Sweeping the world

Chapter 117 Zhao Ji

Chapter 117 Zhao Ji
"Ah Qing was arrested?"

Just sitting down, when he heard the news suddenly, Chen Ming was stunned for a while, and then said: "Take your time, speak slowly."

"It's been a while since I left the Tianfeng faction, and I'm still a little unclear about what happened during this period, so just tell me about it."


Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Zhao Ji felt a little helpless, but finally sat down and said, "The thing is like this."

Sitting in front of Chen Ming, he began to slowly talk about what happened during this period of time.

Things have to start from the end of the assessment day.

From Zhao Ji's mouth, Chen Ming finally understood Xu Qing's legendary experience.

His face was calm at first, then changed slightly, and in the end, cold sweat almost broke out on his face. Although he was prepared for this in his heart, at this time, he still had the urge to turn around and run.

According to Zhao Ji, after Xu Qing returned to Tianfeng that day, it was like a changed person, and his strength suddenly increased.

He was originally just an ordinary handyman disciple, but he quickly passed the examination within a few days and became an outer disciple.

Not only that, just a month ago, he also showed his enlightened strength in the annual martial arts competition, and even fought across the ranks, defeating Qiu Zhen, who is known as the number one in the inner sect, in one fell swoop. For a time, the limelight was unlimited, and he became the man of the day in the entire Tianfeng sect.

In a short period of time, he has quickly become a top figure in the inner sect from a humble and lowly disciple of the medicine hall handyman. It is said that even several elders were alarmed and showed great interest in him, as if they wanted to accept him. It is a disciple.

However, while the limelight is boundless, Xu Qing has caused many disasters.

Because of his outspokenness, he not only offended several true disciples in the faction, but also allegedly murdered several holy disciples of martial arts holy places, including Da Mogu, during an expedition, which seemed to offend a large number of surrounding forces for a while.

If only this is the case.

Although his ability to cause trouble is not small, but his talent is outstanding and he has a bright future. He is one of the most outstanding disciples in the Tianfeng Sect.

As one of Genzheng Miaohong's own people and one of the holy lands of martial arts, there is still no problem for the Tianfeng faction to protect Xu Qing.

However, some time ago, there was another new news.

A law enforcement elder from Damo Valley came in person, and together with the elders from Tianfeng sent Xu Qing to capture him, and directly took him into the Law Enforcement Hall.

"After Xu Qing was arrested, I was afraid that senior brother Liu would be implicated, so I asked around to find out what happened. I happened to hear a few senior brothers talking, saying that Xu Qing was from the Tianhuo clan and was sent by the kingdom of Tianhuo to lurk. There is no doubt about death."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ji's expression became anxious again, and he looked at Chen Ming and said repeatedly: "This is a serious crime, and the law enforcement elders will order a thorough investigation at that time. With the relationship between you and Xu Qing, Senior Brother Liu, you must be investigated afterwards!"

"Now that Xu Qing has just been arrested, Senior Brother Liu, you should leave quickly!!"

He looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and said anxiously.

"Qiu Zhen. Da Mogu. And what about the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein?"

Sitting quietly on the spot, listening to Zhao Ji's narration, Chen Ming didn't have any special reaction, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched. At this moment, he felt inexplicably complicated.

The reason why this mood is complicated is that in addition to lamenting the rise of these protagonists and the legend of their experiences, it is also mixed with worries about the future.

"This time, will I be hammered to death before I have mastered the Great Chu martial arts?"

Recalling Zhao Ji's previous narration, Chen Ming couldn't help flashing this thought in his mind, feeling deeply worried about his future.

But no matter how worried you are, the facts in front of you have already formed, no matter how complicated your mood is, it is too late now.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head, then turned to look at Zhao Ji in front of him, and asked: "You know that Xu Qing was arrested, and you also know that I may be implicated next, so you dare to come to me? "

"Aren't you afraid that if someone finds out, you'll tip me off and trap you in the end?"

He looked at Zhao Ji in front of him and asked.

"Brother Liu was joking."

Seeing Chen Ming speak like this, Zhao Ji got up quickly in front of his eyes, looking a little terrified: "Brother Liu fell ill at the time, it was Brother Liu who gave me a meal. I still don't know how to repay this kindness. "

"Brother Liu has received your kindness. Although I, Zhao Ji, are lowly, I am not a person who does not know good and bad. Since I have the opportunity, I should naturally repay it."

"I didn't expect that your disposition is quite good."

Looking at Zhao Ji in front of him, Chen Ming smiled, and then said, "It's just that it's good to repay your kindness, but it's not good if it hurts your family."

"If you are discovered this time, have you ever thought about whether your family will be implicated because of your momentary loyalty?"

"This this."

Zhao Ji froze in place, not knowing what to say for a while.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Ming to say that.

"Forget it this time, and the next time something like this happens, you just sit on the sidelines."

