Chapter 119

In situ, the voice of Song Qu sounded in situ.

In the main hall, kneeling there quietly, Xu Qing fell into silence.

He looked at the long sword under his feet, then at the people standing around him one after another, and finally stepped forward, and silently picked up the long sword.

In front of Xu Qing, You Huo was bound by chains all over his body. At this moment, all the strength in his whole body was tightly trapped, like a sculpture, without any movement at all, just a pair of fiery red eyes quietly watching Looking at Xu Qing, there is peace in it, without the slightest fear, but with some regret.

Under You Huo's gaze, Xu Qing raised the long sword in his hand high, and then slashed it down heavily.

boom! !

A sword fell, and a sound of gold and iron intertwined suddenly sounded, making everyone present stunned.

I saw that in the same place, with Xu Qing's sword slashing down, the chains that were originally wrapped around You Huo's body were shaken, and the restraints on it seemed to be faintly weakened.

Xu Qing's sword was not intended to kill him at all, but to remove the restraints on him.

"It seems that you have made a choice."

Looking at Xu Qing's movements below, Song Qu said, his face still looked as calm as before.

Then, under the gaze of everyone around him, he slowly raised his hand.

Pulled down by a wave of spirit, the long sword that Xu Qing was holding in his hand immediately reversed direction, and rushed straight towards Xu Qing's body, directly stabbing fiercely.

With Xu Qing's current strength completely abolished, if this sword is stabbed firmly, there may not be any miracles at all, and it will directly kill him on the spot.

There was a breeze from the outside world, feeling the majestic force coming out in front of him, Xu Qing's expression did not change, he just closed his eyes quietly, it seemed that he had accepted his ultimate fate.

The long sword slashed down quickly, and with the surging air pressure, it blew onto the person's body, giving people a feeling as if they were being pierced by a sword.

The next moment, as if feeling something, Xu Qing opened his eyes, and the expression on his face changed instantly.

In front of him, at some point, a girl wearing a light blue dress had already stood in front of him, with her arms outstretched, facing the sharp black long sword like this.

This girl is none other than Xu Qing's childhood sweetheart, and also his wife who just got married some time ago, Song Ling.

"Do not!!"

Looking at his wife standing in front of him, the expression on Xu Qing's face changed drastically, and he could no longer maintain the calm and sternness before.

"Ling'er, let's go!!"

He tried his best to open his eyes, but anxiety and fear flickered in his eyes: "Get away!!"

"Ah Ching."

Standing quietly in front of Xu Qing, looking at Xu Qing who was kneeling on the ground behind him, his clothes were messed up and his martial arts was disabled. At this moment, Xu Qing was like a disabled person. Song Ling smiled, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

But before she could speak, her face quickly turned pale.

In front of her, a black long sword directly pierced her chest, and the tip of the sword had already pierced in.

"Do not!!"

A roar erupted on the spot.

Xu Qing's face was ferocious. At this moment, he looked like a lunatic who was driven crazy, or a wild beast that was completely insane, with madness shining all over his body.

In a place that ordinary people can't see, wisps of purple air are rising rapidly, faintly condensing into the appearance of a horned dragon.

As if feeling the crisis at this moment, a golden dragon roared above Xu Qing's head, wisps of purple energy oscillated all over his body, spreading in all directions silently.

At the corner of the Hall of Law Enforcement, a woman in white stamped her feet, looking at Xu Qing who was roaring furiously in the distance, she couldn't bear it for a moment.

The woman was Bai Feng, who sneaked into the Law Enforcement Palace and mixed with the disciples of Da Mogu at this moment, and she didn't know what she was going to do.

The roar on the spot continued until the next moment it stopped abruptly.

Here, the door outside the main hall suddenly opened, and then a gust of wind blew in, carrying a strong evil spirit.

In front of Xu Qing, Song Ling's face was pale, but at this moment, there was an extra strength in her body, supporting her fragile body so that she would not collapse on the spot.

In front of her, the long black sword had stopped at some point, and the blade was tightly held by a big hand, unable to advance an inch.

It wasn't until the strong wind roaring in place gradually subsided that everyone understood what had happened.

In the resplendent hall, a young man had already stood in the center at some point, holding the sword in one hand at this moment, just looking up at Song Qu in front of him.

"Big Brother!!"

Looking at the person in front of him, Xu Qing froze for a moment, then froze in place, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

"Who is coming?"

On the high platform ahead, Song Qu looked at the young man with a flat face, and said calmly while looking at the young man next to him.

"Tianfeng sect, Xu Qing, and Song Ling sworn brother, Liu Changling."

Standing in front of Xu Qing, crushing the black long sword casually, Chen Ming raised his head, looked directly at the high platform in front of him, and just said so lightly.

His body was very tall, according to the standards of his previous life, it was at least two meters tall.

The high platform in front of him was at least three or four meters high, and Song Qu sat on it, theoretically speaking, it was at least twice as tall as Chen Ming.

But at this moment, the two sides stood there, just opening their mouths so simply, but it gave people a feeling of being evenly matched and equal.

