Sweeping the world

Chapter 123 Bloody Battle

Chapter 123 Bloody Battle

"You know. This time, I didn't want to chase you."

Standing opposite, Jiang Minghao said lightly: "It's just that the person next to you has something to do with my past, so he had to come."

Looking at Chen Ming on the opposite side, he spoke like this.


Looking at Jiang Minghao on the opposite side, Chen Ming frowned, and finally said: "As far as I know, Elder Jiang is nearly two hundred years old this year, and Ah Qing is less than a fraction of your age, so how could he have anything to do with you?" ?”

"Of course he didn't, but his elders did."

Looking at Chen Ming, Jiang Minghao's face was indifferent, and he just said: "My daughter was killed by his father."

After the words fell, Chen Ming was stunned. Before he could react, he heard Jiang Minghao in front of him continue to speak: "His mother was also killed by me, and I killed him under the sword of Jue Ming."

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched. Hearing this, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

But Xu Qing behind him raised his head suddenly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Minghao in front of him.

Standing opposite, Jiang Minghao also looked at Xu Qing, and then said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect that the couple who died in front of me back then would still have such a wicked person left behind."

"You killed my father too?"

Being carried behind Chen Ming's back, Xu Qing couldn't hold back any more when he heard these words, and roared angrily.

"Him? Strictly speaking, I didn't kill him, but it's about the same as me."

Jiang Minghao said coldly: "He was plotted by others, and others did tricks on him, but he came to a decisive battle with me without knowing it, and finally died under my sword."

"Rather than saying that he died at my hands, it would be better to say that he died at your own hands."


Hearing this, Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, and You Huo in his mind exclaimed directly: "This is impossible!!"

"What's impossible?"

Jiang Minghao's face was indifferent, seeing Xu Qing's appearance, he sneered directly: "What are the Tianhuo clan, don't you know?"

"But now, none of that matters anymore."

He said so, then raised his right hand and gradually pulled out a sword.

One side of the long blue sword was unsheathed, and then the temperature in place became slightly colder, and there was more bitter and cold sword energy.

The unique inner energy gradually spread outward, behind Jiang Minghao, a round of clear moon rose faintly, and then fell on Jiang Minghao again.

A faint bit of cold light flickered. Under the sunlight, at this moment, Jiang Minghao looked like the second coming of the gods, majestic and tall, making one dare not look directly at him.

"Liu Changling"

Looking at Chen Ming on the opposite side, holding a long sword in his hand, he said lightly: "I see everything you do along the way."

"You rioted in the Hall of Law Enforcement and betrayed Tianfeng with the remnants of Tianhuo, but you had kind thoughts in your heart, and you didn't kill a single person. This has not yet reached the point where the crime is unforgivable."

"Now, let go of that remnant, and I will spare your life."

"No need."

Looking at Jiang Minghao in front of him, Chen Ming smiled, then took a deep breath, and said, "If I want to surrender, I should have surrendered a long time ago. How can I last until this time?"

"Besides, although Elder Jiang is mighty, it's not certain whether he can take me down."

Looking at Jiang Minghao in front of him, he put Xu Qing down from behind, and said so, his face looked extremely calm, as if standing in front of him was not the world-famous Jiang Minghao, but just an ordinary pawn.

In front of his eyes, Jiang Minghao's expression remained unchanged, he just shook his head and silently raised the long sword in his hand.

A silent sword intent began to grow and gradually enveloped the surroundings.

The moment Chen Ming put Xu Qing down and chose to refuse, Jiang Minghao stopped hesitating and started to strike directly.

Bitter sword energy suddenly rose, and on the flat ground, I saw Jiang Minghao swinging his sword in the air, and a sword energy dissipated instantly, rushing forward with a wave of majestic inner energy.

In an instant, the atmosphere in place suddenly changed.

Chen Ming moved forward alone. At this moment, the momentum was fierce. He punched directly, and the majestic and boundless fist suddenly swung away, colliding with the long sword in an instant.

The north wind was raging, and pieces of gravel flew towards the sky one after another. On the flat ground, cracks appeared one after another, like spider webs, and many of them were blown away by flying sand and rocks, and each piece fell to the ground , are enough to kill a pedestrian.

The dust was dancing, and in mid-air, there was a burst of fist and sword energy colliding. At this moment, they temporarily maintained a deadlock, looking evenly matched.


Feeling the scene in the field, Jiang Minghao was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help saying: "Your soul is so powerful?"

He was a little surprised, surprised by Chen Ming's expression.

Even though it was just a random blow, in that blow just now, he still had his peak energy and spirit, and if the spirit contained in it was swayed away, he would not be able to survive a single move.

Chen Ming in front of him not only made it through, but even seemed to have some strength left, this alone was surprising enough.

However, that's it.

In front of his eyes, Jiang Minghao raised the long sword in his hand and continued to cut down.

The majestic internal force turned into internal energy, and finally condensed into a sword mark, just like that, it was like a blow from nine days away, and it rushed straight down.

The power of this blow far surpassed that before. If Chen Ming only had the level he showed just now, he would be beheaded directly with just this blow.

Facing the blow that far surpassed the one before him, Chen Ming's expression did not change, he just took a deep breath, and then punched.

The Great Chu Wujing was running at full strength, and at this moment, the internal energy in his body was urged to its peak, and indistinctly, it seemed that a black dragon was roaring and roaring.

Boundless evil spirit rises up, pure without any impurities.

As the Great Chu Martial Arts was pushed to the extreme, behind Chen Ming, pure martial arts fighting spirit rose up, drawing the vitality of the surrounding world, forming a vision.

A tall and majestic phantom of the god of war suddenly manifested, and appeared behind Chen Ming at this moment. Every inch of armor and every inch of flesh and blood on his body carried a huge evil spirit. Only a pair of golden eyes, with a faint The glory of Buddha nature.

As this phantom condensed into shape, the surrounding pressure suddenly increased.

A fist collided with a sword light, and then the majestic vitality began to boil.

At this moment, it seemed as if countless explosives exploded on the spot at the same time, and the whole earth sank directly, and every inch of sand flew directly to the sky, rolling up a large amount of flying sand.

boom! !

A sword mark suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a round of bright moon and swinging upwards. Between the slanting moonlight, the faint moonlight flickered, directly melting away all the surging wind, sand and dust.

In the distance, under Xu Qing's gaze, Chen Ming's figure flew upside down.

 Thank you for the [-] starting point coins rewarded by the book friend Bachelor Gold, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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