Sweeping the world

Chapter 124 The So-Called Kindness

Chapter 124 The So-Called Kindness

On a barren plain, a gust of wind and sand is heaving, bits and pieces of brilliance are flickering, gradually condensing, and finally turning into a burst of bright brilliance.

The shocking sword marks fell from the sky, and the next moment, Chen Ming's figure flew upside down.

Facing Jiang Minghao in front of him, he looked miserable at this moment, and there was a terrifying sword mark on his chest at some point.

The sword marks were deep, and contained bone-piercing internal strength and spirit. At this moment, they gradually spread to the whole body through the flesh and blood. Just for a moment, the flesh and blood became blurred, as if they had been chopped countless times in an instant. Same.

Through the bloody wound, a faint dark golden bloodshot emerged, and white bones could be vaguely seen in it.


Intimidated by the sword energy, Chen Ming flew backward from the original place all the way, coughing up blood. At this moment, he felt pain in every inch of his body, every inch of flesh and blood, as if he had been stabbed countless times by a long sword in an instant. The same, for a while there was almost a feeling of being smashed to pieces.

The majestic sword energy is still haunting this place, but it has gradually subsided at this moment.

Jiang Minghao's figure slowly emerged from the rolled up wind and sand.

He was still standing there, and compared to Chen Ming's embarrassment at the moment, his figure had hardly changed, and his face was still as indifferent as before, with an almost inhuman desolation.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at Chen Ming who fell on the ground and was struggling to get up at the moment, his expression was indifferent, he didn't say anything, he just lowered his head quietly and looked to the side.

On his right hand, a light blue long sword swayed with brilliance, and indistinctly, a bright sword light like moonlight was spreading, cold and cold, with a piercing chill.

But at this moment, on the originally complete and gorgeous long sword, a small crack has emerged. Although it is almost impossible to see, it does exist.

"It's actually possible to do this."

Jiang Minghao lowered his head and looked at the long sword in his hand. Although his face was expressionless, he was sighing in his heart.

At that moment just now, he had already struck with all his strength, the sword intent all over his body condensed into a single point, and turned into a single strike, but in the end he still couldn't take Chen Ming down.

Not only that, in the blow just now, he had an absolute advantage in terms of pure essence and energy, but in terms of pure spirit, he was faintly suppressed, with a feeling of being suppressed Feel.

The person in front of him has a strong fighting spirit, a strong fighting spirit, and a firm heart, which is really rare in his life.

He has practiced swords since he was a child, rose from humble beginnings, cultivated his sword intent with all kinds of obstacles, and only now has he achieved his current level of cultivation.

But even so, today, he still lost, to a young man who was less than one-tenth of his age.

"But that's what's interesting."

Looking at Chen Ming, who was struggling to get up, and stood up again at this moment, a smile appeared on his face, and his mood that had always been calm and dead finally began to fluctuate.

"Jiang Minghao actually lost."

In the distance, on a high mountain peak, a voice suddenly sounded, and there was some consternation in the voice at this moment.

Two people are standing here quietly, one older and one younger, they should be grandparents.

The older one, who looked about seventy or eighty years old, was wearing a clean white robe, with white beard and hair, but he still looked energetic.

As for the youngest one, she was a little girl who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a small red skirt and had a plump appearance. She looked curiously at the battlefield in the distance with her big eyes. Very cute.

"Grandpa, that brother was obviously beaten, why did you say that Uncle Jiang lost?"

Standing aside, listening to the old man's words, the little girl blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

"He did lose. His sword intent was thwarted, and he was directly blocked by the opponent. Even his own will began to waver."

Standing on the same spot, listening to the little girl's words, the old man sighed softly: "But his energy is far above that young man, even if his spirit is slightly lacking, it is enough to repel him."

"Make an analogy."

As if he was afraid that the girl would not understand, the old man pondered for a while, and then said: "It's like you usually practice martial arts, even if you have a better understanding of moves and martial arts than the other party, but the other party's body is stronger than yours, and his strength is stronger than yours. Older than you, even if your understanding of martial arts is not as good as yours, you can still beat you and run around."

"Is that so?"

Listening to this explanation, the little girl was thoughtful: "Then isn't Brother Liu very pitiful?"

"It's obvious that the understanding of martial arts is better than that Uncle Jiang, but because of insufficient savings, he was suppressed and beaten by the other party instead?"

"You can't say that either."

The old man sighed softly: "There is nothing in this world that is not pitiful."

"This young man is extremely gifted, whether it is his will, his physique, or his understanding of martial arts, he is all amazing from his heart."

"But he also has a bad point."

"What is it?" The little girl asked curiously.

"His heart is too kind, and his character is too strong and upright."

Facing the little girl, the old man sighed softly, and then said so.

"So he's a good guy?"

The girl was a little confused: "Shouldn't these be advantages?"

"Under normal circumstances, this is of course an advantage, but for him, it was a fatal flaw."

The old man said lightly, "Ying'er, after the news about the Tianfeng faction came out, I have carefully studied this person's past experience."

"This person was born as a handyman, without father, mother, or teacher, but he has cultivated to this level under such circumstances."

"What's even more frightening is that if you've reached this level of practice, if you're an ordinary boy, you'd probably be so proud of yourself that you wish you could fly to the sky."

"But Liu Changling is different. He has practiced to the present level, and he can hold his breath. After more than ten years, he is only an outer disciple. It can be said that he is extremely tolerant."

Speaking of this, even the old man himself couldn't help sighing, and said with some regret: "With such a heart, such a talent, according to common sense, he should have soared into the sky and turned into a flying dragon, and his future prospects are limitless."

"But such a person is bad in his heart."

He raised his hand, pointed to the direction where Xu Qing was, and then said: "After the remnants of Tianhuo happened, he could have absconded directly. With his ability, as long as he leaves Tianfeng, the world is so big, there is nowhere to do it." ?”

"But for the sake of the so-called brotherly loyalty, this person forcibly waded into this muddy water and fell to where he is now."

"Havoc in the Law Enforcement Hall, with one against nine, seriously injuring Song Qu, hey. It sounds chic, but in reality?"

Looking at Chen Ming in the distance, he sneered and said.

PS: There was an accident, Chapter 2 was delayed by 10 minutes

(End of this chapter)

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