Chapter 127
Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, it was already three months later.

Between a dense jungle, a figure quickly shuttled.

"Qing, how do you feel?"

Walking on the rugged mountain, while walking forward, Chen Ming turned around and looked at Xu Qing behind him.

At this moment, after three months of cultivation, most of Xu Qing's injuries have healed, and he began to try to practice martial arts again, trying his best to recover the formerly abolished cultivation base.


Standing beside Chen Ming, walking on the ground with difficulty, Xu Qing had a gloomy expression on his face.

"The acupoints and meridians in my body have all been shattered, and now I'm really a useless person. Even if I practice martial arts again, I probably won't be able to reach the original level, let alone break through to the gods."

His face was gloomy, and he said so.

I have to say that the Tianfeng faction did a great job.

In the Hall of Law Enforcement, in order to prevent him from escaping, those law enforcement elders directly smashed all the acupoints and meridians of his body.

The acupoint meridian is the foundation of martial arts training in this world. Being directly crushed by someone at this moment means that the whole person is directly abolished, and even if he practices martial arts again from then on, he will probably not be able to reach the original level.

At least, without acupoints and meridians, it means that no matter how much he cultivates himself, he will never be able to achieve the perfection of physical training, and he will never be able to be promoted to become a god.

Under normal circumstances, with the Heavenly Fire Divine Vein, Xu Qing would have a bright future, but at this moment, all of them have been ruined.

If it weren't for his firm will and resolute character, if it were someone else, even if he was still alive at this moment, he might not be able to withstand the blow and collapse.

Looking at Xu Qing's appearance, Chen Ming shook his head, then opened his eyes, the Buddha power in his body was running, and the instinctive induction reached its peak at this moment, and he just looked towards Xu Qing.

With the blood instinct being fully activated, in Chen Ming's eyes, the vision in front of him suddenly changed.

Inch-by-inch purple air kept rising, condensing like a cloud, and finally gradually condensed into a dragon shape.

On the top of Xu Qing's head in front of him, a golden blue dragon hovered there. At this moment, a pair of pure golden dragon eyes opened, and a shocking prestige spread out silently.

Looking at the golden dragon, Chen Ming felt relieved.

After accepting the inheritance of the secret realm, he now understands some of the secrets between heaven and earth.

Between heaven and earth, those with great luck must be born with destiny, and they are born with superhuman fate.

The golden dragon in front of him is the manifestation of Xu Qing's destiny. Since it is intact, it shows that Xu Qing is only temporarily underestimating it at this moment, and it is far from the point of life and death.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he can successfully get out of this setback and regain his brilliance.

The next moment, as if feeling a peep, above Xu Qing's head, the golden dragon looked back at each other, and a little purple bumped into Chen Ming.

With the rise of purple air, all the scenes that Chen Ming could feel before his eyes quickly dimmed, and gradually returned to normal.

However, compared with Zhao Ji's previous attack, this attack was undoubtedly more gentle, without that kind of strong repulsion.

"Compared with Zhao Ji's fate, Ah Qing's fate is gentler, with a sense of hesitation in it. Although it is equally majestic and majestic, it is less domineering."

Standing alone in the same place, after the spiritual sense was turned off, Chen Ming thought carefully about the difference between the two people with great luck.

Although they are both lucky, the fates of Zhao Ji and Xu Qing gave Chen Ming a completely different feeling.

In Xu Qing's fate, there is a majestic spirit in it, and determination in gentleness. Although the momentum is huge, it is not scary.

Zhao Ji gave Chen Ming the opposite feeling.

In Zhao Ji's fate, Chen Ming could feel a boundless evil and murderous aura, as well as a boundless domineering aura.

Like a peerless overlord who is destined to come out of the blood mountain and sea of ​​blood, it gives people a kind of terrifying and sweeping courage and power.

This subtle difference in feeling made Chen Ming thoughtful, recalling the experience of the two of them, he suddenly understood something.

If you think about it carefully, the experiences of these two people are indeed different.

Xu Qing was born with divine veins, he is the prince of the Heavenly Fire Kingdom, possessing the most noble bloodlines and endowments, even if he just loses power for a while, once he gains power, he can immediately rise to the sky.

Compared with it, Zhao Ji's life is undoubtedly much more disturbed.

He was born in a poor family, and his family was humble. When he was reduced to his generation, he needed to sell himself into slavery in order to make a living.

This person does not have a natural bloodline, and his aptitude is probably not very good according to what Chen Ming observed before.

Compared with Xu Qing, the only thing he can rely on is his own tenacious will.

It can be seen from the fate that the rise of this person must be accompanied by mountains of corpses along the way. I am afraid that the killings along the way will be useless, and finally the throne will be cast with the corpses of all spirits to reach the top.

"In the previous life, this one would be the protagonist of the famous Tiansha Lone Star category."

Thinking of Zhao Ji from before, Chen Ming smiled, and then looked at Xu Qing in front of him.

Just at this moment, the voice of You Huo also sounded in situ.

"Ah Qing, don't be discouraged."

In the same place, You Huo's voice slowly sounded, comforting Xu Qing there, and said: "In the kingdom of Tianhuo, there is a Tianhuo Shenchi, which contains the Qiyun Shenmai left over from the past before the death of the Tianhuo Shenmai. It is most suitable for the Tianhuo clan to be baptized."

"Ah Qing, if you can go there and pass the test of the Skyfire Secret Realm for baptism, you will be able to restore your abolished acupoints and meridians, and you may even go one step further and directly achieve the Skyfire Divine Body!"

"Tianhuo Shenchi. Shenhuo Divine Body"

Listening to You Huo's narration, Xu Qing nodded slowly, his face looked calm, and he just said: "Uncle You, don't worry, I won't give up."

"In the future, I will definitely go back to the ancient domain, go to the Tianfeng faction in a dignified way, and ask them for an explanation!"

He raised his head, his eyes were full of anger.

Standing at the side, watching this scene quietly, Chen Ming sighed softly in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

In one day, martial arts were abolished, and Xu Qing was arrested and interrogated in the law enforcement hall by the law enforcement elders. It can be said that Xu Qing was forced to rebel, and suddenly changed from the original arrogance to a useless person.

This kind of situation happened like this, no one must be able to let go of it, there will be a burst of anger in my heart, and I still can't restrain myself from wanting to explode.

Xu Qing just behaved like this, and he already had a good temper.

"And Boy Liu"

On the side, Youhuo's voice sounded again, this time calling Chen Ming directly.

 Thanks to the book friend 20190525105551228 for the reward of [-] starting coins, I wish everyone good night! !
(End of this chapter)

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