Seeing Zhao Ji's reaction in front of him, Chen Ming smiled, then stretched out his right finger and tapped directly on Zhao Ji's forehead.

A majestic message manifested along this finger, which contained two martial arts, and just passed along the finger to Zhao Ji's mind.

"This is." Immediately, Zhao Ji's face revealed a look of astonishment.

"These are two martial arts. I picked them out on purpose. They should be suitable for your situation."

Looking at Zhao Ji, Chen Ming said calmly: "If you have talent and perseverance, you will naturally be able to get out of the current situation in the future."

"No more words."

Seeing that Zhao Ji opened his mouth to speak, Chen Ming smiled and said, "You and I don't have much contact with each other. If you didn't come over this time and didn't meet me, then naturally there is nothing to say, but since you have a good heart Come, then I am willing to do some easy work."

"Let's go now."

He said lightly: "I will stay here for a while, you go to the law enforcement hall and tell the people inside."

"Let's just say, I, Xu Qing's sworn brother, am standing here now, let them come and catch me."

"Big Brother Liu!"

Zhao Ji's eyes were red, and he instantly understood what Chen Ming meant.

He wanted him to tip off the news to clear up his suspicions, and even give him some credit.

Not only donating martial arts to give him a chance to succeed, but also taking the initiative to take risks so that he can wash away his credit.

Staring blankly at Chen Ming, Zhao Ji froze on the spot, only feeling a hot current rushing through his heart at this moment, making him almost have the urge to cry.

From childhood to adulthood, apart from his own old mother, no one has ever treated him so well.

Looking at Chen Ming, he gritted his teeth, finally knelt down, and knocked his head heavily on the ground: "Brother Liu, great kindness, Zhao Ji will never repay you in this life!"

"In the future, if Zhao Ji is able to succeed, he will do everything to repay big brother!!"

"Brother, if you enter the Tianfeng sect, you will die!"

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed with a light that is not easy to identify, and his thoughts at this moment seemed extremely pure and hot: "Then, Zhao Ji will flatten this Tianfeng and avenge you, brother!!"

boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, endless Buddhist voices suddenly rose up.

Sitting there, through the instinctive induction of the high-level Buddha blood in his body, Chen Ming could only feel circles of purple suddenly rising up on Zhao Ji in front of him, gradually changing from silence to activeness, and then instantly turning into a purple circle full of evil spirits. Black dragon with sin.

A roar of dragon chant sounded, and as Zhao Jili made his promise, the black dragon roared, uttered a loud dragon chant, and directly bombarded Chen Ming's body.

Immediately, Chen Ming froze directly. His whole body was rushed by the black dragon condensed by the purple energy, and he was directly shocked by it. He couldn't move at all, and could only keep his previous appearance motionless.

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Zhao Ji thought that he didn't want to talk, so he could only take a deep breath, then heavily kowtowed a few times at Chen Ming's feet, then respectfully bowed to Chen Ming, and then turned and left.

In the same place, after Zhao Ji left for a long time, Chen Ming slowly realized.

"What else can I say!!"

Looking at the direction where Zhao Ji left in the distance, Chen Ming felt that his heart was galloping, and his mood was extremely complicated.

This time, it was hard for him to tell exactly what kind of mood he was in. He just felt like he had planted a big prize, but he seemed to pass by again?
It was obviously just doing some good deeds with good intentions for a while, but in the end, a man of destiny exploded?
"Why are there two lucky people in a small Tianfeng faction at the same time?"

At this moment, Chen Ming complained wildly in his heart, only feeling that his heart was very tired.

He only knew Xu Qing's identity, but forcibly missed another lucky man under his nose!
If he had known that this would happen, he would have prepared for it early.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now.

"Fortunately, there are some gains anyway."

Getting up from the spot, he shook his head, barely cleared his thoughts, and then looked at the source interface.

Source Power: 541.81
Martial Arts: Great Compassion Seal, Great Chu Wu Jing.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin
Bloodline: Buddha's blood (advanced)
It has to be said that the wave just now came so violently that the source power on Chen Ming's body jumped from less than one hundred to over five hundred.

For the current situation, this is also a rare good news.

"Maybe this time, maybe I don't have to be hammered to death?"

He smiled, spoke self-deprecatingly, and then looked up into the distance.

In the distance, Zhao Ji's figure had disappeared. Counting the time, he should be almost at his destination now.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming stepped forward, got up from the spot, and started walking towards the distance.

Just as he walked out of the house, a gust of wind blew in, picking up Chen Ming's hair and blowing his long hair away.

Feeling this, he turned to look.

I saw that outside the old yard, the vegetables on the flat ground were growing very well, and it seemed that they were carefully cared for.

It's just that at this moment, the people who planted these vegetable seedlings are no longer here.

Perhaps, never come back.

 Thank you book friends for forgetting the 577 starting point coins rewarded by [-]~~~Good night everyone~~~(*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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