Sweeping the world

Chapter 120 Preliminary Exhibition

Chapter 120 Preliminary Exhibition
"you you!!"

Looking at the figure in the center of the hall in the resplendent law enforcement hall, Elder Liu showed horror on his face. At this moment, he felt as if his throat was stuck, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

He looked forward in disbelief, at Chen Ming's standing proudly, at the fallen Nine Great Amulets on the ground, at this moment his whole body was overwhelmed by him, and his mind went blank.

Those are not nine pigs, but nine elders of the Tianfeng sect.

Each of these elders is a psychic, and they are not even weak in the psychic, but facing Chen Ming at this moment, they are easily crushed like an ant, and there is not much room for resistance.

The person in front of him has actually surpassed the limit of ordinary psychic powers, reaching an unimaginable level.

Standing in the center of the field, knocking down the elders of the Nine Heavenly Peaks with one palm, Chen Ming raised his head and slowly looked in front of him.

With one against nine, he didn't pay the price at all, on the contrary, his whole body looked extremely miserable at the moment.

Inch-by-inch blood suddenly exploded, and the sound of little by little was continuous. In the midst of the strong bloody smell, a little bit of red blood gushed out, making his whole body look like ceramics that were about to shatter, with wounds all over his body. .

But even so, standing in the blood, his undefeated fighting spirit became stronger and more terrifying, like a god of war standing in a mountain of blood, born for war, and died for war.

In the extreme adversity, the Great Chu Wujing was running fast, roaring with surging energy, and in a short period of time, all the wounds on his body were directly contained for a short time. Although it looked miserable, it did not affect The combat power at this moment.

"What a madman born for war."

Sitting quietly at the top, looking at Chen Ming below, Song Qu sighed softly: "I never thought that there would be such a genius as you in my Tianfeng sect."

"It's a pity. It's a pity"

He sighed softly, then stood up like this, looked at Chen Ming next, and waved away with one hand.

A faint divine light flashed, like a great sun empowering, pressing straight forward.

At this moment, in Chen Ming's vision, there seemed to be a golden sun rising in front of him, roaring suddenly, engulfed in a huge internal force and vitality, carrying an incomparable terrifying power, just like that.

In the distance, the gust of wind danced at this moment, and the space seemed to be divided into two halves. An inexplicable spiritual awakening locked the position of Chen Ming tightly, and directly became the center of sight.

There is nowhere to hide, nowhere to move.

"This is the Dainichi Gold Method!!"

In the distance, You Huo, who had been undone by Chen Ming, said, "This is the strongest and most powerful method. With your cultivation level, you can't escape it at all, you can only fight hard!!"

In front, Chen Ming raised his head slightly, his face was expressionless, and he didn't know if he had listened to You Huo's words.

In terms of cultivation alone, he is indeed inferior to Song Qu in front of him.

After being baptized in the secret realm, he has been promoted to Innate again.

The supernatural realm of this world is roughly equivalent to a half-step innate, and its strength is generally weaker than the innate in the Dagan world.

But the song song in front of me is definitely not in this list.

Chen Ming could feel that Song Qu in front of him was tyrannical, with no leaks in his spirit. Even if he was placed in the innate, he was definitely the most perfect person, and he was only one step away from being promoted to a higher level. .

With this level of strength to attack Chen Ming, even if he is also a genius, Chen Ming will undoubtedly have great pressure.

Normally, Chen Ming would turn around and leave without saying a word, but of course he couldn't at this moment.

Looking at the three of Xu Qing standing behind him, Chen Ming took a deep breath, and the fist print in his hand slowly changed, forming a complex palm print.

A faint brilliance flashed by, and indistinctly, there seemed to be various Buddha thoughts circulating in him.

The cycle of life and death, the impermanence of all things, the artistic conception of extinction and finality flows, coming and going, between life and death, with the supreme understanding of the profound meaning of life.

"That is!!"

Standing quietly behind Chen Ming, looking at the palm print on Chen Ming's hand and the vaguely familiar Buddha's spirit, Xu Qing's spirit was shocked, and his eyes suddenly opened wide: "Could it be."

On the edge of the sky, a big sun suddenly fell and fell heavily.

Then the next moment, surging power suddenly rose.

A palm print suddenly slapped upwards. At this moment, the Buddha's fighting spirit contained in it was urged to the extreme. The terrifying golden light flickered. All manifested at this moment.

Indistinctly, there was a fighting spirit soaring to the sky, a God of War faintly got up, his body was full of Buddha's spirit, and he just punched forward.

Great Compassion Seal! !

The domineering and tyrannical meaning of martial arts manifested at this moment, and between the looming, the Buddha manifested, the god of war rose, and some people rose from the mountain of corpses, and the scene of bombardment and killing suddenly emerged.