"Liu Changling"

After thinking about the name carefully, Song Qu frowned and said, "I don't have you in my memory."

"I'm just a mere outer disciple, so it's not unusual for you not to be remembered by the elders."

Chen Ming said lightly.

"Bold lunatic, Angan Cholera Law Enforcement Hall!!" A voice roared.

A middle-aged elder who was wearing a law enforcement elder's robe and had a long training was so hot-tempered that he directly crushed him with a palm.

The surging energy was suppressed immediately, and a force far surpassing the perfection of body forging erupted completely, and it even contained the power of the complete spirit, sweeping across the place directly, engulfing the vitality with the spirit, and fiercely towards Chen Ming Rush forward to completely suppress and kill him.

At the end of the howling wind, Chen Ming stood quietly on the spot, turned around, and looked forward with a pair of calm and deep eyes.

boom! !

The next moment, the whistling fist suddenly exploded!
Like an abyss like a prison, like a god coming, the spirit erupted. In an instant, it seemed that there was a boundless evil spirit rising up, and then roared forward.

He was obviously in the magnificent palace, but at this moment, there was a sudden murderous aura, almost sweeping the place, like a battlefield with endless fighting and sea of ​​blood, which fascinated people's will.

The boundless soul was roaring, and in the breeze, Chen Ming was a tall and burly figure, standing quietly like this, with a stern face looking forward, looking at the elder who was rushing towards him, and directly swung his right arm.

A palm was pressed down with a bang, the texture on it was fine and delicate, like a series of patterns embellishing it, the five fingers on it were slender, knotted like a horned dragon, and finally pinched into a simple and complicated fist mark, just like that.

boom! !

As soon as he punched out, the north wind danced wildly for him, and the flat ground was like thunder, and there was a blunt explosion like thunder, and then the sound of fighting on the battlefield flashed faintly, as if an army was rushing to kill.

what! ! !
In an instant, the elder who rushed forward let out an exclamation, and his entire chest was sunken. He didn't know how many bones were broken at this moment, and he was directly knocked several meters away.

Dripping blood spread across the sky, and amidst the chaos, Chen Ming stepped forward with one step, his face as cold as ice, and he shouted loudly.

"Who else!!"

A burst of voices fell and stirred in the hall, like thunder rolling in, making people frightened and panicked, like a mortal facing the power of heaven and man, and can only tremble on the ground.

A strong smell of blood was rising. In the same place, many elders who were originally excited fell silent. Just looking at Chen Ming in the distance, they were terrified at this moment and fell into silence.

It wasn't until the next moment that they reacted quickly, looked at each other, and then stepped forward in unison.

"To deal with this kind of traitor, you don't need to pay attention to any rules, just take them down together!!"

A voice sounded in situ.

Behind Chen Ming, Xu Qing's face was stunned at first, and then an uncontrollable anger appeared on his face: "Shameless!!"

Looking around, looking at the many elders who surrounded him by coincidence, Chen Ming's face was stern, and he raised his head slightly, the expression on his face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

An astonishing soul soared from the spot, and a frightening fighting spirit flickered on Chen Ming's body.

All the elders gathered around in front of him are in the spiritual realm. Strictly speaking, they are at the same level as Chen Ming at the moment.

If it's one-on-one, with Chen Ming's savings, he can undoubtedly win easily.

But at this moment, there are so many elders gathered around, even if those who haven't made a move are excluded, there are still nine people who make a move at the same time at this moment, stepping forward with a posture of wanting to kill him.

Facing such a lineup, even Chen Ming couldn't help but sigh, feeling a deep pressure.

And under this strong pressure, the Great Chu Wu Jing on Chen Ming's body was running crazily, and the energy was flowing to all parts of his body, continuously strengthening his whole body.

A faint evil spirit grew in place, turned into a raging fighting spirit, and shot straight into the sky.

boom! !

The majestic force exploded.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure coming from in front of him, Chen Ming did not retreat but advanced, and took a step forward.

Accompanied by one step, a peerless and unparalleled soul rushed forward, roaring and charging at this moment like a peerless God of War.

"No! Impossible!!"

The next moment, a scene that horrified everyone present emerged.

In the center of the hall, Chen Ming held his head up and waved his fist, and the unrivaled spirit leaned down, just like the unrivaled god of war, pressing forward fiercely against the spirits of the nine people in front of him, and with the strength of one person, forcibly changed his past Gained the power of the nine great powers.

The surging wind was howling, the terrifying internal energy was erupting, faintly whistling with vitality, and there was still an inch of blood flying.

And in this bloody place, there is one person who is independent and proudly tramples down the Nine Great Amulets, his heroic appearance is unparalleled in the world! !
 Thanks to the book friend Lianjian Chengsi for the [-] starting coins, to the book friend Ziguang Yeying for the [-] starting coins, to the book friend Jiaoyuebai for the [-] starting coins, and to the book friend for not wanting to be named The [-] starting point coins rewarded by Mr. Jie have been updated today. Good night everyone~(^_)☆

(End of this chapter)

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