Sweeping the world

Chapter 149 Opportunity

Chapter 149 Opportunity
"Wang Yiyun"

In the quiet and spacious carriage, Chen Ming quietly held the colored pen, looked at the handwriting engraved on the colored pen, and muttered slowly, and then suddenly, he recalled a certain figure at this moment: "It's her."

Wang Yiyun, this name is none other than that young man's daughter.

During the motorcade trip during this period, the relationship between Chen Ming and the young man's family was fairly harmonious. Because of the experience of coaxing children in the first life, the girl treated him fairly well.

Now, the other party deliberately left this thing for him, what did they want to tell him?
"Maybe it wasn't intentional, but it was just omitted accidentally, or it was thrown away as garbage."

Holding the colored pen, Chen Ming muttered to himself, then picked up the paper under the colored pen, opened it and looked at it.

Then, he was taken aback.

On the clean paper, a line of delicate handwriting was written on it. Although the handwriting looked very faint, the handwriting left on it could still be seen clearly.

"We'll see you again."


Looking at the handwriting left on it, Chen Ming smiled, not knowing what to say for a while.

After standing in the carriage for a long time, he put away the colored pens and paper, and then walked out.

Without extra movement, he returned directly to the carriage he was in, just sat there, and continued to deduce the method.

Time passed so slowly, and soon, it was a few months later.

Several months later, Chen Ming got off Zhao Xie's convoy and finally came to a city.

"Going forward from this city is the royal city of the Kingdom of Skyfire."

Behind Chen Ming, Zhao Xie was wearing a clean short jacket, and said with a smile: "However, the Kingdom of Skyfire is generally closed, and their cities are closed to the outside world except for a few, especially these days. .”


Chen Ming accurately captured this key word, and then asked, "What happened recently?"

"I'm not too sure either."

Zhao Xie shook his head, feeling a little confused about this: "I've been on the road for too long, and I'm a little clueless about the news here."

"However, some time ago, a friend of mine told me that the situation in the Kingdom of Skyfire has been a little unstable recently."

"It is said that a lost Skyfire royal family returned to the royal city, and then killed another royal family."

"Return of the Lost Royal Family"

Hearing this, Chen Ming paused, and then asked, "The lost royal family you mentioned must be Xu."

"how do you know?"

Now it was Zhao Xie's turn to be stunned, he hesitated for a long time looking at Chen Ming, with some doubts on his face.

"It's okay, I'll just take a guess."

Chen Ming touched his head and said casually.

Finally, he looked at Zhao Xie in front of him, and asked, "Is there any way for me to enter the royal city?"

"Do you want to go there and have a look?"

Zhao Xie was stunned, and then began to think carefully: "If you go there, it will definitely not work under normal circumstances, but my friend may have a way."

"How about it, I will stay in this country of fire for a long time, I will inquire about you in the past two days, and come to you as soon as I have news, how about it?"

Looking at Chen Ming, he spoke enthusiastically.

The reason for being so enthusiastic is nothing but Chen Ming's performance some time ago.

Tianzhou is full of dangers, and the caravan led by Zhao Xie is not going smoothly on the road.

In the previous few months, when encountering some troubles, Chen Ming also helped solve some minor troubles.

This is why Zhao Xie is so enthusiastic at the moment.

"That would be troublesome."

Looking at the enthusiastic Zhao Xie in front of him, Chen Ming nodded and said, "Then I'll go in and have a look?"

"it is good."

Zhao Xie nodded: "You know where the caravan lives, just come here and find me later."

Chen Ming nodded, didn't say much, just walked forward.

The city in front of him was not too big, and soon, Chen Ming walked to the city gate.

Compared with cities in other places, this city looks very interesting. There are actually people collecting city fees in front of the gate.

"Entry fee?"

Looking at the guard in front of him stretching out his hand, Chen Ming was speechless.

He didn't expect that there was a city that would charge such a fee.

"The Land of Fire seems to be very unfriendly to outsiders."

With this thought flashing in his mind, Chen Ming then paid the entry fee, and then successfully entered the city.

The interior of the city is not too big, and it doesn't look special, but the people in it look very unique.

Perhaps it was because the weather was too hot, the people here were generally dark-skinned, and most of them wore very cool clothes. There were very few people like Chen Ming who wore long gowns.

After walking around the surrounding cities, Chen Ming first found a place to live, and then began to inquire about the news nearby.

Although this city is not big, one thing that makes Chen Ming feel relieved is that because it is located in the center and there are often passing motorcades, the news here is still well-informed, and it will not lag behind like ordinary small towns.

Here, Chen Ming successfully inquired about the lost royal family.

The lost royal family is said to be the child of the heirs of the previous generation of the royal family, and also the grandson of the King of Fire today. With the outbreak of the war decades ago, he has been living in the outside world since he was a child.

Until some time ago, the royal family returned to their own family, and then a lot of trouble happened.

In just a few months, the prince of Dongyang was seriously injured and almost died because of it, and several previous royal families targeted him, and a war almost broke out.

Both parties have supporters and influences.

At this moment, the two sides have almost reached the point where swords are facing each other, so that even in this small town, a large group of people are talking about it.

Chen Ming stayed in this city for a while, and after inquiring all the information he could, he chose to leave, walked out of the city, and came to the camp where Zhao Xie was stationed outside.

There, he successfully met Zhao Xie.

"It's a good time for you to come."

After a few days away, when I saw Chen Ming again, Zhao Xie looked very enthusiastic and had a good attitude.

The two chatted for a while, and then Zhao Xie got into the topic.

"I happen to have a great opportunity here, allowing you to enter the royal city."

Looking at Chen Ming, he spoke seriously.

"what chance?"

Chen Ming frowned, and asked back.

"A trial."

Zhao Xieru said: "The Skyfire royal family once again opened the Skyfire secret realm, allowing all the royal families to enter it and find their own gains."

"More importantly, not only the royal family, but also those nobles are eligible to enter the Skyfire Mystery Realm this time."

(End of this chapter)

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