Sweeping the world

Chapter 132 The Barbarian Tribe

Chapter 132 The Barbarian Tribe
"How strong is the strong man from Middle Earth?"

Standing on the bank of the river, trying to fish out the big hand from the river, the woman spoke in a somewhat complicated manner, her tone sounded a little yearning.

"Anyway, it's right to be very strong."

Aside, in the distance, a tall middle-aged man responded, and then pointed to the huge palm in front of him.

"Look, this palm is about four meters long, and its body is at least 30 meters tall. It is an adult Violent Ape. Under normal circumstances, it can crush a mountain with one palm, and it can kill a medium-sized tribe by itself."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, then pointed to the bottom of his palm, and said, "But look, the bottom of this palm is bruised from another punch."

"The palm of this Violent Ape was not cut into pieces by someone else with a sword, but someone else forcibly punched it like this with a fist, so the relatively fragile bottom was broken directly, as for the harder palm, it was still intact and was completely broken. stayed."

"Being able to tear the palm of the Violent Ape Beast with a fist, do you think it's too powerful?"

He looked at the clansmen around him and spoke in a complicated tone.


In the surroundings, listening to the middle-aged man's narration, some young men's eyes almost burst into stars, and their faces were full of fanaticism and admiration: "When will our Tarot Department have such a tyrannical brave man?"

"Then we don't have to worry about oppression and tax collection by the King's Department!"

"You can also send out conquests to the surroundings, and integrate all the small tribes around into our tribe!"

The young clansmen around spoke every word, and their words were full of longing.

"Hurry up and work!!"

In the same place, hearing the discussion of the young people around, the middle-aged man reprimanded: "Thinking about all this all day long, why don't you practice good battle formation and search for more prey!!"

"Don't talk too much, or I'll throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

He opened his mouth to reprimand, it seems that he has a strong prestige in this tribe, but the moment he opened his mouth, the young people around him didn't dare to speak out, and they honestly held the net and kept fishing there.

Seeing this scene, he nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the young woman beside him: "Amu, come with me."

"it is good."

The young woman named Amu nodded, then put down her work and followed the middle-aged man to the side.

Soon, they came to a fairly quiet place.

"Amu, the surrounding area has been getting less and less in the past few days. Do you think we should go deeper and take a look inside the restricted area?"

Walking to a remote corner, looking at Amu in front of him, the middle-aged man frowned, hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.

"Would it be dangerous to go deeper?"

Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Amu was a little worried: "We are going to the restricted area now, and we are already violating the orders of the Jinwang Ministry. If we continue to go deeper, it will be over if we are discovered."

"I know."

The middle-aged man's face was resolute, but at this moment he also seemed a little hesitant: "It's just that this opportunity is too rare."

"The strong man from Middle Earth was trapped in the restricted area. During this period of time, he almost attracted the attention of all the beasts in the restricted area. During this time, the entire restricted area was almost undefended."

"We have only reached the periphery, and we have had such terrifying gains in the past few days. If we go to the interior, the gains must be even more terrifying."

He said in this way: "And, taking this opportunity, we must also find a way to gather sacrifices for the children's baptism."

"Our generation, because of limited conditions, can only do this for the time being, but the next generation of the Tarot Department, I don't want them to continue to be mediocre!!"

He clenched his fists, and his face was inexplicably determined at this moment.

Hearing what he said, Amu's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was also touched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The reason why these small tribes ventured into the fierce land is because of the many precious medicinal materials that grow in the fierce land.

In the wild realm, because of the unique characteristics of the wild beasts, some precious medicinal herbs often grow around the wild beasts.

And like this ferocious place where savage beasts gather together, the precious products inside are even more frightening.

It is precisely because of these that when something happened in the fierce place, the surrounding tribes, big and small, frantically flocked towards this place like wolves smelling blood.

"It's just that it's too dangerous to go in directly like this."

After weighing Zhou in his mind, in the end, Amu still showed hesitation on his face, not daring to take risks easily.


The man frowned and wanted to continue talking.

But at the next moment, a voice came from the front, attracting the two people's attention.

"Kuru Ten Leaders, Priest Amu!!"

In the distance, the group of young people was calling them loudly.

