Sweeping the world

Chapter 139 Tactics

Chapter 139 Tactics
In the middle of the night, in the quiet tent, Chen Ming sat quietly on the bed, thinking.

There was a deep darkness in front of him. The barbarians in the barbarian tribe would not choose to light candles, so the inside of the camp was pitch black.

On the contrary, outside the camp, the torches were constantly lit, and the lights on them kept flickering.

Occasionally, there are soldiers in charge of vigilance, patrolling around with torches in their hands.

Looking around, one thought after another flashed in Chen Ming's mind, quietly waiting there, as if waiting for someone to come.

Soon, in his induction, a person kept walking outside the camp, and after wandering there for a long time, he finally walked in.

With the thin light outside, Chen Ming could clearly see the appearance of this person.

This is a middle-aged man with a fair appearance. He is wearing a leather armor, and there are even some blood stains on it, which indicates the experience of this person.


Looking at the middle-aged man who walked into the camp, Chen Ming had a calm expression on his face, and said flatly.


Sneaking into Chen Ming's tent, the man didn't expect this to happen, he couldn't help being stunned, and said, "You know me?"

"do not know."

Chen Ming shook his head, and then said: "But these days you often wander outside my camp, and the way you cover it up is not very good, even if I don't want to find it, it's hard for me."

He said so, then shook his head, and said, "Since you're here, let's talk about your purpose."

The middle-aged man shrank his eyes, stood there quietly and stared at Chen Ming for a long time, and then said, "I want you to take me out."


Chen Ming was stunned, with a little curiosity on his face: "Why did you find me?"

"You are not a barbarian, but you are respected by those barbarians here, which has already explained something."

The man's eyes flickered, and he said so.

"I have good eyesight."

Chen Ming nodded, looked at the middle-aged man, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It is indeed possible for me to take you out, but what good does it do me?"

He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked like this.

"I see that you are majestic in stature and vigorous in blood, and you are the talent of a general."

Looking at Chen Ming, the man nodded and said, "As long as you save me from the barbarian tribe, I can give you a training method for light soldiers, and I can even recommend you to the Song Dynasty as a captain."

"Light soldier training."

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man in front of him.

Like the other barbarians around, he originally thought that the middle-aged man in front of him was just an ordinary officer.But judging from the current situation, this person's identity is probably not ordinary.

At least whether it is cheats such as light soldier warfare, or the casual promise of the position of lieutenant, it is not something ordinary officers can do.

"I want to see your tactics."

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and he finally said this.

"Of course, of course."

Hearing what Chen Ming said, the middle-aged man smiled, and then took out a black book from his arms.

He was clearly prepared, and he didn't panic at all when facing Chen Ming's request, and took out the things directly.

Taking the book from the other party, Chen Ming opened it without hesitation to verify the authenticity.

The method of battle formation given to Chen Ming by the other party included how to select infantry, and how to train Beijing's elite soldiers, so that the entire army formation could be integrated into one, thus exerting far more strength than usual.

However, after reading this secret book all the way to the end, Chen Ming also found that there were also some flaws in this battle formation method, and the most critical content was not recorded in it.

"This is only half of the battle formation method."

As if sensing Chen Ming's doubts, the man raised his head and said, "As for the other half, I'll hand it over to you after we leave the Barbarian Domain."

"Anything else?"

"No, no."

Closing the secret book in his hand, Chen Ming took a deep look at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said, "When are you leaving?"

"The sooner the better!"

Speaking of this, the man's face was a bit ugly: "If you slow down, I'm afraid there will be an accident in this place."


Hearing this statement, Chen Ming frowned, and was about to continue asking.

A burst of crisp footsteps suddenly came from a distance. Although the footsteps were very faint, they couldn't hide their ears.

"I'll tell you more about it next time I have a chance."

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually coming from a distance, the man's expression changed, and then his figure leaned forward, turning into a phantom and rushing towards the distance.

Soon, he left the tent where Chen Ming was, and his entire figure disappeared under Chen Ming's induction.


Putting away the secret book in his hand, Chen Ming shook his head, finally turned around and returned to his bedside.

"It's just right, I was planning to leave in a few days, but now it happens to be a little earlier."

Lying on the head of the bed, he thought so in his heart.

After nearly two months of recuperation, his injuries are almost healed at this moment, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here any longer.

He was preparing to leave this barbarian tribe in a few days, but he didn't expect to have some extra gains just at this time.

late at night.

Carefully walking out of the tent where Chen Ming was, and returning to where he lived, Song Li seemed to feel something, and carefully tore off the shirt on his chest.

On the back of the clothes, there is a black imprint, where it condenses into the shape of a snake, which looks lifelike and frightening.

But at this moment, the imprint of the big black snake is shining brightly, and the pair of blue snake eyes on the big black snake seem to have revived, with a strong cold color in them.

"It's about to catch up in the past few days."

Taking off all the clothes, feeling the hot chest at the moment, and the shining mark, Song Li's face was ugly, and deep fear flashed in his eyes.

Through the connection of the imprint on his chest, at this moment, he seemed to vaguely see a picture.

On a mountain ridge in the distance, a giant black snake with a body size of at least a hundred meters was crawling on the barren ridge.

Different from ordinary snakes, this giant black snake crawled very fast, stretched its huge body gently, and reached a long distance in an instant.

At this moment, as if feeling something, the giant black snake paused for a moment, its eyes looked towards a certain direction in the distance, and then the snake tail swung lightly, and its body crawled forward quickly.

Feeling this scene, Song Li's face was pale, both hands clenched into fists, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

"You must go as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not catch up"

He got up from the spot, looked into the distance along the connection of the imprint on his body, and finally this thought flashed in his mind.

PS; Today, Jenan has a fever, his head is a mess, and he can't hold it any longer, so he asked for a leave of absence, today he only has this palm.

(End of this chapter)

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