Chapter 155
"I sort of understand why that guy Wang Tong wants to remind me specifically, as if I'm afraid I won't be able to solve this guy."

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at Qi Shan in the distance, Chen Ming shook his head: "Looking at the situation, this person's peak period is definitely above the level of the gods, at least in the realm of the profound. Now, if he recovers, he will There are few enemies."

He doesn't know what strength Wang Tong is, but even if the other party is also revived by the ancient powerhouse, it is absolutely impossible to surpass Tong Xuan at this moment, at most it is only a Tong Xuan and it is the kind with severe restrictions.

These are some of the conclusions that Chen Ming has obtained from researching the recovery and activation of the secret realm during this period of time.

If you look at it from a higher level, the so-called secret realm is actually a small world, some of which are as extreme as the big world.

In the small world, there will be prosperity and decline, and the same is true in the big world.

According to what Wang Tong said that day, and what Chen Ming has researched during this period, the outside world should still be in the recovery period and has not yet entered the peak state.

In this state, the maximum strength that the world itself can support is limited. According to Chen Ming's speculation, the upper limit at this moment is at most only one level higher than the peak of Tongshen, that is, Tongxuan.

Even if Wang Tong's origin is mysterious, but at this moment, at most he is Tong Xuan, and the gap with Qi Shan in front of him is not too big.

It is understandable that the other party will remind him and hope that he will solve it by hand.

"I just don't know why he tried to kill this one."

Chen Ming got up from the spot, looked at Qi Shan in the distance, and this thought flashed in his mind.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming didn't make a move immediately, but stayed quietly, watching the situation unfolding in front of him quietly.

After being separated from Xu Qing for half a year, Chen Ming is still a little vague about Xu Qing's current state, so he just took this opportunity to take a look.

In the end, Xu Qing's performance did not disappoint Chen Ming either.

In just half a year, he didn't know what method he used. Not only did he regain his previous cultivation base, but he even went a step further. He has already reached half a step of supernatural power at this moment, and he is only short of the last step to be promoted to supernatural power.

Not only that, but his combat power is even more terrifying, and there is a sense of rhythm that Chen Ming is very familiar with in every move.

That is the saber movement of Linyuan's saber technique, which has been integrated by Xu Qing at this moment, and even faintly, there has been a further breakthrough.

His fighting spirit is astonishing, even if it's just an ordinary move, it can turn decay into magic, bursting out with a power far beyond his own.

Even though his cultivation was only half a step of supernatural power, Xu Qing's strength at this moment was already comparable to that of a supernatural power. Even if Chen Ming saw it at this moment, he would praise him and sigh deeply.

But even so, that's it at this point.

With Xu Qing's current combat power, it may be possible to achieve half-step supernatural power against supernatural powers, but once he crosses this level, it will be too reluctant.

Qishan in front of him doesn't know the details, but to have the strength he has now, he must not be a weak person back then, he must be a genius, even if he is not as good as Xu Qing, the difference will not be too far.

Facing such a strong man, even though Xu Qing and Chu Xuan teamed up with amazing fighting spirit, they still couldn't turn the tide of the battle. At most, they only delayed the time a little bit.

Soon, Chen Ming saw that on the high platform, Xu Qing's figure flew upside down, and was then stepped on by Qi Shan. The defeat was clean and neat, without any room for maneuver.

"I've said long ago that resistance is useless."

Looking at Xu Qing at his feet, Qi Shan smiled, and swung out his right hand, hitting real waves in mid-air with majestic force, and directly punched Chu Xuan, like a speeding train hitting someone The body is the same, and Chu Xuan's whole body is knocked out at once, unable to continue to intervene in the battle.

After doing this, he walked to Xu Qing's side, stood there for a while, and then looked at him affectionately.

This look is very complicated, with greed, longing, and fear hidden in the bottom of my heart.

But these emotions disappeared one by one in the end, and gradually turned into relief.

"Forget it, the past, let him go."

Looking at Xu Qing at his feet, Qishan showed relief on his face: "I took your body and your blood, and I will go out to settle the past enmity."

After finishing speaking, he gently stretched out his hand towards Xu Qing.

But at this time, a new force emerged from all around.

In a corner of the surrounding area, seeing that Qi Shan finally made his move, a person who had been prepared for a long time made a move and blocked Qi Shan at this moment.

"You are not from the Skyfire family."

Looking at the majestic man who suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked him at the critical moment, Qi Shan asked with a serious face, "Who are you?"

"Just a passerby."

Chen Ming smiled, and then said: "I see that your Excellency is full of blackness, as if you have lived in a dark place for a long time. If you stay outside for a long time, you may be injured."

"It's better for me to take action and send you back, Your Excellency, okay?"

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability or not."

Qi Shan spoke in a cold voice, looking at Chen Ming who appeared in front of him, an indescribable coldness spread in his eyes.

Time gradually passed, and the atmosphere in place froze for a moment.

The two are facing each other, standing facing each other, looking at each other.

In Chen Ming's eyes, the Qishan in front of him was like a damaged armor. It seemed to be damaged everywhere and full of flaws, but in fact it gave people a feeling that there was no way to start.

No matter where he strikes, it seems that there is no way to completely eliminate the opponent, and there is no way to achieve a heavy blow.

But in his benevolent eyes it is the opposite.

In Qi Shan's eyes, Chen Ming in front of him was like a perfect circle, his whole body was condensed into one body, and the power of spirit surged, keeping his whole body tight.

Facing this state, even with his eyesight, there was a feeling of being unable to do anything for a while.

"Brother Liu"

Under the high platform, looking at Chen Ming who suddenly appeared on the high platform, Shao Ling's face was shocked, and fear and worry subconsciously rose in her heart.

She was worried about Chen Ming's defeat, and she was also afraid that after Chen Ming's defeat, Qi Shan would be purged afterwards.

With the other party's methods, once the other party knew that Chen Ming belonged to her, they would probably kill her immediately and tear her to pieces.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering, feeling an urge to escape from this place.

But then, all the worries and fears in her heart disappeared, and all the emotions in her mind were filled with shock.

In front of him, Chen Ming strode forward, his majestic and unparalleled fighting spirit erupted, pulling the vitality around him, and collided directly with Shan Shan.

The two fought here, and their spirits clashed with each other, suppressing all changes in the surroundings in an instant, the majestic force of spirits suppressed everyone present and dared not make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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