Sweeping the world

Chapter 150 Skyfire Secret Realm

Chapter 150 Skyfire Secret Realm

Chen Ming was stunned for a while, but he didn't realize Zhao Xie's meaning for a while.

"Most of the nobles in the Kingdom of Skyfire are former royal families, but they have slowly multiplied over time, so their bloodlines have gradually thinned."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhao Xie smiled, and then said: "But even so, these people are also of the Skyfire clan after all. They have the Skyfire divine vein in their bodies, which is the most noble bloodline besides the royal family."

"So this time, they also have the qualifications to enter the Skyfire Secret Realm."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded, then continued to speak, and said with some doubts: "However, what does this have to do with me?"

"Brother Liu, don't worry, listen to me slowly!"

Zhao Xie smiled. Looking at Chen Ming's reaction, the smile on his face became even wider: "This time, the qualifications to enter the secret realm are shared, and each nobleman has some places in his hand."

"However, with so many Skyfire nobles, their strengths are always strong and weak. For some weak ones, we are going to take out some places and invite some strong foreign warriors to join them."

"When you say that, I understand."

Chen Ming waved his hand, with a strange expression on his face: "Isn't this just asking for foreign aid?"

"Foreign aid? This word is appropriate."

Zhao Xie was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, and said, "This time my friend has some contacts and can contact a small nobleman."

"That little noble's request is not high. With your force, as long as there are no accidents, it will be an easy matter."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhao Xie said with a smile, he seemed quite confident in Chen Ming's strength.

After saying this, he seemed to think of something, and said, "However, it should be noted that this trip to the secret realm is not in vain."

"Half of the things you get in the secret realm will be handed over to that noble family, and [-]% will be given to me as friends, and the rest will be yours."

He spoke like this, explaining the matters to be paid attention to in advance.

"It's okay."

Chen Ming nodded, but he didn't care about it.

He is not interested in the so-called harvest, it is nothing more than some elixir and cheats.

After inheriting the Lord Buddha's secret realm, Chen Ming did not lack these two things, and he was even less interested in the so-called Skyfire secret realm.


So, he nodded and said casually: "Help me contact your friend and find a chance for us to meet."

"no problem."

Zhao Xie smiled, rather pleased with Chen Ming's agreement, it seems that there are many benefits in it.

Chen Ming was not in the mood to think too much, after seeing Zhao Xie leaving in a hurry, he shook his head, turned around and left as well.

Time passed slowly, and soon, half a month later.

"Is this the warrior you mentioned?"

In a spacious courtyard, a middle-aged man with red hair stood there looking at Chen Ming with a surprised expression on his face: "The figure is majestic, but I don't know how to kung fu."

At first glance, he was quite satisfied with Chen Ming's appearance.

Compared with Chen Ming's seemingly weak body, the avatar possessed by Chen Ming is undoubtedly much more majestic.

With a height of nearly [-] meters, the firm flesh and blood all over his body, and the iron-blooded aura tempered by the fighting all over his body, people can't ignore him at the first sight, and dare not despise him.

However, although I dare not underestimate it, the actual level still needs to be tested.

After all, the opportunity to enter the Skyfire Secret Realm is precious, if you give it to someone who looks like it is not useful, wouldn't it be a loss?
"Master Shao, I found this strong man on purpose. There are absolutely no problems."

Beside the middle-aged man, a tall and powerful middle-aged man in a Chinese robe looked respectful, looked at the man and said in a low voice: "According to the person who introduced him, this man is close to the level of physical training." The pinnacle is only one step away from reaching the gods."

"Body forging is great!!"

The middle-aged man with red hair was startled, with a look of surprise on his face: "Is this true?"

"How dare a villain deceive an adult."

Beside him, the middle-aged fat man on one side laughed and said in a low voice: "According to my friend, this person lived in the Central Territory before. opportunity."

"This time, if it wasn't for the opening of the Skyfire Secret Realm and he came here on his own initiative, he wouldn't be able to find it under normal circumstances."

"So good."

The red-haired man smiled, and seemed satisfied with Chen Ming: "However, I still need to find a chance to try."

People can lie. Although it is unlikely that the other party will lie to him in this matter, it is of great importance and must be guarded against.

Standing where he was, he pondered for a while, and was about to speak.

Chen Ming waved his hand, and the blood qi erupted from all over his body, directly bursting forward, layers of blood qi inside were like waves, each layer was stronger than the next layer, and in the end, like a tsunami erupting, it suddenly turned into a blow and charged far away.

boom! !

A huge sound erupted, and layers of waves appeared in the blank air. For a while, a violent impact rose out of nowhere in midair, and it collided with an existence lurking in the distance.

The next moment, Chen Ming turned around and looked into the distance with his eyes.

In the distance, a figure was flying backwards rapidly, with a bottomless wound on his chest.


Looking at the figure in the distance who was directly repelled by Chen Ming's punch, the red-haired man's face was frightened and angry, and at this moment, fear rose in his heart.

Although it was just a quick glance, it can be seen from the blow just now that the man's strength is at least not inferior to that of Kaiqiao, and he is even close to the peak of Kaiqiao, reaching the point of perfect body forging.

Under the blue sky and broad daylight, such a terrifying master is lurking in his clan land like this, how can it not be frightening and frightening.

Subconsciously, he wanted to chase him down thousands of times, but in the end he found that the figure had already disappeared, and was completely gone at this moment.

"Thank you, strong man!"

Seeing that the man on the opposite side disappeared, the red-haired man quickly reacted, looked at Chen Ming, and showed a warm smile on his face: "Today I know the bravery of a strong man. If it weren't for the strong man here, I'm afraid I wouldn't know it. Lurking outside my house!"

When he said this, he was very polite.

The reason for this is of course due to strength.

That person just now is at least a master of enlightenment state, and if he can defeat such a master with a single punch, the Chen Ming in front of him is at least at the level of perfect body training, and he may even have half-step spiritual power.

But he didn't know that in fact, the person who was lurking before was much stronger than he imagined. In Chen Ming's induction, it wasn't some kind of enlightenment, but it was clearly a half-step enlightenment.

The reason why it gave people a feeling that they hadn't enlightened was entirely because Chen Ming was too strong, so that under the pressure, the opponent's strength could not be fully displayed, which gave people this feeling.

Of course, in front of him, since the other party misunderstood so much, then Chen Ming wouldn't go out of his way to say it.

The reason why he shot was because the opponent was too conspicuous.

In front of him, showing killing intent towards the two people around him, even intending to attack directly, it is too disrespectful to him.

If the opponent succeeds, then his plan to go to the capital may be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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