Sweeping the world

Chapter 142 Killed

Chapter 142 Killed
Looking at the figure of Chen Ming leaving in a blink of an eye, Song Li roared loudly, trying to make Chen Ming stop.

However, Chen Ming's speed was faster than he had imagined. In just a short moment, the figure disappeared directly, and the whole figure disappeared directly in place, rushing to the end of the field of vision.


Looking at this scene, he sighed deeply, but looking at the giant snake raging in the tribe in the distance, he finally took a deep breath, and after weighing the pros and cons, he still didn't leave, and waited silently in place.

The black snake's imprint is still engraved on his body at this moment, and the aura on it has not completely dissipated, but it was temporarily covered by the surrounding air, so the giant snake didn't notice it.

In his current state, after the black snake finished off the people nearby, without Chen Ming's assistance and cover-up, he would have no way of escaping from the giant snake's mouth by himself, and would definitely be caught up.

So at this point, he can only hope that Chen Ming can retreat in spite of the difficulties and come back earlier.

"Mother! Limo!!"

The flames shone in the wild. In the endless lights, Tutu held a long knife and waved it around. Looking at the giant snake raging in the distance, his whole body couldn't help trembling slightly.

He was indeed afraid, it was an instinctive reaction of the body.

The sense of oppression of the giant beast in the distance is too strong. Due to its own characteristics, every move is full of violent vitality. Anyone who has not gathered his soul will face such a brutal beast. They will be suppressed at any time, even if they are as strong as the peak of body forging, they will be suppressed by [-]% of their strength forcibly, and there is no way to face their sharpness.

This is still the case for a strong man at the pinnacle of body forging, not to mention the gallery that is now worthy of forging bones.

He was so frightened that he trembled all over, but he still held on to his body and refused to retreat, and he never let go of the long knife in his hand.

The next moment, a snake's tail slammed down from the sky like a swift whip, making a crackling sound.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !
A burst of screams came from before the eyes, and dozens of barbarian fighters who stood in front of them were instantly crushed into bloody mud.

Pieces of blood rain fell in mid-air, and the endless blood light spread, accompanied by the screams of countless barbarians.

In the center of the tribe, when he saw the snake tail falling, Amu closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to see the next scene.

But what happened next was astounding.

Because after the tail of the snake fell, what sounded was not the screams of the tribe barbarians, but the roar of the black snake.

Roar! !

On the spot, a black snake more than [-] meters long roared, the black veins on its body glowed at this moment, its whole body was twisting, and it let out an astonishing hissing sound.

That sound didn't sound like his usual neighing, but rather like a warning after being threatened?

This thought flashed across his mind, Amu opened his eyes and looked into the distance, then froze.


Looking at the figure standing in front of him, Tu Tu shouted a little excitedly, but let it go with a sigh of relief.

"Back off."

In front, Chen Ming stood in front of Tutu, with his right hand stretched out from under his crotch to strike, and then he turned around and spoke softly.

Roar! !

After the voice fell, a roar came from the front again.

In front of him, looking at Chen Ming who suddenly appeared, the giant snake's orchid eyes turned slightly cold, and one of its tails was thrown down fiercely.

Before the snake's tail fell, the surrounding space had already begun to rippling, and a violent storm gathered directly, accompanied by a fierce flick of the snake's tail, and a direct twitch.

boom! !

A violent sound erupted, and the next moment, Chen Ming felt a violent sense of suffocation in his heart, as if someone in front of him was holding a knife forward, and could slash his face with a big knife at any moment.

No, it's more serious than that.

With his current level of cultivation, even if he stands there without moving, it may not be a problem if ordinary people chop hundreds or thousands of times, and the speed of loss may not be as fast as his recovery speed.

But if he was directly drawn by this blow, then he might be seriously injured.

Immortal is also disabled!

This thought flashed through his mind. Standing where he was, Chen Ming took a deep breath, and then stepped forward.

boom! !

The bright light bloomed in an instant, and the violent vitality around him was drawn in. Then he stepped forward, and at the same time leaned forward, walking forward step by step. With each step, the aura of the whole body became thicker and thicker. , and its speed is getting faster and faster, until finally it fights by itself.

This kind of momentum was accumulated to the end, when the snake shadow in front fell, his figure was like lightning, and his right hand suddenly swung out. At this moment, his whole body was overwhelmed by it, driving the violent vitality around him forward, and hit the strongest attack at the moment. one strike.

Lin Yuanshi! !

Fierce and domineering, with boundless momentum and spirit slanting down, at this moment, Chen Ming's whole body was firm, and the internal force of his whole body flowed violently, penetrating through his body, like a god of war for a while.

