Sweeping the world

Chapter 148 Mystery and Leaving

Chapter 148 Mystery and Leaving

A surprised voice sounded on the spot, and the next moment, a pair of eyes quickly watched over.

In front of him, the young man had a bit of surprise on his face. At this moment, he seemed to be a little surprised. He just looked at Chen Ming blankly, and seemed to feel something.


He couldn't help opening his mouth. At this moment, his face could no longer maintain the previous calm and calm, but he looked a little moved. The whole person seemed a little excited and happy.

He just looked at Chen Ming like this, with some doubts in his mind, hoping to let Chen Ming solve it, but in the end he didn't ask anything, and he didn't say anything.

Of course, in reality, even if he asks a question right now, he probably won't be able to get a reply.

Because in front of his eyes, accompanied by the boiling of the Buddha's blood, Chen Ming had lost his self-awareness at this moment, and the whole person fell into a deep samadhi.

boom! !

I don't know how long it has passed, Chen Ming was awakened by a faint roar.

He opened his eyes, only to feel the warmth in front of him at this moment, covered by the golden Buddha light, which melted away all the coldness in the world.

Afterwards, he saw, beside him, the young man was standing there. His complexion seemed to have improved a lot at the moment, and there was a smile on his whole body.

"you're awake."

He looked at Chen Ming with a smile, his eyes were kind at this moment, as if he was looking at a junior, his attitude was so soft that Chen Ming almost shuddered.

"Just what happened?"

Standing up from the spot, looking at the young man, Chen Ming asked, with a little confusion in his eyes at this moment.

"You just took care of my body, but you accidentally overworked and fell asleep first."

The young man looked at Chen Ming with a kind face and said so at this moment.

"Is it?"

Chen Ming's face was quite calm, but he didn't believe it at all in his heart.

If it is an ordinary person, what the other party said is somewhat possible, but for a top martial artist who is only one step away from Tongxuan, what the other party said is completely nonsense.

"However, after your conditioning just now, my body has improved a lot."

Looking at Chen Ming, the young man smiled, and then said, "Are you going to the Kingdom of Skyfire?"


The sudden change of the topic made Chen Ming unable to react for a while, so that he was stunned for a while before he said, "Not bad."

"be careful."

The young man nodded and said, "There may be some danger over there recently, so be careful."

"What danger?"

Chen Ming asked with a calm expression on his face.

"An interesting man crawled out of his grave, ready to do something."

The young man smiled, and then said: "But calculate the time, if you pass this time, you can just catch up."

"How is that person's strength?"

Chen Ming continued to ask. At this moment, he no longer treats him as an ordinary person, and attaches great importance to his opinions.

"It used to be pretty good, but after one death, it's not as good as it used to be."

The young man looked at Chen Ming, then looked him up and down: "It's about the same as you."

Chen Ming was silent and did not speak.

His current strength is congenitally great, close to the peak of congenital.

But in terms of combat power, with his current great martial arts essence, once it explodes, it will immediately surpass the innate peak. Except for a few people, the rest will never be his opponent.

That existence from the Kingdom of Skyfire is as powerful as him?
Chen Ming was silent.I didn't know what to say for a while.

"For the sake of being a good person, let me give you a piece of advice."

Looking at Chen Ming, the young man was silent for a moment, and then said again: "Your blood is a good thing for you, but it may also bring you disaster."

"The grievances and grievances left by the ancient gods and men have not yet completely ended"

He said so quietly, then turned around and left under Chen Ming's astonished eyes.

It was not until he left for a long time, at the same place, that Chen Ming realized a little bit.

"My blood, does it mean Buddha's blood?"

Looking at the direction where the young man left in the distance, Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and countless thoughts were surging in his mind at this moment.

"Husband, why are you so happy today?"

On the other side, looking at the pale young man walking back from Chen Ming, the woman holding the little girl looked surprised and asked like this.

"I saw a promising junior, so I was happier."

Looking at the woman, the young man smiled: "Get ready, we will leave tomorrow."

"Leave tomorrow?" The woman's face was surprised: "Husband, didn't you say that the direction of the Kingdom of Skyfire is full of purple energy, and it seems that the destiny of this era is about to be born?"


The young man sighed, and then said: "The Man of Destiny is about to be born. According to my calculations, he should still be robbed at this moment, and he is in the middle of a trough."

"In order to prevent the fate of this era from dying, I was going to go there to help, but now it seems that it is unnecessary."

"Why?" The woman's face was even more surprised, and even the girl in her arms stopped making noise at the moment, but concentrated on listening to the young man.

"Because someone is willing to do it for you."

The young man smiled, recalling the scene when he met Chen Ming before, he couldn't help but smile at this moment: "Since someone is willing to do it for you, why should I go to this muddy water and expose my position."

"Take a walk around this great river and mountain, and look for the gods and people born in this era. This is what I should do."

He looked at the woman, at the child in the woman's arms, and couldn't help but smile at this moment, with more tenderness on his face: "Let's go."

"It's been a long time since I've been back in this world of flowers. I haven't done it yet. I've accompanied you to various places."

"Okay." The woman also smiled, and then went down to prepare.

The next day.

When Chen Ming went to look for the young man again with doubts, he found that the young man's family had disappeared.

"Already gone?"

Walking into the carriage where the young man's family lived, Chen Ming frowned as he looked at the empty and spacious place around him.

The other party left without the slightest sign. Yesterday he was still chatting with Chen Ming, but today his whole family has disappeared without leaving even a trace.

However, after experiencing yesterday's scene, Chen Ming always felt that the reason why the other party left was not because of anything else, but because of him.

"Because of my existence, I chose to leave. What's the reason?"

Looking at the spacious carriage around him, Chen Ming shook his head and was about to leave.

But at this time, something caught his attention.

It was a pink crayon with a piece of white paper pressed on it.

Chen Ming stepped forward, picked up the colored pen, and looked at it carefully: "Wang Yiyun"

(End of this chapter)

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