Sweeping the world

Chapter 154 see you

Chapter 154 see you

"But it's coming soon."

Standing quietly in place, feeling the changes in the surrounding environment, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

He stayed in the secret realm during this time, not entirely to take care of Shao Ling.

During the time he stayed in the secret realm, he was also experiencing the subtle changes in the secret realm, seeking the essence from the changes and changes of vitality, and looking for the ultimate and principle of the secret realm's recovery.

For more than a month, he stayed here quietly, and finally caught a trace of it.

Even though it's just a little bit of you, it means a lot to Chen Ming.

Strictly speaking, the secret realm is a small world. Although it is far inferior to the outside world in terms of essence, it is very similar in some basic places. Unique advantages.

After staying in this place for a whole month, Chen Ming barely touched the outline and found something.

Although there were not many things caught, it was enough for Chen Ming's current level.

With what he felt during this period, Chen Ming keenly felt that this trip to the secret realm was coming to an end.

This place is about to enter an active period, and it will truly recover from the original dilapidated secret realm, and it will soon transform into a real secret realm.

And at that time, the external gate of the secret realm in front of him will open, and the powerful members of the Skyfire clan who are blocked from the outside world at this moment will pour in to suppress all unfavorable factors.

Although the strong man named Qishan came from an unusual background, but this moment is not the past after all, facing the entire Tianhuo clan, he still couldn't please him in the end.

If the other party is not stupid, he will act quickly at this last moment to achieve his goal.

And that's what happened these days.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming got up from the spot, raised his head quietly, and looked into the distance.

In the distance, there were little lights flickering, and bursts of crimson light gradually enveloped the sky, illuminating the entire sky in red.

The majestic brilliance flickered, and there seemed to be a blood-colored angry dragon roaring in it, gradually manifesting ferociousness.

A faint sense of space vibration came from all around, and the next moment, bits and pieces of dust fell, and a little bit of space power spread down silently, spreading towards Chen Ming.

Feeling this, Chen Ming frowned, subconsciously vibrating the spirit in his body, restraining the power of space from around the secret realm so that it would not affect himself.

However, looking at Shao Ling who was slowly disappearing before his eyes and being teleported away by the invisible power of space, Chen Ming shook his head, and finally let go of the suppression of the spirit on his body, allowing the power of space to rippling on his body, allowing him to teleport open.

The hazy darkness came from before his eyes, accompanied by a chill, and a suffocating sense of terror and oppression.

Feeling all the sensations in his body, Chen Ming opened his eyes and looked around.

There is a spacious platform in front of you, surrounded by circles of people, standing around the circle in the middle, the whole looks very beautiful and tidy.

However, although the lineup looked neat and beautiful, the expressions on the faces of these people around at the moment were not like that.

Being teleported over suddenly, these people had deep confusion and hesitation on their faces, as well as a deep sense of fear.

Confusion and hesitation are easy to understand, and the reason for fear is also very simple.

Because at this moment, a man wrapped in a black robe with a face like a skeleton was standing quietly in the center.

Many of the Skyfire clan present were already very familiar with this person, and had a deep fear of him.

This person is none other than the mysterious person who has massacred in the secret realm and hunted down the Tianhuo clan during this period of time.

During this period of time, many Tianhuo clans have been hiding in hidden places day and night in order to avoid their pursuit, for fear of being found by them.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party did not come to them, but they took the initiative to send it to their door.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Through the powerful spiritual induction, Chen Ming also saw a few acquaintances inside.

An innocent and lively girl with anxious and hesitant face at the moment, this is Shao Ling.

There is another person, a young man, wrapped in a black robe, looking a little embarrassed, with most of his sleeves torn, and blood can still be seen from a distance.

This is Xu Qing. I haven't seen him for more than half a year now, and he has become a lot more mature. Although his figure is in a mess and his body is full of wounds, the stubbornness and determination on his face are exactly the same as before, without any change.

And beside him, there was a tall man with a long knife in his hand, who looked majestic and majestic standing there.

Chen Ming didn't know this person, but he knew his name. He was the strongest member of this generation's Skyfire Clan, named Chu Xuan.

At this moment, Xu Qing was standing face to face with Chu Xuan, the dense wounds on their bodies corresponded to Qi Shan on the opposite side.

"Have you not given up yet?"

Looking at Xu Qing and Chu Xuan on the steps, Qishan showed a smile on his face, and just smiled: "It's useless."

"I have already reached the summit, and although your talent and blood are strong, you are too young. You can even reach half a step of supernatural power at this moment. How can you resist me?"

"Put down your weapons obediently, kneel down and surrender, I will spare your lives!!"

With a cold face, he looked at Xu Qing and the two of them, and said so.

It's a pity that when faced with his words, Xu Qing and Chu Xuan only thought they heard the wind in their ears, and had no intention of surrendering at all. On the contrary, the fighting spirit in their eyes became stronger.

Whether it is Xu Qing or Chu Xuan, they are all a generation of arrogance, no matter when they are put in for a moment, they are proud in their hearts, and they will never surrender due to external forces.

Compared with the option of kneeling down and begging for mercy, for them, it is better to die vigorously in battle.

Moreover, even if they really surrender, the other party may not really let them go.

During this period of time, they have seen the cruelty and repetition of the person in front of them. If they really believed in him, they might not even know how to die in the end.

Seeing that Xu Qing and Xu Qing didn't respond, Qishan sighed regretfully, and after a long time, he said, "It seems that there is no choice."

"Forget it, after you are resolved, all problems will be gone."

"You have such a strong blood, just leave it to me obediently."

He spoke lightly, with indifference in his eyes.

As his words fell, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, quickly climbing in place, and at this moment, it had reached a limit.

The pinnacle of power! !
The Qishan in front of him has already reached the level of the peak of the gods, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the last step, reaching the realm of the profound.

(End of this chapter)

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