Chapter 131
A palm fell from the sky with astonishing momentum, as if it was about to collapse the sky, and it was crushed down with the momentum of mountains and seas.

"That's too late!!"

In an instant, a dangerous premonition emerged in his heart. At this moment, the Buddha blood in Chen Ming's body boiled, and the strong sensing force made him feel the amazing palm that was slapped hard behind him even if he didn't turn around.

He made a decisive decision and threw Xu Qing towards the weakest node with force. Then his whole body turned around quickly, the upper half of his body moved forward, and the Buddha power on his right arm was boiling, and he punched loudly.

As soon as this punch was thrown out, wind and sand splashed all around, and there were inches of blood flashing around, directly colliding with the huge palm pressing down from the sky.

boom! !

Two completely inappropriate palms collided with each other, but the result was surprising.

In the same place, Chen Ming's body didn't move, the clothes on his right arm kept breaking, and he heard a burst of crackling noises, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking.

His figure didn't move, his right arm was hanging down weakly, and the whole right arm was almost broken in that moment.

On the opposite side, the huge savage beast looked even more miserable.

When he collided with Chen Ming's fist, several long cuts appeared directly on that huge palm, and the flesh and blood in it exploded continuously, turning into strands of blood and raining down continuously, and white bones appeared faintly.

But this kind of injury is nothing compared to the huge beast. It looks like a small hole. Although it looks miserable, it may not affect the combat power much.

Roar! !

After facing off with Chen Ming, the savage beast let out a low growl, and its 40-meter-high body stretched out completely. It looked like a tall building, and it was horrifying at first glance.

Looking at the terrifying giant beast in front of him, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and then quickly backed away.

boom! !

I don't know when, another savage beast that is exactly the same appears in the same place. Although the size is not as large as the previous one, but the degree of tyranny is even worse. With a wave of the palm, the violent vitality overflows, and the direct blow will kill the beast. A bottomless pit was hit on the spot.

At this point, things are far from over.

There was a sound of breaking the ground.

Chen Ming turned around and looked, only to see that at the same spot, at some time, five wild beasts surrounded him, blocking the water around him.

Among the five savage beasts, the tallest one is more than forty meters tall, and the shortest one is also more than 20 meters tall. At first glance, it looks like tall buildings, which makes people feel like they are born.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming took a deep breath. Even though he was surrounded by five terrifying wild beasts, he didn't have much fear at this moment. He just raised his fist and rushed forward.

The domineering and boundless courage flickered on the spot, and the next moment, a mighty blood flowed from the spot.

The howling of wild beasts continued to resound from the original place, and finally spread to the outside world, spreading all the way far, far away.

Far away, on the other side.

"Big brother!"

Throwed out by Chen Ming before being surrounded, Xu Qing struggled to get out of the fierce place. Hearing the roar coming from it, he couldn't help turning around to look, with a deep worry on his face.

He waited on the spot for a while, but he didn't see the roar of the wild beast inside gradually stop, but felt the sound coming from inside became more and more violent.

Standing where he was, watching the scene quietly, he finally gritted his teeth and wanted to continue walking forward, preparing to take a closer look at the situation inside.

"Ah Qing, don't go!!"

In my mind, Youhuo's dissuading voice sounded in time: "Can't you see it? This is a fierce place where wild beasts sleep, and there are wild beasts lurking everywhere in it. Go in in your current state. If you encounter wild beasts, only A dead end."


Xu Qing gritted his teeth, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Come on!!"

Youhuo's voice was a little hoarse, and at this moment, he was a little anxious: "In your current state, what can you do even if you go in?"

"Think about the previous situation. If you go in now, you can only hold back Boy Liu!!"

Hearing this, Xu Qing was stunned for a long time, and finally he could only laugh wryly at himself and said, "Yeah, I'm just a useless person now, even if I go in, how can I help?"

He laughed at himself, and then gave up the idea of ​​going in to investigate, and turned around directly, planning to find a safe place to stay and wait for Chen Ming to come out from inside.

Although he is in a fierce place, Xu Qing has no doubts about whether Chen Ming can be killed. He has strong confidence in Chen Ming from the beginning to the end, firmly believing that he will be able to get out of it, and finally come to him .

Soon, he found a bush and hid temporarily in it.

Ten days passed quickly.

During these ten days, the roars in the fierce land did not stop at all, but as time passed, it seemed to become more terrifying.

The battle inside is still going on, and even looking at the situation in front of it, it doesn't look like it will stop at all.

However, even though the battle inside was still going on, during this period of time, Xu Qing was almost unable to hide.

It wasn't that his patience was exhausted, but that external factors intervened.

During these ten days, because of the movement in the fierce land, barbarians gathered here from time to time, and surrounded the place upside down.

While hiding, Xu Qing saw barbarian soldiers sneaking into the fierce place from time to time, as if they wanted to take the opportunity to search for something.

As time went by, more and more barbarians gathered in this place, directly occupying a large area nearby.

Several times, Xu Qing had bumped into those barbarian knights, and if they hadn't been hiding well, he might have had a big fight with them.

But as more and more people gathered here, if he continued to stay here, it would be a matter of time before he was discovered.

As a last resort, he left the place where he had been hiding all this time, and directly changed to another place to hide.

Then, another half a month passed.

A relatively swift current was flowing.

Around the water flow, some barbarians were searching around, taking out some things from the water from time to time.

Most of these things are the corpses of wild beasts, as well as crushed flesh and blood.

Every time these things were picked up, the surrounding barbarians would cheer and celebrate their harvest in this way.

"What a terrifying battle!!"

Picking up a black palm that was three to four meters long, looking at the huge palm in front of her, a barbarian woman in her twenties who looked young was a little shocked, and she couldn't help but sighed: "That one from Middle Earth How strong is the strong man?"

 Thanks to the book friend Master Dingdang for the reward of [-] starting coins! ! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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