Sweeping the world

Chapter 108 Secret Realm Portal

Chapter 108 Secret Realm Portal
In the same place, looking at Qiu Zhen who was gradually approaching here surrounded by a large group of people in the distance, Xu Qing pondered for a moment, and finally left with his head down.

No matter what the other party's business is here, it's none of his business.

The other party is an inner disciple of the Tianfeng sect and a figure in the sect, and Xu Qing is just a small handyman, so the two sides can't get along at all.

"This junior brother looks very unfamiliar." A soft voice sounded on the spot.

What Xu Qing didn't expect, he took the initiative to bow his head and leave, but the other side took the initiative to stop him.

Looking at Xu Qing, Qiu Zhen had a gentle face, and asked softly, "Are you a new disciple?"

"He is not." Someone among the outer disciples surrounding him said.

"This person is not a new disciple of the outer sect, but just a handyman. He barely stays in the outer sect because of his sworn brother."

Someone explained.

Hearing these people's words, Xu Qing's eyelids twitched, but he didn't say anything, but lowered his head even lower, acting like a normal handyman disciple.

"It turned out to be the younger brother from the periphery."

Waving his hand, Qiu Zhen stopped the voices of the surrounding people. Looking at Xu Qing, Qiu Zhen smiled, but his attitude did not change. He just cupped his hands at Xu Qing, then turned and left.

After he left, after a certain distance, Xu Qing heard a voice from the opposite side.

"Senior brother Qiu is really kind-hearted. Even with a handyman, he can be so gentle and respectful. He is really a role model for us."

"I'll admire it."

A large number of compliments came from the front, passing into Xu Qing's ears intermittently.

Hearing this, Xu Qing shook his head, although he felt uncomfortable, he didn't feel anything at all.

As a handyman disciple, these humiliations are nothing more than family fortune.

If he had to go to war every time, or even fight back, then he would not have survived long ago.

There is a difference between the top and bottom, and the order of respect and inferiority is the norm.

You are weak, you want to lie down.

"In a while, after the tendon tempering state is stabilized, go to be promoted to an outer disciple."

Looking at those people who were far away, thinking about what those people said just now, this thought flashed in Xu Qing's mind, and then he turned and left directly.

that night.

Before it was too late, Xu Qing did not take a rest, but practiced martial arts in the yard with a bamboo sword.

His movements were sharp, his whole body was highly concentrated, his thoughts were completely condensed on the bamboo sword in his hand, and he used an unusually sharp method.

After a while, he slowly slowed down his hand movements and finished a complete set of sword skills. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person immediately relaxed.

"very good."

In the mind, Youhuo's voice continued to sound: "In just two months, Qing'er, you have already gotten started with this wind-chasing swordsmanship. It's really good to have such comprehension."

"Uncle You won the prize."

Xu Qing muttered in his heart, and talked to Youhuo, "It's still far away."

He put down the crude bamboo sword in his hand, and was about to enter the room to rest, then he was taken aback, and subconsciously took out something from his chest.

It was a piece of black crystal jade with mottled marks and a mark in the shape of a flame.

At this moment, this piece of jade is gradually heating up, and it seems that some kind of energy is spreading on it and reaching Xu Qing's body.

"Soul Cultivation Jade has a sense"

In the mind, You Huo's voice sounded again, with some surprise at the moment: "There is a secret place nearby!"

"Secret realm?"

Xu Qing was a little puzzled.

"The so-called secret realms are places specially opened up by people, and are often used to store certain precious things."

"That is to say, the secret realm is dedicated to storing things?"

Xu Qing said.

"you can say it this way."

Youhuo continued: "But those that can be specially stored in the secret realm are mostly good things."

"Qing'er, this is a great opportunity."

In his mind, he said: "There are not too many opportunities to open the secret realm, and even rarer to have the opportunity to enter it. Hurry up and have a look!"

"Will it be dangerous?"

Xu Qing said with some hesitation: "Just look for it directly, what if someone has already entered there? Don't you want to be caught straight?"

"rest assured."

You Huo said in relief: "Do you think that everyone has the treasure of nourishing soul jade?"

"When the secret realm is just opened, it is the most difficult to find. According to the normal situation, it will take at least a few months before it gradually reveals its traces and is discovered."

"Before this period of time, unless you are holding a treasure like Soul Cultivation Jade, it is unlikely to find that secret realm."

"Is that so"

Hearing this, Xu Qing gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

He looked behind him, at the yard behind him, and after thinking for a while, he didn't call Chen Ming out immediately.

"After you find out the location of the secret realm and how to enter it, it's not too late to call Big Brother there."

Looking at the yard in the distance, he thought to himself: "Brother is tired from running around on weekdays, it's rare for him to rest so early, let him sleep for a while."

Thinking of this, he turned around directly, holding the Soul Cultivation Jade in his hand, and walked towards the direction sensed in the distance.

In situ, a breeze blows slowly.

