Sweeping the world

Chapter 118 Persecution and Choice

Chapter 118 Persecution and Choice
While Chen Ming was still silent in the courtyard, in another corner of the Tianfeng faction, a trial was going on.

"Xu Qing, what else do you have to say?"

In the majestic and sacred hall, a divine mirror floats quietly at the top of the hall, and there are faint lights blooming in it, shining on someone in front of him.

Kneeling quietly outside the hall, Xu Qing was in a state of embarrassment, with dense wounds and scarlet blood all over his body.

In front of him, the mysterious and vast ancient mirror shone with brilliance, shining its power on his body, and there were Taoist and divine patterns flashing in it, gradually interweaving into a scarlet fiery texture in the ancient mirror.

Sky Vulcan pattern! !
"Sure enough, it's the God of Fire!!"

Standing quietly at both ends of the main hall, looking at the flame texture emerging from the ancient mirror, a middle-aged man with a thin figure and serious face, wearing a blue robe showed anger on his face: "What a remnant of the Skyfire clan! , unexpectedly mingled into this ancient domain majestically!!"

"Brothers of the Tianfeng faction, what are you waiting for!!"

Looking at Xu Qing in front of him, with raging anger on his face, he turned to look at the other people in the hall, with a deep murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "Under the magic mirror, this son's heels have been exposed. Do not hurry!!"


In the main hall, after hearing these words, several law enforcement elders of the Tianfeng sect had different reactions.

Some people were full of killing intent, some were expressionless, and some showed hesitation.

But generally speaking, there are far more people with killing intent on their faces than those who hesitate.

"Junior Brother Liu calm down for now."

An old man from the Tianfeng Sect opened his mouth, and said in a gentle voice, "This son has been proved guilty, but he is a disciple of my Tianfeng Sect. How he should be judged is up to our sect to decide."

"It's just as it should be."

Listening to the old man's words, the elder Liu who had spoken before barely suppressed the murderous intent in his heart, and then said: "It's just that this son has entrapped several true disciples of my Da Mogu one after another, and even killed the next generation of saints who were scheduled by my Da Mogu." Zikeng kill, if I don’t kill this person, even if I don’t dare to say anything today, I, Da Mogu, will definitely come to ask for an explanation in the future!!”

"Junior Brother Liu, please rest assured."

The old man laughed and said, "Today, I, the Tianfeng faction, will definitely give your faction a satisfactory answer."

Hearing these words, Elder Liu's face paled slightly, he barely suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and silently retreated to the side.

After comforting Elder Liu, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and looked towards the front of the hall.

In front of the main hall, a high platform stood quietly.

And on the high platform, a figure sat there quietly.

It was a small-looking young man with a skinny figure and a handsome appearance. Although he just sat there without saying a word, he still had a heart-wrenching demeanor.

However, although he looks young, there is still some vicissitudes and indifference between his brows, and he looks completely different from normal young people.

"Please judge the Supreme Elder!"

Looking at the young man sitting on the high platform, the old man took a deep breath, then bowed deeply, and asked him for instructions.

Going up tall, hearing the old man's words, the young man nodded slightly, then opened his eyes and looked down.

"Xu Qing."

Looking down at Xu Qing, who was bound by heavy restrictions and could only kneel there powerlessly, he said lightly, "Are you guilty?"

"What is my fault?"

Below the main hall, listening to the young man's questioning, Xu Qing raised his head slowly, revealing a face that was not resolute but resolute.

Restricted by many restrictions, and his tyrannical force was abolished by others, he looked extremely weak at this moment, no different from an ordinary person.

But even so, in him, that energy is particularly domineering, with a boldness that is unique in the world, and his fortitude is unshakable.

"You have repeatedly wounded Qiu Zhen, an inner disciple, and you have even attacked the true disciple of your fellow sect several times. You disregarded the superiority and inferiority of the upper and lower, violated the friendship of the same sect and killed brothers, and violated the sect's rules."

"You, do you know your mistake?"

Looking at Xu Qing from above, the young man said with a flat face.

"Tianfeng Sect's sect rules do not allow members of the same sect to fight each other, why do they turn a blind eye to Qiu Zhen who repeatedly attacked me?"

Xu Qing's face was stern, and he said coldly: "Or, because of his noble status and several true disciples, so he can only kill me, and I am not allowed to kill him?"

"Bold!!" The voice fell, and a roar came.

In the surrounding area, upon hearing Xu Qing's words, the complexions of several law enforcement elders changed drastically, with strong anger appearing on their faces, and they wanted to step forward to teach him a lesson of regret for life.

But the next moment, the young man waved his hand, and the elders who spoke out suddenly died down. Although there was anger on their faces, they still didn't dare to make trouble here, so they could only step back and stare at him angrily.

