Sweeping the world

Chapter 143 Snake Orb

Chapter 143 Snake Orb
"you you."

On the spot, looking at Chen Ming who suddenly appeared in front of him, Song Li was stunned for a long time, unable to speak for a long time, as if he was choked by something in his throat.

"You should give me an explanation."

Chen Ming raised his head, looked at Song Li in front of him, didn't say much, just waved his hand.

A gust of wind blew, and the energy contained in it swept over the spot quickly, blowing up the sleeves on Song Li's chest, revealing the black snake mark on his chest.

On Song Li's chest, with the death of the black snake, the mark on his body gradually became dim, and the trace of power hidden on it quickly faded away, dissipating into black air.

"I killed that black snake. To a certain extent, I also saved your life. I can be regarded as your benefactor."

Looking at the black snake mark on Song Li's chest, and feeling the black snake's strange power that quickly dissipated on it, Chen Ming said so.

"Never mind."

Seeing what Chen Ming said, Song Li showed a bitter smile on his face.

He got up from the spot, standing upright, pondered for a moment, and then said: "I am General Song, the fifth son of King Dongyang, and the grandson of His Majesty today."

"It turned out to be the King Song family."

Chen Ming nodded, and some previous guesses were resolved.

The terms the other party agreed to him before were too generous. Whether it was the light soldier tactics or the post-promised captaincy, it didn't seem like an ordinary person could promise it.

If the opponent is from the royal family of Song Dynasty, then it is understandable that the opponent casually threw out half a book of light soldiers tactics.

After all, although the battle formation of soldiers is precious, it is nothing to the royal family of Song Dynasty. It is just something that can be touched since childhood.

What the other party threw to Chen Ming might just be one of the other's treasures.

"Since you know that I belong to the royal family of Song Dynasty, do you know the curse of my Song Dynasty?"

On the other side, hearing what Chen Ming said, Song Li had a wry smile on his face. The smile on his face was bitter, but he didn't look happy at all.

"The curse of Song Dynasty?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

He has only been in this world for more than a year, and most of the time he has been in deep sleep and baptism, it is good to know some basic common sense, how can he know how many secrets.

"Yes, you are not from the high domain, but from the middle domain."

On the opposite side, Song Li also made up the background of Chen Ming's identity by himself, and then showed a self-deprecating look on his face: "The so-called Curse of the Song Dynasty is a curse that has been passed down among the Song Dynasty family."

"I don't know when this curse started to spread, and how long it lasted. Anyway, since a long time ago, most of the people in my royal family have a short life. Many people die suddenly after they reach adulthood, and there are often unknown things in their later years. Those who died for no reason everywhere."

"And the only way to alleviate this symptom is to find medicine that uses the blood beads or snake eggs of the black snake to restore it."

"So, you all ran to this barbaric domain to trouble that black snake?"

Chen Ming pointed to the black snake corpse in the distance, and said playfully.


Song Li nodded: "I, the Song Kingdom, knew about this black snake a long time ago, but due to national power, I dare not send out a large army to go deep into the barbarian territory to capture it. I can only send trusted people to sneak in and wait for opportunities."

"Half a year ago, I was lurking near this black snake, and I undoubtedly found that it had already laid eggs. I was overjoyed, so I took it in and sneaked into it, preparing to steal a few, and then wait for the opportunity to leave."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, with a wry smile on his face: "But I didn't expect that this black snake is too terrifying. Before we had time to take the snake egg away, he killed it directly."

"In desperation, I swallowed a snake egg and fled in a hurry. Afterwards, I got this mark on my body. I was forced to be infected with the breath of the black snake, and was chased and killed by it all the way."

"At the beginning, I had hundreds of guards around me. In the end, I simply dismissed the guards and tried to escape from the side road alone. I never thought that I would be plundered by the barbarians here."

Having said that, he touched his nose, feeling inexplicably ashamed.

For a nobleman like him, the proud son of heaven, being captured by a group of barbarians who looked down on him quickly was an extremely shameful thing, and it was a dark history that he was unwilling to mention to anyone in his life.

Now mention it again, naturally feel ashamed.


After the shame passed, he suddenly reacted, as if waking up from a big dream, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face: "By the way, that black snake!!"

"This mysterious snake is so powerful and has such a huge physique that it is rare in the world. There must be snake beads in its body!!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ming had a strange expression on his face, and reached out to take out something from his pocket.

"This is what you said."

After the words fell, Song Li's eyes straightened in front of his eyes.

In Chen Ming's hand, a blue round snake bead lay quietly there.

The snake bead was blue in color, lying quietly in Chen Ming's hand at this moment, emitting a faint light there, looking soft and beautiful, like the most noble and precious gemstone, priceless.

This is what Chen Ming found on that black snake just now, and it was dug out of the black snake's body a long time ago.

Because of the Buddha's blood, Chen Ming was very sensitive to this kind of thing that contained extremely strong vitality, so he sensed this snake bead the moment the black snake died.

Standing where he was, looking at the snake bead in Chen Ming's hand, Song Li couldn't move his eyes any longer.

Looking at this blue snake bead, his face was excited, and his eyes were full of obsession. Those eyes seemed to be looking at a peerless treasure.

In a way, it is.

For the royal family of the Song Kingdom, the snake bead in front of them is probably more important than anything else, enough to make them crazy about it and exchange it for anything.

Standing there, Song Li didn't come back to his senses until a long time passed, with a wry smile on his face: "Sorry, I lost my composure for a while."

"You saved my life, and I haven't repaid it. I shouldn't have asked for more, but this snake bead is too important to my country of Song!"

Looking at Chen Ming, he arched his hands with an unprecedented serious expression on his face: "I beg you for this snake bead on behalf of the Song Dynasty, if you are willing to give this snake bead to His Majesty, His Majesty will definitely give you satisfaction." reward!"

"What can you Song Dynasty give me?"

Looking at Song Li and listening to his words, Chen Ming smiled playfully and said so.

Immediately, Song Li was stunned for a moment, then hesitated for a moment, and then said: "All treasures, beauties, martial arts, and even fiefdoms."

"Not interested in."

Listening to Song Li's words, Chen Ming shook his head, showing no interest in what he mentioned.

The so-called gold, silver and jewels, whether they are born or not, have no effect on Chen Ming's current avatar, and naturally they will not be attractive at all.

As for martial arts, there are still some uses, but Chen Ming has inherited the secret realm left by the Great Nirvana Buddha. At the moment, there are at least thousands of advanced martial arts in his mind, and pure martial arts is no longer attractive to him. .

The same is true for cracking the soil and sealing the Marquis.What is in this world is just a doppelganger, not the main body, so what's the use of cracking the soil and making him a marquis?

As a country of a thousand chariots, Song Guo had only one thing that attracted Chen Ming.

Wanting to come here, Chen Ming looked at Song Li and spoke calmly.

"I want a military formation."

(End of this chapter)

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