Sweeping the world

Chapter 126 The Rise of Fame

Chapter 126 The Rise of Fame

Standing on the field, Jiang Minghao's face was a little ugly, and it was difficult to maintain his previous demeanor at this moment.

Because on his chest, an extremely clear palm print appeared, and blood was faintly revealed on it.

he got hurt.

Although it was just a moment of inadvertence, coupled with the long-term battle, some exhaustion results, but an injury is an injury.

He is not someone who can't afford to lose, no matter how proud he is in his heart, he will face up to his results.

Standing where he was, he raised his head and looked across.

On the opposite side, Chen Ming was covered in blood and flesh, and had several cuts almost all over his body, but at this moment he just stood up alive and well, with a tenacious vitality that made people sigh.

And during the time he stood up, a unique energy bloomed. On Chen Ming's body, the body that had been torn apart began to heal spontaneously. , Slowly healed his wound silently.

During this process, the pure golden Buddha power was rippling all over his body, washing his whole body over and over again, purifying every inch of wounds and every inch of flesh and blood on his body, and for a while he looked like a whole person They are all shining, like a statuette.

"coming soon. coming soon"

Feeling the injuries all over his body, Chen Ming looked calmly at Jiang Minghao, who had an ugly face, and muttered to himself.

Although the battle in front of him seems to be very different in strength, for Chen Ming, it is actually within his grasp from beginning to end.

Jiang Minghao's strength was indeed extremely strong, and Chen Ming had only seen that vast sword intent in his life, and with 200 years of accumulation, he was far superior to the current Chen Ming in every aspect.

If he really fights with him, Chen Ming thinks he is no match.

But if it is more resistant and durable, then on this point, Chen Ming is full of confidence.

Xu Qing stood behind him. During the battle with Jiang Minghao, the source power in him was increasing all the time.

And these growing sources of power are the best guarantee for Chen Ming to recover his blood.

Yuanli cannot directly restore the body, but when Yuanli improves the secret method, it will also repair the body.

This matter is easy to understand.

After all, the essence of source power improvement is to condense the long-term practice into a short moment, and then apply it all to the body.

While promoting this world's King of Medicine Sutra, Chen Ming's body will first be nourished by the internal power of the King of Medicine Sutra. Once he is promoted, his body can at least be restored to [-]% of its state.

At this moment, he looks miserable, but in fact, in terms of consumption alone, he may not be as big as Jiang Minghao in front of him.

After all, the opponent had been beating him for so long, even if he wasn't injured, the internal energy in his body should be almost empty.

With this in mind, he continued to jump forward, and the thousands of attacks were condensed into one blow at a time, and he directly squeezed his right hand into a fist mark, and rushed forward fiercely.

boom! !

The fist print and the long sword intersected instantly, and the two collided with each other. The final result was that Jiang Minghao took a step back.

Of course, because of this blow, Chen Ming himself paid a huge price. Not only did he cough up blood, but his entire right arm was almost cut off by the long sword, and it was covered with dense sword marks.

But compared to Jiang Minghao, who was on the opposite side with a livid face, Chen Ming didn't care about the injuries on his body. Instead, he sneered, shook his hands casually, and then continued to rush forward.

Boundless evil spirits rippling in place, in place, accompanied by the flow of Da Chu's heart meridian, Chen Ming seemed to have transformed into a god of war, every move was surrounded by a boundless momentum, and he rushed forward with thumping force , punching and punching forward.

His demeanor is fierce, his moves are open and close, and in every move, he interprets the word brave and not afraid of death extremely vividly, that kind of ferocity and brutality is almost chilling.

The strong wind blew away, and the wind and sand overflowed. In the swift and fierce wind, Chen Ming's long hair was blown away, surging like chaotic snakes.

The piercing sword light was still rippling in place, but at this moment, it couldn't help but stagnate, blocked by the person in front of him.

In front of his eyes, Jiang Minghao's face was a little heavy, he narrowly avoided a fierce punch, and swung the long sword forward again.

A golden fist stretched out suddenly, without paying attention to the edge of the long sword, and grabbed the long sword directly.

The crimson blood with golden threads was spreading, Chen Ming was tall and tall, looked at Jiang Minghao in front of him and smiled, and then, under the astonished eyes of the other party, he pressed the long sword to his chest.

boom! !

The sharp long sword pierced through the chest cavity, and the internal force and spirit contained in it exploded in Chen Ming's body, almost shattering Chen Ming's entire body to pieces.

However, in the end, he didn't die after all, he carried it down with his own strong courage, then suddenly raised his head, looking at Jiang Minghao with eyes full of fighting intent.


At this moment, Chen Ming's eyes were bright, and the fiery fighting intent was almost coming out.

From the beginning of the war to now, he has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to injure Jiang Minghao severely and end the battle in one fell swoop.