Sitting quietly at the top, the young man's face was flat and he looked happy and angry about Xu Qing's answer, but he continued to speak: "In the secret treasure of the New Year, you and outsiders successively attacked Da Mogu and other holy places, a total of more than a dozen people Do you know that you are guilty of murdering nearly a hundred ordinary disciples in the real world?"

"Killers, I will always kill them!"

Xu Qing raised his head high, without the slightest bit of shame on his face: "Those people in Da Mogu enjoy killing people and taking robbery for fun. The number of people killed along the way is at least tens of thousands. They are not worthy of being human at all, they are just livestock!"

"Since they are livestock, what is the crime of killing them?"

"You!!" On the side, Elder Liu from Da Mogu couldn't help but uttered, his eyes were almost on fire at this moment, and he just stared at Xu Qing.

It can be seen that if this place is not in the Law Enforcement Hall of the Tianfeng Sect, he would have slapped Xu Qing to death on the spot to vent the hatred in his heart.

It's just the hatred for him, but Xu Qing didn't care, his face was always stern, and he didn't seem to have any other emotions.

"You said they are not worthy of being human, so you are not guilty of killing them, that's fine."

At the top, the young man didn't care about other people's reactions. He just nodded and continued to speak: "So, as a disciple of the Tianfeng sect, you are a spy in the sect. Can you be convicted?"

"Xu Qing never thought of being a spy!"

Xu Qing raised his head and shouted: "I have never disclosed any information to the outside world, let alone wanting to be someone's spy!"

"Sounds good!!"

A law enforcement elder couldn't help but sneered and said, "Then, could it be that your Heavenly Fire Divine Meridian is all fake?"

"Being born with the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein, do you have to be a spy of the Tianfeng Sect and a subject of the Heavenly Fire Kingdom?"

Xu Qing opened his mouth to respond: "Still, it doesn't matter whether I am a spy or not. As long as I have this Heavenly Fire Divine Vein, I am doomed to die, right?"

"Smart words! Your sophistry is not bad."

Elder Liu smiled coldly, then looked at the young man above him and bowed, and said loudly: "This boy is too stubborn, please take action from the Supreme Elder, take him down!!"

"Please take action from the Supreme Elder and take it down!!"

In the main hall, the rest of the elders also spoke one after another, saying so.

Faced with such a scene, even those people who had hesitation on their faces before, couldn't say anything now. They could only sigh deeply, and silently stepped aside, no longer trying to say anything.

Sitting on the high platform, facing the voices in the main hall, the young man raised his hand again, and a majestic energy and spirit spread out without a sound, suppressing the voices of the people around him, making him stand still in place instantly. Quiet again.

"You said you were not a spy, which is also very good."

He said lightly, then pointed to Xu Qing's chest, pointed at the deep black soul-cultivating jade, and said, "Then, how should we explain the things in this jade pendant?"

The next moment, Xu Qing's face changed drastically.

A majestic force struck from in front of him, penetrated Xu Qing's entire body in an instant, and finally reached the small piece of soul-cultivating jade.

In an instant, crimson power was flowing in that piece of soul-cultivating jade, and then a spirit body surrounded by flames and with countless divine patterns shining all over its body appeared on the spot, just like that, it was surrounded by a majestic force. Restrained, standing quietly by Xu Qing's side.

"Uncle You!!"

Seeing this emerging spirit body, Xu Qing's expression changed drastically.

"The Scarlet Fire Spirit of the Skyfire lineage can only be conceived by tempering the Skyfire Divine Vein to an extremely high level. With your current cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to do so."

Looking at Xu Qing, the young man said, "Is this what the rest of the Tianhuo royal family left for you?"

At this time, facing this question, Xu Qing didn't answer, and was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Do you know why I haven't attacked you for so long?"

Sitting quietly at the top, the young man said lightly, "I have carefully read your records and personally understood what you did."

"I don't blame you for what you did before, and I even appreciate it."

"You have the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein, and I can tolerate it, and even considered taking you as a disciple for a while, so as to prevent you from going astray."

"But only this scarlet fire spirit beside you"

He said lightly, with a stern expression on his face from beginning to end: "Now, I will give you another chance."

"Take your sword and kill the scarlet fire spirit on your body. The previous things will be canceled. I, Song Qu, accept you as a disciple. You are still a true disciple of the Tianfeng sect."

"But if you can't do it, then don't blame me for being unfeeling."

He said lightly, and then with a flick of his hand, a black long sword was thrown to Xu Qing's feet, and collided with the ground, making a crisp sound.

There was silence for a while.

Around, the rest of the elders did not speak for a moment.

It wasn't that they didn't want to speak, but that they were intimidated by Song Qu's spirit and couldn't move freely at the moment, they could only watch quietly, watching the young man in the center of the hall make his own choice.


In front of him, Song Qu's voice continued to sound.

 Thanks to book friend 6846286 for the one hundred starting point coins~~~
(End of this chapter)

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