Sweeping the world

Chapter 141 Mysterious Snake

Chapter 141 Mysterious Snake
Walking out of the camp all the way, Chen Ming looked around.

It was the middle of the night at this moment, and in the surroundings, except for some soldiers who were in charge of guarding the surroundings, the rest of the people had already fallen asleep.

Standing in the center of the entire tribe, Chen Ming finally looked at the tent in the center.

Before Song Li came, he had already written a letter, writing down what he felt, advising him to leave as soon as possible.

The other party should be able to see the contents of the letter when he wakes up tomorrow morning, but whether the other party believes it or not is another matter.

After staying here for two months, Chen Ming can only do so much.

"Let's go."

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance and looking at Song Li beside him, Chen Ming said softly, then turned around and walked out.

Although he had never wandered around here, he had lived in this place for more than two months, and Chen Ming was already very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

With Song Li behind him, he easily walked out of the gate of the tribe and came to the wild.

"It just came out like that."

Walking out of the area where the tribe was located, Song Li looked at the empty and desolate grassland in front of him, his expression was in a daze, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes for a moment.

"It's just a small tribe. It's not difficult to get out."

Looking at his appearance, Chen Ming shook his head: "As long as he is a little bit stronger and has the strength to forge a great body, it won't be too difficult to walk out from here."

"Although that is the case, it is not easy to do so."

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Song Li turned around, with a wry smile on his face: "We don't have sects in Gaoyu. Although there are many elite soldiers, there are few strong ones, which is not as good as your Zhongyu."

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "In your high domain, how much is a genius like me?"

"not much."

Song Li shook his head: "Those countries with ten thousand chariots are fine, but in a country with thousands of chariots like Song, there are no more than five or six people who are as psychic as you."

"If you are willing to follow me back to Song Kingdom, with your strength, as long as you are willing to serve, you will surely gain the trust of the monarch, and your future will be bright."

He looked at Chen Ming, and then said so again, it seemed that he had made up his mind to pull Chen Ming to his side.

Perhaps for the entire Gao Yu, the power of the gods is not considered weak. If Chen Ming, the master of the gods, can be won over, it will naturally benefit Song Li a lot.

"I'll think about it."

Regarding Song Li's win over, Chen Ming just smiled and did not make a clear statement.

After turning around, looking at Song Li, he said, "Except for that small tribe, you need to lead the way."

"rest assured."

Song Li nodded, and said: "In the past few years, I have led soldiers to go deep into this place several times, and I have already memorized the terrain around here, so finding the way is not a problem."

Chen Ming nodded, not having any doubts about it.

After all, this is a military strategist. Memorizing the terrain is a basic operation. What is there to be surprised about?

Following Song Li's guidance, Chen Ming held Song Li in one hand and ran forward quickly.

But before he ran far, Chen Ming was taken aback, with an ominous premonition rising in his heart.

The Buddha's blood in his body began to boil. At this moment, on Chen Ming's body, the sensory power of the Buddha's blood was activated to the maximum.

In the dark, a strange field of vision enveloped all the scenery in front of him.

So, following the induction in his heart, Chen Ming looked into the distance.

In the distance, a hazy black and white scene covered everything, and above the sky, a faint black shadow enveloped the entire world.

In a place tens of kilometers away, a huge black snake with a body length of [-] meters stretched out its own figure, with a pair of deep blue snake eyes, and with a cold killing intent, it rushed forward fiercely.

boom! !

A shock spread from a distance.

Not long after, the surrounding vision began to change, and for a moment, the whole world seemed to be changed, shaking slightly there.

Not far away, Chen Ming clearly saw a huge giant snake gently stretching its body and rushing towards the direction of the tribe in front.

"It's coming."

Looking at the giant snake that appeared at the end of his field of vision, Song Li's eyes widened suddenly, panic and fear were revealed in his eyes. At this moment, there was a faint sense of intense heat in his chest, which made his whole body feel like it was being burned. Burning general pain and discomfort.

"Quick! Go!!"

Feeling the burning sensation emerging from his body, he was full of fear, and said repeatedly: "Now, with those barbarians standing in front of us, he can't find us, leave quickly!!"

"This mysterious snake is by no means something that can be dealt with by the gods. If you don't leave now, it will really be too late!!"

He shouted, looking at it like this, he has a deep sense of fear for this black snake.

Hearing what Song Li said, Chen Ming frowned.

In fact, without Song Li opening his mouth, he could feel the terror of the black snake in the distance. The extreme sense of oppression did not seem to be weaker than that of Jiang Minghao in the past, and even faintly stronger because of his size.

"It is impossible for such a powerful beast to come to this place for no reason."

Looking at the giant snake in the distance, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then subconsciously looked at Song Li, and soon discovered the source of the matter.

From Song Li's body, he felt a deep and dark power, which seemed to be the same as the aura of the giant snake in the distance.

The giant snake was probably drawn by Song Li's breath.

Of course, at this time, it is no longer the time to pursue responsibility.

Chen Ming lifted Song Li with one hand and wanted to leave.

However, not long after walking, his footsteps stopped.

"what happened?"

Looking at Chen Ming who stopped suddenly in front of him, Song Li was a little puzzled.

"Didn't you hear?"

Putting Song Li down from his hand, Chen Ming stopped his leaving steps and sighed softly.

"Hear what?"

Song Li was a little dazed, and asked subconsciously.

"The cry from the tribe"

Chen Ming turned around and looked at the tribe in the distance, feeling a little unbearable after all.

At this moment, the huge black snake in the distance has rushed into the Tarot Department. The huge snake body is swaying in it, and with a light sweep of the snake's tail, the violent power erupts and can kill a large number of people.

At this moment, the Tarot Department is in chaos, and large swaths of blood are blooming, spreading the desolate land.

In the four corners of the tribe, the torches of the patrolling soldiers were even thrown away, setting a large area of ​​tents on fire, and the fire spread and burned in that area.

Children's cries came from all over it, and the helplessness and fear in it made people feel uneasy.

It's fine if you don't see such a tragedy, but if it happened right in front of your eyes, Chen Ming couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

So, under Song Li's horrified eyes, he took a deep breath and finally stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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