The peerless and terrifying fighting spirit manifested, turned into a real weapon, and went straight to the big day.

The two collided with each other, and after that, the sun collapsed, the weapons continued to move forward, blood was scattered all over the ground, and a pagoda howled.

When everything calmed down, Song Qu stared wide-eyed, only to feel that everything he saw and thought in the world around him was eclipsed. In his mind, that palm print still kept reappearing in his mind, accompanied by the unparalleled The fighting spirit kept reverberating.

"This is impossible!!"

His face finally changed. Feeling the fisting intent remaining in his mind, he looked down in front of him in a daze.

On his body, a huge wound had opened, and crimson blood was flowing on it, flowing down the wound, dripping to the ground continuously.

The next moment, his face was pale, and he raised his head to look in front of him.

I saw that at the same place, Chen Ming and the others who were standing in the center of the venue had disappeared at some point. Looking at them, they should have left not long ago.


Looking at this scene, he forcibly suppressed the boiling blood pressure in his body, and said in a cold voice, he could no longer maintain his previous demeanor at this moment.


Down below, until this moment, everyone reacted, nodded quickly, and then chased outside one after another.

The outside world, in a mountain range.

"Cough cough."

Holding Xu Qing and Song Ling with one hand, Chen Ming galloped on the wilderness. After running for more than half an hour, he finally couldn't help but stop and coughed several times.

Compared with Song Qu's embarrassed appearance before, his current appearance is even more miserable.

Leaving aside his tattered clothes, at this moment he was covered with wounds almost all over his body, and some burn marks were scattered all around, making him look extremely miserable.

In front of the chest, there is a huge hole, with Song Qu's internal energy on it, no matter how hard Chen Ming pushes it, he can't completely suppress the energy contained in it, he can only let it stimulate his body , constantly destroying the body.

"Brother, put me down."

Put on the ground by Chen Ming, Xu Qing struggled to get up, looked at the wounds on Chen Ming's body, and said with red eyes: "Their target is me, you put me down, take Ling'er and her away!" ! '

"Stop talking nonsense."

Hearing Xu Qing's words, Chen Ming responded in this way, then lowered his body and began to check Song Ling's condition.

Previously, because he hadn't expected that scene to happen at all, it was still a bit late when he made a move. Although he succeeded in taking down Song Ling, it also caused her to be affected.

In front of him, Song Ling's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be about to lose his sanity.

And in her body, a fiery internal energy is still raging, constantly destroying her body, continuously depriving her of the vitality in her body.

Sensing this, Chen Ming's expression became a little heavy.

The injury on Song Ling's body was nothing to him, but it was fatal to an ordinary person.

More importantly, at this moment, there was no time for him to deal with it slowly.

If it is normal, he can slowly spend time to recuperate it, suppress the internal energy in his body, and then force it out.

But at this moment, where is the time?
Xu Qing was obviously aware of this, so he asked Chen Ming to take Song Ling away.

"Young student, take this child away."

On the side, on Xu Qing's body, the black Soul Cultivating Jade shimmered, and then the voice of You Huo sounded in it.

"Based on your strength, if you don't take the son with you, but just take the girl away alone, there should be no problem."

"But if two people are together, it's really over."

He sighed and said: "Let's go, take that little girl away, Shizi and I will do our best to help you attract attention."

After the words were finished, Chen Ming's expression remained the same, his heart was indifferent, he just shook his head silently, and then said, "How can I leave you behind when things have developed to this point?"

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I'm sure to take you out."

With a calm face, he said so, but then turned around and looked at a certain corner: "Who?"

"Has the pursuers caught up so soon?"

After the words fell, Xu Qing was startled, and subconsciously looked in the direction Chen Ming was looking at.

It was a small forest full of shrubs, and there were a few big trees full of wild fruits on it, just growing quietly in that place.

And as Chen Ming's voice fell, a burst of slight footsteps began to resound in that place.

A black-haired woman in black leather armor with exquisite appearance and gentle temperament walked out of the corner, just walked out from there, and walked slowly in front of Chen Ming.

"Just one person?"

Looking at the woman in front of him and carefully feeling the atmosphere around him, Chen Ming frowned, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

The strength of the woman in front of her is not weak. Converted to the standards of this world, she already has the strength of the supernatural realm, and she can be called the hero of one side.

But the so-called strength is all compared.

For others, the strength of the God-connected Realm is of course good, but for Chen Ming, this strength is nothing.

Having experienced the situation in the Law Enforcement Palace just now, Chen Ming doesn't think that there is still a god in the state who dares to come up to chase him alone.

 In the future, two chapters will be updated at one time every morning, with a time interval of 5 minutes|ω`)
  Today is two chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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