Standing on the same spot, Kuru didn't care about persuasion, and strode directly towards the other side, shouting as he walked, "Shut up, why are you shouting so loudly?"

"Ten Chief Kuru, come and have a look!"

A young man from a tribe spoke, pointed to the four-meter-long black palm in front of him and said, "There are people inside!"


Hearing this, Kuru was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously lowered his head, and looked forward.

At the same place, a huge black violent ape palm was still placed there, but at this moment the palm that was originally closed has been slightly opened, revealing the appearance inside.

A man with tattered clothes and blood all over his body lay quietly inside. At this moment, his whole body was cracked, and there were densely packed small wounds everywhere, which almost made the scalp numb at first glance.

The man looked young, probably just an adult, but his figure was indeed extraordinarily tall. The muscles on his upper body that were exposed at this moment were well-knit, full of a masculine vigor, which made it impossible to forget at a glance.

"What a man!"

Looking at the man pinched in the middle by the violent ape's palm, Kuru couldn't help being awed by the man's appearance, then he strode forward and tried hard to move one finger of the palm away.

The strength of Violent Ape during his lifetime was indeed no small matter, but after death, even though his body is not bad, it is impossible for him to have the terrifying brute force he had during his lifetime.

With all his strength, Kuru barely opened the finger, and then asked someone to lift out the man buried in his palm.

"He's still angry."

A tribe member stepped forward and tried the man's pulse and breathing, but finally got a somewhat unbelievable result.

"Being caught by the violent ape beast, he is still alive?"

Kuru was a little surprised, and after checking it casually, he was taken aback.

The strength of the man's body in front of him was somewhat beyond his expectation. It didn't feel like touching a human body, but rather like touching a piece of steel.

"It seems that this person's origin is not simple. He is probably a warrior from that tribe who was caught by the violent ape beast when he went deep into the forbidden area."

This incident is not surprising, because Violent Ape indeed has the habit of pinching people in its palms and slowly torturing them to death, and then swallowing them in one gulp after pinching them into blood.

He didn't think much about it either.

Because after his test, although the cultivation base of the man in front of him is strong, the whole body is like paulownia and iron bones, and the real physical cultivation base is also very high, but he has not yet reached the point where he can fight the violent ape beast head-on. He's just a little stronger.

If it’s just this level, many people from big tribes can do it, so it’s not surprising.

"what happened?"

In the distance, there was a sound of footsteps, and then Amu walked forward, looked around in surprise, and asked, "Who is this child?"

"A strong warrior should come from a big tribe."

Kuru nodded, and replied in this way, then turned around and looked around, looked at the people around and said, "Two people, we will carry him back together later."

"Yes!" Several clansmen around responded.

"It's also a good harvest."

Looking at the man lying under his feet, Kuru nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Amu in front of him and said, "Amu, I will leave this man to you later, is there any problem?"

"it is good."

Amu nodded: "Just send him back to where I live."


Kuru nodded, expressing his understanding.

If it is in the middle domain, people with unknown origins like this will probably be alerted.

But this is not the case in Barbarian Domain.

Because this kind of thing is too common.

On the huge barbarian territory, it is unknown how many large and small tribes are destroyed every year. Under such circumstances, many barbarians will lose their own tribes and have to turn around and go into exile, or seek refuge with other tribes.

Whether it is to absorb it, or use it for other things, or even sell it directly as a slave, it is a good choice.

Especially for someone with a majestic figure like this time, who is more cultivated, it is even more valuable.

This kind of people generally have some martial arts secrets. If they can be tortured, for some small tribes, it can greatly enrich their own background.

"It's a good sign."

Seeing the man being carried out, Kuru smiled and felt a lot easier for a while.

Soon, a few days passed quickly.

After a few days, the things that can be searched here are greatly reduced.

And at the same time, more and more small tribes came to search around here.

In order to prevent themselves from being discovered, and in order to obtain more gains, Kuru and Amu made a total calculation, and then divided the clansmen they brought this time into two teams, one team returned with the gains they had so far, and the other team returned. Continue to go deep into the forbidden area, trying to continue to explore and get more gains.

Among them, the man who was discovered before was taken away together, and together with the people of the Tarot tribe, they embarked on a journey to the tribe.

Time passed so slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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