Sweeping the world

Chapter 109 Buddha Statue

Chapter 109 Buddha Statue
"So brave!!"

A shout suddenly came from the front, and quickly spread to the surrounding places.

Looking at Xu Qing's figure disappearing into the purple portal, Qiu Zhen yelled violently, and then the whole figure flickered and rushed directly into the purple portal.

As his figure flashed past, his figure disappeared immediately, just like Xu Qing before.

After he got in, it was far from over.

In the same place, after confirming Qiu Zhen's departure, a burst of faint footsteps came slowly, and then a figure of a woman in white slowly emerged.

It was Bai Feng, wearing the familiar white clothes at the moment, but the appearance of her face had changed, not her own appearance, but an image of an ordinary girl.

She looked at the purple portal that appeared in front of her eyes, and walked in without any hesitation.

After she left, it took a long time for Chen Ming to come out slowly.

"What can i say?"

Looking at the purple portal in front of him, Chen Ming's eyes were complicated.

All kinds of operations tonight made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It was so easy for Xu Qing to open such a difficult-to-find secret portal, which already made Chen Ming's eyelids twitch.

The woman in white who disappeared before also appeared, and it seemed that she had been lurking here for a long time.

Obviously, the other party's purpose is also this secret realm, but because of Qiu Zhen's existence before, they have been lurking aside, and did not come out until Qiu Zhen also entered.

"Qiu Zhen, and that mysterious woman, each one of them is nothing to be trifled with."

Looking at the portal ahead, Chen Ming sighed softly: "Is the protagonist's life really turbulent and magnificent?"

He sighed softly, and then turned around a few times to confirm that there were no other Voldemorts around, before walking in slowly.

In the same place, with a flash of phantom, the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and soon came to a new place.

"The concentration of vitality is hardly inferior to that of the imperial tomb."

Coming to the secret realm, sensing the changes in the surrounding environment, Chen Ming thought in his heart.

Standing where he was, he surveyed his surroundings.

Surrounding it was a very simple-looking hall. Around the hall, thick dust had accumulated on the ground, which seemed to have been accumulated for a long time.

Chen Ming looked around and found that there was not even a sound around, as quiet as if there was no one in the place.

"It seems that it is not a fixed teleportation point, but random."

Looking at the surrounding scenery, feeling the extreme tranquility and silence, Chen Ming thought so, and then walked forward slowly.

He walked very slowly, and he didn't look anxious at all. He didn't look like he was searching for the ruins, but he seemed to be taking a walk in the garden.

Chen Ming was not worried about Xu Qing's safety.

Since this place is teleported randomly, the probability of Xu Qing teleporting with the rest of the people is very small. In a short period of time, there should be no problem with safety.

Besides, in terms of the other party's protagonist's fate, Chen Ming felt that instead of caring about the other party, he should care more about himself.

Walking out of the dusty hall, to the outside, followed by an old building complex.

The buildings here look very old and old, and the surrounding corners are full of dust, and I don't know how long it has accumulated.

Occasionally, Chen Ming would also walk into these buildings to see if he could find some extra gains.

The result disappointed him.

There are quite a lot of things left in this building, but most of them are old and broken things, which have basically been turned into dust for a long time, and there is not much practicality at all.

Occasionally, I found a few bottles of medicine bottles that were suspected to be pills, but when I opened them, there were only medicine dregs left inside, not much at all.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the pile of rubbish around him, Chen Ming made malicious speculations: "Is it because my hands are relatively dark and I just teleported to a place where there is no oil or water, or is this place just as poor as it is?"

This question is destined to have no answer.

But Chen Ming didn't admit that he was guilty at all, so he continued to walk forward with a gloomy face.

I don't know if it was really bad luck. He searched eighteen buildings in a row, but finally found nothing except a few rusty weapons.

Time gradually passed.

With a sullen face, he finally walked through the area and came to an empty hall.

Compared with other rooms searched before, there are very few things in this hall, only a black statue standing quietly in the center of the hall.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming looked forward.

The statue in front of him was black, it looked like it was made of some kind of black metal, and it looked like a middle-aged monk.


Looking at the statue in front of him, Chen Ming was stunned.

After coming to this world, in order to better understand various information of this world, he inquired about a lot of things.

According to what he learned, there are no monks in this world.

At least not near the Tianfeng faction.

So what happened to the monk statue in front of me?

"Is it a coincidence, or is there actually a Buddhist gate in this world, but I didn't discover it before?"

Thinking about what he had learned during this period of time, Chen Ming frowned and thought.

However, it was rare to see something like a statue. Chen Ming stepped forward and stretched out one hand, ready to test the material of the statue.

If the material is good, maybe you can carry it back and melt down a few weapons.

The next moment, Chen Ming was stunned.

As if sensing his thoughts, the statue in front of him suddenly changed.

A pair of eyes slowly opened, looking straight at Chen Ming.


Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, startled by the sudden change in front of him for a moment, and said subconsciously.

"It's barely alive."

In front of his eyes, the black statue of the monk took a step back, several feet away from Chen Ming, and then put his palms together and said, "The poor monk Fahui, I have seen the benefactor."

What he spoke was not any language Chen Ming was familiar with. It was different from the language of Dagan world and this world, but it had a unique power that made Chen Ming understand him easily. the meaning of.

"who are you?"

Chen Ming said with a strange expression on his face.

"Benefactor, since you broke into this secret realm, don't you even know who the owner of this secret realm is?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Fa Hui smiled and said so.

"Master of the Secret Realm"

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and accepted all this calmly: "Trespassing here without authorization, disturbing the master, I hope you will forgive me."

"It's okay."

Fahui clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face: "The secret realm is set up here, and it was originally prepared for people with predestined relationship."

"Since you can break into it, you are naturally destined, so why bother?"

 Thank you book friend LHY for the reward of 99 book coins, thank you book friend Zilong for the reward of [-] book coins, thank you book friend REMOVE EVIL for the reward of [-] book coins, and thank you book friend Mr. Jie who did not want to be named for the reward [-] starting coins. (ω)
  Jienan is leaving for Luoyang tomorrow, does anyone want to meet up?
(End of this chapter)

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