Sweeping the world

Chapter 138 Opportunity

Chapter 138 Opportunity
Standing where he was, hearing the news from Tutu, Chen Ming's face was calm, he didn't say much, and started training as usual.

Afterwards, when the sun was high in the sky and it was noon in another day, Chen Ming stopped what he was doing and looked from afar.

In the direction he was looking at, a corpse lay there quietly.The body now looked stiff.

After standing there for a while, Chen Ming hesitated, and finally walked forward, approaching the corpse.

Around, several people in charge of monitoring hesitated for a moment, and finally did not move, allowing him to walk forward and let him walk to the corpse.

The appearance of a tall man's corpse came into Chen Ming's eyes.

This is a middle-aged man with a majestic physique, his skin is dark, and he looks like he has been exposed to the wind and sun.

Because the corpse had been dead for a long time at this moment, the corpse was already a little shriveled and looked a little disgusting.

Chen Ming didn't pay attention to the tragic condition of the corpse, but just looked at the corpse calmly and carefully.

On this corpse, there were not many traces of wild beasts biting, and the whole corpse was well preserved. It seemed that it did not die at the hands of wild beasts.

On the chest of the corpse, a very clear knife mark was eye-catching, and it caught Chen Ming's attention in an instant.

"Didn't he die from a wild beast, but from a man-made fight?"

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, and then he didn't feel like staying where he was, so he turned around and walked towards his tent.

Time is still passing slowly.

After Kuru's body was brought back, within a short period of time, the entire tribe seemed to have taken on a look of sadness, and Chen Ming couldn't help but pay attention to that expression.

"It seems that the dead have a high prestige in the tribe."

One day at noon, looking at the barbarian with a sad look on his face as he was walking outside, Chen Ming murmured to himself thoughtfully.

Different from the usual days, the surrounding atmosphere became more serious today. In the surrounding tents, all the girls and children were gone, only some adult warriors were walking around in the tribe.

Occasionally, Chen Ming also saw some barbarians from other places walking around showing off their might, which made the nearby soldiers dare not speak out.

At this special time, the two adult warriors who were in charge of monitoring him in the past had disappeared, and they seemed to be busy with other things.

But even so, Chen Ming didn't look like he wanted to escape.

For more than a month, although his injuries have not completely healed, at least leaving this tribe is no longer a big problem.

It doesn't mean much to him whether someone is watching.

The reason why Chen Ming didn't leave, but chose to stay in this tribe, was just to adjust his body condition.

"I have read a lot of the secrets of this world. After the injury is fully healed this time, I can adjust my state to the peak and start to attack directly."

Looking at the surrounding scenery, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

During this period of time, while recuperating from his injuries, he did not do nothing.

In other words, if it was just to recuperate, it wouldn't take him so much time.

The reason why he stayed in this place for so long was that he wanted to temper his body again while recuperating, so that he could reach the theoretical peak.

And now, he is not far from his goal.

A burst of crying came from the front, breaking Chen Ming's thoughts.

He came back to his senses and looked forward, only to see that on that side, those outsiders crashed into the tent at this moment, where they plundered wantonly.

A burst of strange barbarian language sounded in place, and came from the front, accompanied by a burst of young girls crying.

Around, a few adult fighters stepped forward to stop it, but were knocked to the ground by several outsiders with three punches and two legs.

It can be seen that the strength of those outsiders is obviously stronger, and they almost generally have the strength of forging bones, while those in this tribe are mostly at the level of ordinary people, and the level of the two sides is not at the same level.

A tragedy is about to happen.

Chen Ming pondered for a moment, shook his head, but finally walked out of the tent.

The camp that these outsiders broke into happened to be the one that Tutu's family lived in, and the crying of those girls was also Limo's.

Therefore, Chen Ming finally stepped forward, and in the astonished eyes of the soldiers around him, he directly threw them out one by one with each hand.

There were at least 30 to [-] foreign fighters in the original place, each of whom was above bone forging, but when facing Chen Ming, they had no resistance at all, as easily as an adult bullying a child.

Afterwards, the leaders of these outsiders came over upon hearing the news, but seeing the majestic Chen Ming with an amazing physique, his hair stood on end in the end, and he was intimidated by his spirit, so he didn't dare to attack him at all.

That's how it went.

Afterwards, in the awe-inspiring eyes of the barbarians around him, he didn't say anything, but after confirming that Tu Tu's family was fine, he returned to his tent in vain.

The next day, Chen Ming clearly felt that the attitudes of the people around him had changed a lot.

Not to mention anything else, just take the matter of martial arts as an example. When he taught the Tutu knife technique before, only some barbarian teenagers would come to watch, but after this time, many adult barbarians also came to watch. I want to learn real martial arts from the sword techniques he taught.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about it, every day was still the same as usual, there was no difference.

This peaceful life continued for a few more days, and then the surroundings became noisy again.

In the early morning, Chen Ming saw a soldier leading the team and brought back a man who was said to be a spy from Gaoyu, and detained him in a tent beside him.

According to what Chen Ming inquired from the surrounding barbarians, this man is said to be from a place called Song State. When he appeared, he had a team of dozens of people. He seemed to be an officer who had just lost a battle. .

In Manyu, this kind of officer from Gaoyu is also very popular.

It is said that the military formations in the big tribes in the barbarian domain were learned from some generals in the high domain.

In the high domain, the way of military formation is very developed. Even if this kind of officer does not master the way of military formation, he will inevitably have some methods of marching and training elite soldiers.

And these are exactly what the barbarians need.

The barbarians of this tribe kidnapped this officer, obviously hoping to subdue him and let him train the army for his tribe. Even if he couldn't, he could serve as a slave and sell him at a high price.

"High Domain."

Looking back at the news he inquired about in his mind, Chen Ming's eyes lit up and he thought for a moment.

"Maybe it's an opportunity."

He looked into the distance, and finally the thought flashed through his mind.

PS: No need to wait for Chapter 2, it will be updated tomorrow afternoon

 Thank you book friend? ? ? ? ? ?hope? ? ? ?The reward of [-] starting coins, thanks to the book friend Qishisan qishisan for the reward of [-] starting coins, thanks to the book friend Tai Boss who ordered the reward of [-] starting coins, and thanks to the book friend Mr. Jie who did not want to be named for the reward One hundred coins,

(End of this chapter)

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