Sweeping the world

Chapter 140 Leave

Chapter 140 Leave
Source Power: 1054.74
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic Level [-], This World Medicine King Classic Level [-] (can be upgraded), Great Nirvana Sutra Level [-], Light Soldiers Warfare Level [-] (can be deduced)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin
Bloodline: Buddha's blood (advanced)
"Something always feels wrong."

In the quiet camp, quietly looking at the source power interface in front of him, Chen Ming sat on the head of the bed and muttered to himself: "I feel a deep shadow is coming, and it is about to invade this place, and it will turn this place into a piece of land. ruins."

After possessing the high-level Buddha blood, Chen Ming discovered a long time ago that his perception ability has become extremely strong, and he can often feel things that he couldn't feel in the past.

This feeling has helped him a lot before, and therefore, after this premonition appeared at this moment, he did not have the slightest doubt.

However, what puzzled him was, where did this feeling come from, and where did it come from?
"Forget it, let's leave tonight."

Standing up from the spot, and looking at the surrounding scenery through the isolation of the tent, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind: "As for this tribe, just remind them when the time comes."

"Whether they listen or not is another matter."

He was calm in his heart, and said so lightly.

"Also, when I'm done with this job, I should find a place to try to get promoted."

Looking at the Yuanli interface in front of him, this thought flashed through his mind.

At the beginning, he was in a state of entanglement about whether to use the source force to lift this body up.

This body is not his real body, no matter how good this body is improved, there is still no way to bring it back after the final return, only to lose the source power in vain.

It's okay at the low level, no matter how hard you toss, you can't consume much source power, but once you reach the innate level, the source force consumed will go up all of a sudden, reaching a point where Chen Ming can't bear to waste it.

But when Chen Ming thought about it, this kind of worry was completely unnecessary.

The martial arts with the source of strength is not just a corresponding increase in the strength of the body, the corresponding martial arts experience also exists, which is equivalent to his step by step martial arts practice to the peak, rather than a simple improvement.

With these experiences, even after returning to the main body, he can still quickly practice back to his former cultivation base, and there is no need to pay attention to it.

What's more, to a certain extent, only those with stronger strength can be qualified to better harvest the source power.

Just like Xu Qing before.

If he hadn't brought along Xu Qing's strength to kill from the Tianfeng faction, how could his current source power accumulate to this point.

"So sometimes, there is really no need to look forward and backward"

At this point, he sighed lightly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the weather outside is gradually turning brighter, and a fiery sun is gradually rising high, fully blooming its own light and heat in the sky. For a moment, the whole world is shining brightly, looking blazing hot.

"Brother!!" Not long after, outside the camp, Tu Tu's voice came, and Ting Shanqu was full of vitality.

Two months have passed, and after practicing Chen Ming's improved Linyuan sword technique, he looks more robust, and his energy and blood are also stronger. He looks like a wild beast, and his energy makes people daunting.

On this day, as usual, he came to look for Chen Ming, but when he saw Chen Ming's appearance, he was taken aback again.

Inside the camp, Chen Ming was dressed neatly, but he didn't take care of the few things beside him carefully, put them in a package, and put them there quietly.

The entire tent was also kept very clean, and looked very neat, as if it had been carefully cleaned by someone.

"Brother, you are."

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Tu Tu was stunned for a long time without reacting.

"I'm leaving."

Looking at the gallery in front of him walking into the tent, Chen Ming smiled and said.


Tu Tu was stunned, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart: "Where are you going?"

"It may be to Gaoyu, or it may be to Tianzhou."

Looking at the gallery, Chen Ming sighed softly, and then carefully looked at the boy in front of him.

The boy in front of him looks very strong, but at the age of fifteen or sixteen, his height has already reached his shoulders. If he is fully developed in the future, his height and physique may exceed Chen Ming's body.

What's even more rare is that this child's true spirit is pure, far less complicated than others, and he is generally sincere to everyone.

Although the life of the barbarian tribe was difficult and difficult, it also sharpened his resolute character.

With such potential, even though his aptitude is not very good, his future achievements in martial arts are destined not to be too bad. At least in Chen Ming's view, it is not a problem to practice until the body is perfected.

As for more, it depends on his own fate.

"I'm leaving, and I won't be able to stay with you in the days to come."

In front of him, carefully looking at the gallery, Chen Ming finally smiled, and then said: "For the sake of getting along with each other in the past two months, I left some gifts for you, and you can take them away later."