After Xu Qing left for a while, a gust of wind blew by, and then a figure slowly walked out from the side.

Under the dark night, Chen Ming was wearing a black robe, looking helplessly at the direction Xu Qing left.

"It's really worrying."

Looking at the rapidly growing source power in front of his eyes, Chen Ming sighed softly.

Just now, he was meditating in the room.

As a result, he was meditating well, but he was suddenly shocked by the sudden increase of source power in front of him, and immediately understood that something happened to Xu Qing again.

He walked out of the room, looked at the direction where Xu Qing was far away, lowered his head in thought for a moment, then raised his head and continued to chase forward.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, the night in the sky gradually became darker, and it was already late at night.

Following the induction of the soul-nourishing jade in his hand, Xu Qing walked to a barren flat land alone.

This place also belonged to the resident of the outer disciples, but it was very barren.

The Tianfeng faction occupies a huge area, even the area occupied by the outer sect disciples is as large as several county towns.

With such a huge area, there are too many places that are desolate.

This is the case in front of this area.

Although it is also in the outer sect, this place is far away from the place where the outer sect disciples live. There are no people around, only some low-pitched insects are constantly ringing.

"right here?"

Walking here quickly from the small path, Xu Qing frowned a little as he watched the scene changes around him: "How do you find such a big place?"

According to You Huo, when the secret realm first appeared in the world, there was often no trace.

At this time, even if the existence of the secret realm is sensed, it is extremely difficult to find someone to enter successfully.

This problem is actually easy to solve.

As long as a period of time passes, when the secret realm gradually appears, the entrance to the secret realm will open.

But in this way, there are new problems.

When the entrance opens automatically, the present world of the secret realm will be discovered. At that time, the entire Tianfeng faction will be moved by the news. Which round will Xu Qing come over?
"Look for it slowly."

In the mind, You Huo's voice sounded: "The secret realm has just appeared, and now there are at least a few months before the real world, we can find it slowly."

"we can only do this."

Xu Qing nodded, and then wanted to move on, searching for the entrance.

However, the next moment, his eyes froze.

In his field of vision, a figure slowly emerged in front of him.

It was a young man in a white robe, with a handsome face and a gloomy demeanor. He was walking around in front of him at the moment, as if he was looking for something around.

This person is none other than Qiu Zhen who Xu Qing met once during the day.

"It's him!"

Seeing Qiu Zhen walking around in the distance, Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, thinking of the scene of meeting during the day, and then suddenly said: "No wonder."

During the day, he saw Qiu Zhen walking around in the outer gate, and he felt strange in his heart.

But thinking about it now, the other party probably knew that a secret realm here was about to appear, so they made preparations early.

"what should I do now?"

Quietly hiding in a corner, looking at Qiu Zhen who was constantly looking for him in the distance, Xu Qing frowned, and this thought flashed in his mind.

With Qiu Zhen here, his plan for this trip has been completely ruined.

The opponent is an inner disciple of the Tianfeng Sect, no matter in terms of status, status or strength, they can all crush him.

With the other party here, he has no chance at all.

"It's impossible for him to stay here 24 hours a day. I'll go back first, and then ask my elder brother to come over and help."

On the spot, this thought flashed through his mind, and then the figure slowly retreated.

Because he was afraid that Qiu Zhen, who was facing him, would find out that his movements were very light, and he didn't dare to make the slightest sound.

Slowly, he hid behind a boulder, stretched out his right hand, touched the boulder, and wanted to use his strength to retreat.

A burst of light suddenly spread, and then Xu Qing froze immediately.

The moment his hand touched the big stone in front of him, the soul-nourishing jade on his chest suddenly burst into light, and the shimmering light diffused from it shone on the stone in front of him, slowly arousing a resonance.

The boulder in front of him suddenly burst, and a little bit of light reflected on it, gradually forming a purple portal, standing there clearly.

The gate to the secret realm is open!
Looking at the purple portal that opened in front of him, Xu Qing's figure froze. At this moment, there was no joy and excitement in his heart, only incomparable complexity.

Because in the distance, with the opening of the purple portal, the unique fluctuation spread out, and was spotted by Qiu Zhen in the distance at the first time, and then he looked directly at it.

"Damn it!!"

Xu Qing's face turned green on the spot. Feeling the sound of footsteps coming from a distance, and the faint killing intent, his mood was extremely complicated at this moment.

Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped straight into the purple portal that opened in front of him.

 Thank you book friend Lian Jian Chengsi for the reward of 1 starting coins, thank you book friend Sunny Oat for the reward of [-] starting coins, thank you book friend Struggle for the [-] starting coins rewarded by Lonely [-], and thank you book friend Ru Thanks to book friend DMine for the reward of [-] starting coins, thanks to book friend maikecheng for the reward of [-] starting coins, thanks to book friend herostars for the reward of [-] starting coins, thanks to book friend Jin Taixi One hundred starting coins rewarded by Guoda~~~(*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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