy.

"Finally... I finally reached the tempering!!"

He looked at his hands and the calluses on them, and wept with joy at this moment.

Tendon Tempering Realm, this level is not considered weak even in the Tianfeng Sect, which is full of masters.

Outer disciples are generally tendon-strengthening, but in fact, most of those outer disciples are from wealthy families and have practiced martial arts since childhood, so they can reach the cultivation level of tendon-strengthening at a young age.

If you really rely on yourself, those who have been promoted from the handyman disciples to the tempering state are undoubtedly true geniuses.

Even for those geniuses who really rely on their own promotion and tempering, if they want to truly achieve this achievement, at least they will have to go through four or five years of practice.

As for Xu Qing, it took less than two months from forging the bones to tempering the tendons.

In less than two months, from forging bones to tempering tendons, even in this Tianfeng sect, I am afraid that no one can do it.

"If someone told me a few months ago that I could not only really practice martial arts, but even reach the level of muscle strengthening within two months, I would definitely think him crazy."

Standing where he was, feeling the strength rising from his body, Xu Qing sighed deeply: "But now I really did it."

"Things are impermanent, that's all."

"You're still early."

In the mind, You Huo's voice sounded again: "It's just a promotion and tempering, what is there to be proud of?"

"You possess the Heavenly Fire Divine Meridian, and your cultivation speed is far superior to that of ordinary people. The so-called geniuses among mortals, except for a few special physiques, cannot compare with you."

"Plus, you still have Soul Cultivation Jade."

"Soul-nourishing jade is a supreme treasure. It can not only nourish the soul, but also nourish the body and body quietly, making the body and blood more powerful."

"With a body with divine veins and soul-nourishing jade, it would be incredible if you couldn't be promoted within two months."

"Uncle You taught you a lesson."

Xu Qing took the lead to admit his mistake with a smile, and then said curiously: "Do members of the Tianhuo clan practice at such a speed?"

"That's not so."

Uncle You said: "I said your cultivation speed is average, and I'm talking about it by the standards of the Skyfire Royal Family."

"The royal family of Tianhuo has strong divine veins in their bodies and outstanding talents. No matter what kind of martial arts they practice, they can get twice the result with half the effort."

"But in fact, among the Tianhuo clan, the royal family is relatively rare. Most of the Tianhuo clan are just ordinary clansmen. Although they also have divine veins in their bodies, they are very thin, and their cultivation speed is only comparable to what ordinary people call geniuses. Not for a royal family like yours."

"However, among the people I know, there are quite a few who practice faster than you."

"Don't talk about others, just your big brother, his cultivation speed will definitely surpass yours."

"Brother, can't you?"

Xu Qing froze for a moment, and said with some uncertainty.

"I'm not much older than you, right? Practicing the deleted Tianfeng body training method, without a teacher's instruction, and groping alone, I can reach this level at a young age. What does that mean?"

You Huo then said: "I suspect that your elder brother is probably not an ordinary person either, either he also has some kind of divine veins, or some kind of unique physique."

"It's a pity that I don't have a physical body now, only the soul remains, but I can't see clearly."

In You Huo's mind, Chen Ming's strength is unlikely to be obtained suddenly, so it is unlikely to be achieved by practicing the Burning Body Method, so he can only practice the Nine Peaks Body Refining Method.

In fact, to a certain extent, he was right in thinking this way.

In addition to raising the body burning method to the peak, Chen Ming also raised the peak body training method to the top by the way.

"Is it like this?"

Listening to You Huo's narration, Xu Qing was a little stunned.

This is indeed the best explanation.

In terms of age, although Chen Ming looks much tougher, he is actually not much older than Xu Qing. It is not normal to have such strength.

If the other party, like him, also has some kind of divine veins, or a special physique, then this matter can be explained clearly.

As for why the other party didn't tell him about it before, Xu Qing automatically figured it out.

"Perhaps it's because my brother, like me, also has some reason, so he can't reveal his divine physique."

Stand where you are, he thought.

Xu Qing possessed the divine vein of Heaven and Fire, but he couldn't reveal it easily.

Because, according to what Youhuo said, the Tianhuo clan was the former archenemy of the Tianfeng faction, and the hatred between the two sides could hardly be reconciled.

In this Tianfeng faction, once Xu Qing reveals the fact that he has the Heavenly Fire Divine Meridian, his fate may be worrisome.

Because of this experience, Xu Qing understood Chen Ming's behavior of concealing himself very well, and even felt a sense of sympathy.

Standing there for a while, because it was getting late, Xu Qing looked around and prepared to go back and have lunch together.

Walking on the road, there was a noisy sound around.

"Senior Brother Qiu, please go this way."

A burst of sound came from the front.

Xu Qing looked up, and saw a handsome young man in a purple robe, with a gloomy demeanor, walking forward, surrounded by outer disciples of the Tianfeng Sect.

"It's him?"

Looking at the young man, Xu Qing was taken aback.

As a handyman disciple born and raised in Tianfeng Sect, although Xu Qing's status is low, he still has some knowledge, and he also knows some influential figures in the sect.

Of course, it is the kind of recognition that he knows the other person and the other person does not know him.

The young man in purple robe in front of him is one of the influential figures in Tianfeng Sect.

This person's name is Qiu Zhen, and it is said that he has an extraordinary background, and he is even more talented. He has reached the state of perfect body training at a young age, and he is a leading figure among the inner disciples of the Tianfeng School.

This kind of person should have worshiped under a certain elder long ago and became a true disciple.

But the other party not only has a high level of cultivation, but it is also said that his vision is also very high, and he only wants to be under the head of the sect, so he has not been promoted to the true biography.

But even so, the other party's disciples in the Tianfeng Sect were no lower than the true disciples at all. Even the ordinary true disciples bowed their heads and called themselves juniors when they saw him, which showed how powerful the other party was.

Why did such an outstanding figure suddenly come to the outer door?
(End of this chapter)

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