Listening to Chen Ming's words, Tutu had complicated thoughts and didn't know what to say for a while.

At his current age, he was far from being able to accept parting easily, so he didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Then, brother, if I achieve something in the future, where should I find you?"

Finally, after struggling for a long time, he asked like this.

Hearing this question, Chen Ming was subconsciously taken aback, and then said: "In Tianzhou, there is a country called the Kingdom of Skyfire, and there is a royal family of Skyfire named Xu Qing in it, who is my best friend."

"If you are successful in martial arts in the future and want to go out to find me, you can go to him."

Looking at the gallery, Chen Ming smiled and said, "I believe he won't let you down."

Chen Ming has always been very confident about Xu Qing's future achievements.

Even if the Heavenly Fire Divine Meridian and his extraordinary understanding are excluded, the great luck possessed by him is impossible to ignore.

The library in front of him is only fifteen years old, and his cultivation level is barely enough to reach Bone Forging.

As far as this level is concerned, it will be at least a few decades before the cultivation base is completed.

After several decades, the current Xu Qing probably has already passed the period of weakness and has grown up completely. Naturally, it is not a problem to protect a small library.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't elaborate on the fact that he might no longer be in this world by then.

After explaining on the spot for a while, and handing over the things to the library, Chen Ming let him go out.

Holding the package in his hand, Tu Tu left Chen Ming's tent in a state of dismay, and walked out from here.

"Tu Tu, didn't you practice martial arts with that lord today?"

Along the way, seeing Tutu's appearance, someone asked with a surprised face.

Immediately, Tutu was smart, with a smile on his face, and said: "No, isn't it because I have been training too much during this period of time? I always feel a little pain in my waist these two days, so I want to rest for two days before talking. "

"That's it." The person who spoke didn't think much, just nodded, and left with envy on his face.

After the man left, Tu Tu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was a bit reluctant to leave Chen Ming, just as Chen Ming felt, he was sincere and innocent, and would never do anything that was harmful to others.

Informing others of the news of Chen Ming's departure, and using the power of the tribe to keep Chen Ming behind, this idea never occurred to him from the beginning to the end.

In the camp, observing the actions of the library, Chen Ming smiled with some relief, then got up from the spot, and walked out of the tent slowly.

The sun was shining brightly outside.

Taking advantage of the time being still early and the food delivery person hadn't come yet, Chen Ming quickly came to Song Li's tent and got in touch with him.

Without unnecessary nonsense, he directly informed the other party of the news of leaving tonight, made the other party prepare, and then returned to his tent.

That night, when the night was getting darker, outside the camp, a familiar sound of footsteps came softly.

Hearing footsteps, Chen Ming raised his head and looked out, and then saw Song Li's figure walking in.

Compared with last night, the appearance of the other party has not changed much, except that the blood-stained leather armor has been replaced with a clean herdsman costume.

"You came."

Looking at Song Li, Chen Ming nodded, then got up from the head of the bed, and picked up the luggage beside him.

"How are you going to go?"

Compared with yesterday, this time, Song Li's face looked a little anxious, and now he looked at Chen Ming anxiously and asked.

"How to go?"

Chen Ming glanced at him in surprise, and then said calmly, "Of course I went straight out."

After the words fell, he walked out of the camp directly.

Behind him, Song Li was obviously taken aback when he heard Chen Ming's answer, but looking at Chen Ming who had already walked out of the tent, he still had no choice but to bite the bullet and go out together.

After stepping out of the tent, the scenery outside changed.

On the empty land, a bright silver moon hangs high in the sky, and the silver brilliance spreads everywhere, covering the entire land with a piece of silver, which looks extremely beautiful.

Outside the camp, several barbarian warriors called guards, who were actually surveillance, were still guarding there, but today it was very strange, as if they didn't see Chen Ming's departure, even though Chen Ming was standing in front of them, they Also not visible at all.

This unique performance directly stunned Song Li behind Chen Ming: "This is."

After all, he is a child from a high-level family, not a barbarian with little knowledge. After seeing this scene, he immediately realized something: "God-like!"

Only after the martial artist's soul has reached the level of the gods, can the warrior use it to display illusions and other means.

And Chen Ming's method at the moment is obviously the same.

This discovery immediately shocked him, and he couldn't help looking at Chen Ming with fiery eyes.

For his change of attitude, Chen Ming didn't feel anything. He just turned around and looked at him, and said lightly, "Let's go."

 Thank you for the five hundred starting coins rewarded by the book friend Dragon E Clan~~~There will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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