And now, the battle has continued so far, at this moment when the other party's physical strength is exhausted, the spirit is exhausted, the long sword in his hand has been taken away, and the spirit in his heart is shocked by the fighting spirit, this opportunity has finally arrived.

Without any extra words, without a sound, Chen Ming stretched out his right arm, and a complex palm print took shape.

Unsurpassed dharma, supreme momentum, boundless inner energy began to ripple.

Life and death are still, and the meaning of samsara begins to bloom gradually, and a Buddha's spirit that starts from extinction and contains peerless vitality begins to descend slowly.

At this moment, the Buddha power in Chen Ming's body began to boil, and it seemed that at this moment, he faintly resonated with the Buddha's will, and the blood energy in his whole body began to boil and explode.

A burst of fighting spirit suddenly broke out, as if it was about to go straight to the sky and smash the sky and the earth.

The next moment, Jiang Minghao's eyes widened, and the sword intent all over his body subconsciously condensed into one point, feeling a deadly sense of danger rising from in front of him.

boom! !

The two different forces collided in an instant, and in the next moment, various visions began to emerge.

I saw the boundless evil spirit rising, and faintly, there seemed to be a phantom of a God of War bathed in golden light.

Suddenly, the intent of the sword was condensed again, and a long blue sword soaring up to the sky, with supreme pride and a kind of sadness.

All kinds of visions appeared one by one before the eyes, and then in front of the eyes, the majestic brilliance spread, and the blue long sword condensed, and then broke suddenly, bursting out with strong sadness and unwillingness.

A figure quickly rushed out from the center of the battlefield.

That is Jiang Minghao.

Chen Ming hit the Great Compassion Seal at close range. Although he is not dead at this moment, he already looks extremely embarrassed.

The long gown he was originally wearing was broken, and there were gaps all over his body, with bits and pieces of evil spirit and soul, like gangrene attached to the bone, tenaciously rooted in his body, continuously destroying his body.

Compared with the personable demeanor of a school of masters before, he looks extremely embarrassed at this moment, without any demeanor at all, it can only be said to be extremely miserable.

But despite that, his eyes were still bright, with sword intent hidden in them, staring closely at the position of Chen Ming in front of him, not daring to relax for a moment.

On the opposite side, Chen Ming's figure quickly disappeared.

After a successful blow, he glanced at Jiang Minghao who was facing him, hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​chasing after the victory.

Jiang Minghao on the opposite side looked very miserable at the moment, but Chen Ming knew that the other party's injury was not as serious as it seemed, but he was temporarily intimidated by the Buddha's will and could not recover for a while.

If there is a real fight, even if he can suppress the opponent, it is impossible to keep the opponent.

After thinking up to this point, without hesitation, he picked up Xu Qing on his back and continued to run outside.

In the same place, Jiang Minghao stared at the direction Chen Ming was leaving, the sword intent in his eyes became more and more pure, but he didn't choose to catch up after all.


On the mountain peak in the distance, looking at Jiang Minghao, whose long sword was broken, the old man sighed softly and said, "I didn't expect that even Jiang Minghao lost."

"That brother is amazing." Beside the old man, looking at the direction Chen Ming left, the little girl sighed, her eyes seemed to light up at this moment.

"It's really great."

The old man sighed softly: "Jiang Minghao, his strength is far superior to that young man's. Whether it is strength, will or experience, he is impeccable, but it was just a momentary negligence, and the other party seized the opportunity and directly suffered this dull loss."

"That child is really scary."

He shook his head, looked at Jiang Minghao who was standing quietly in the distance, still trying to recover from his injuries, and finally said: "Okay, now that this battle is over, Yinger, we should go too."

"Grandpa, where are we going?"

The girl looked innocent and asked curiously.

"Go to a friend of your grandpa's."

There was a smile on the old man's face: "My friend has always had an annoying matter, and someone needs to solve it."

"I saw this young man today. This young man is probably the one he is looking for."


The girl was thoughtful, but she didn't know what to think of.

Time gradually passed.

In the ancient domain, Chen Ming and his escape continued.

After repelling Jiang Minghao, there were fewer people who came to hunt them down for a period of time, which gave Chen Ming a rare period of recuperation.

This is not surprising, because during this period of time, Chen Ming's achievements were gradually revealed and spread in this area.

They made a big fuss in the Hall of Law Enforcement, with one against nine, severely injuring Song Qu, and in the end Jiang Minghao was also defeated.

As one of the holy places in the ancient domain, the Tianfeng faction is famous, and Jiang Minghao among them is the famous arrogance of the Tianfeng faction. He is only one step away from breaking through the isolation and being truly promoted to Tongxuan.

Such a character was actually defeated in the process of chasing the other party. This result is naturally eye-catching, and many people who were planning to chase him retreated.

Before he knew it, Chen Ming's reputation was already very prominent in this ancient domain.

PS: Calvin, the next chapter is delayed by 10 minutes

(End of this chapter)

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