He punched straight down, and his figure was like lightning. At this moment, his spirit exploded with all his might, and he actually suppressed the huge black snake in turn, and directly pulled it away from the spot, making it impossible to stay in the spot.

In mid-air, the mysterious snake roared, and a pair of blue snake eyes turned into scarlet, with a strong sense of coldness in them. At this moment, the scales all over the body were standing upside down, and the scales on the top were shining, faintly converging into a complex pattern .

A majestic force erupted in an instant, and the next moment, the black snake neighed. At this moment, an unrivaled majesty was stimulated. On the scales on the body, a burst of brilliance soared into the sky, rushing directly towards Chen Ming.

The sky swayed, the earth trembled, and the endless vitality was crushed in an instant, and a scene was faintly visible.

Under the whitening sky, the sky was covered with dark clouds, a black black snake screamed upwards, and most of its figure was projected in midair, like a black dragon soaring into the sky, it was awe-inspiring and frightening.

The shocking aura spread, and the next moment, a burst of black brilliance flickered, hitting Chen Ming's body directly, knocking off most of his flesh and blood, and directly breaking several bones in his chest.

The dark golden Buddha's blood is flowing, swaying in the air, turning into wisps of Buddha's power and disappearing completely.

Afterwards, on Chen Ming's body, a long stream of blood energy shot up to the sky, and for a moment, it was like a blood dragon roaring upwards, bursting out with a shocking roar.

The sky is full of blood.

In mid-air, Chen Ming's figure disappeared, and he rushed straight forward. He swung his right arm out, and his five slender fingers joined together to form a fist mark, which contained golden glazed light, and rushed straight up here.

At the same time, the black snake also came towards the sky, opened its huge snake mouth, and bit directly, intending to swallow Chen Ming in one gulp.

The next moment, a violent light burst out.

Huge light and shadow effects permeated the surroundings, and everything around was shrouded in huge clouds, making it impossible to see clearly.

People only heard that at a certain moment, there seemed to be a terrifying hissing sound, followed by a ground vibration, as if something heavy fell to the ground and hit the ground heavily.

A full half an hour passed before the fog that shrouded the end of the field of vision slowly dissipated.

Only now did the barbarians from the Tarot tribe see that on the desolate land in front of them, a black snake with a body length of more than [-] meters was lying quietly on the ground, and its body had been broken into several pieces at some point. It should have been broken abruptly.

"What a fearsome warrior"

Standing in the center of the tribe, looking at this scene quietly, Amu was stunned. Facing Chen Ming's various habits that were inconsistent with the barbarians, and the time and place when the other party was rescued, he couldn't help but understand in his heart at this moment: " It turns out that the strong man from the Central Plains who broke into the forbidden area that time was him."

"It's too scary."

On the other side, looking at the mysterious snake whose body had been broken into several pieces, Song Li was also stunned, almost unable to believe his eyes.

As the chief culprit who caused him to become like this, no one knows the horror of this black snake better than him.

This is almost the top savage beast in the barbaric domain. Even in the entire barbaric domain, except for the top savage beast kings, there are not many savage beasts that can compare with this black snake.

And now, such a terrifying savage beast was shot to death in front of his eyes.

It felt like a dream.

When Song Li was in a trance, a burst of bloody smell came from the side, with a disgusting pungent smell.

He subconsciously turned around to look, and then he was taken aback.

Behind him, Chen Ming walked slowly, coming from more than ten meters away.

After going through a fierce battle, most of the clothes on his body were torn, and there were many wounds on his entire upper body. At this moment, his whole body was soaked with crimson blood, including his own Buddha's blood and the black snake's snake. Blood.

A pungent smell came from him, accompanied by a stinging, stinging, corrosive sound.

It was the venom from the black snake. It was contaminated on the body at this moment, and it was continuously corroding the flesh and blood. It wanted to corrode Chen Ming's entire body, so that he made this sound from all over his body.

"You are fine."

Looking at Chen Ming at this moment, he could smell the bloody smell on his body from all the way, Song Li had some fear on his face, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but then he stepped on the ground and fell to the ground.

"Of course I'm fine."

Looking at Song Li who was sitting on the ground, Chen Ming said, his voice sounded hoarse and weak.

In that battle just now, he successfully dealt with the black snake through nothing else but the Great Compassion Seal.

That black snake was extremely powerful. If it was really one-on-one, Chen Ming would have to fight with the opponent here for at least half a month before he could decide the winner.

In order to avoid this result and make a quick decision, Chen Ming directly activated the Great Compassion Seal, using all his strength to push the power of this style of Buddha Lord's True Inheritance to the extreme. In an instant, it penetrated the black snake's defense in an instant and killed it.

(End of this chapter)

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