Sweeping the world

Chapter 156 Inheritance

Chapter 156 Inheritance
The majestic power of the soul collapsed the space, and in midair, a big hole suddenly opened, and a little light spread in it, and the artistic conception of deep darkness appeared and flashed at no time, driving the changes in the surrounding environment.

Two strands of fighting intent, one fierce as fire, bright and aboveboard, peerless fighting intent, the other gloomy and dark, faintly carrying a power to corrode everything, trying to corrode everything in front of you.

The result of the final collision was comparable.

No, strictly speaking, Chen Ming was at a disadvantage.

His spirit is astonishing, far superior to the same level only in terms of will and spirit, but he is too weak in terms of body, and he is inevitably suppressed by the opponent.

After the blow, Chen Ming was covered in blood, and a large amount of flesh and blood burst from his body, and he looked seriously injured.

But regarding these injuries, Chen Ming didn't pay much attention to them, he just waved his hand, then walked forward nonchalantly, and continued to fight again.

A figure vanished in mid-air, and then quickly turned into an afterimage, disappearing from sight.

In mid-air, Chen Ming jumped forward, and at some point there was a long knife in his hand.

He leaned forward, swinging the long knife in his hand quickly, one knife after another, forming an afterimage in mid-air in his hand, quickly gathering into a fierce and boundless knife.

A huge long silver river runs across the air, which contains a strong power of soul, condensing it into one.

If you look carefully, you can find that this long silver river is not a real river, but formed by the condensed sword energy one after another, and a domineering and unparalleled spirit runs through it, shaking half of the sky.

boom! ! !
The blade was sharp and violent, and the shocking blade energy erupted at this moment, and finally turned into a deadly blade, slashing forward heavily.

"This knife"

Facing the power contained in this knife, Qi Shan's face changed, and for the first time he felt that things were beyond his expectations.

To him, Chen Ming's physical strength was nothing, even though it was tyrannical, it was only at the level of an ordinary supernatural being, and it was nothing to him.

The other party's spirit was unexpectedly strong, but it was only on par with him, not as good as when he was at his peak.

The real strength of the other party is the mind and will of the other party, which is incredibly tenacious, even if it is as tyrannical as it is good, it cannot help being moved at this moment.

This person is like a natural god of war. Even in a weak position, his fighting spirit is still amazingly strong. It seems that no matter how many times he is knocked down or how many times he is seriously injured, he can get up from the ground again and fight again. The most terrifying battle ever.

Feeling the sharpness of the knife in front of him, Qi Shan had no doubts at all. If he had the same level of cultivation as Chen Ming in front of him, he might be doomed to be defeated today.

"What a pride"

His body was suspended in mid-air, looking at Chen Ming who was chopped down with a knife in front of him, a coldness flashed in Qi Shan's eyes: "It's a pity. You met me too early."

"Go in peace."

The voice fell, and endless darkness shrouded it.

In the same place, everyone present raised their heads with astonishment on their faces.

In mid-air, a dark color enveloped the entire night, bit by bit of dust suspended and spread, and finally a deep eye emerged, and there was a darkness shrouded in it.

Black streaks flickered all over Qi Shan's body, and at this moment his whole body was filled with it, and a deep and corrosive atmosphere of darkness emanated from his whole body, like the master of darkness, he dominated this huge area at this moment. area.

One side of the silver long knife was straight to fight, and the majestic and boundless fighting spirit erupted, directly cutting down.

boom! ! !
A dull sound erupted, and then the two spirit powers scattered, turning into a shower of stars and falling to the ground.

Standing behind Chen Ming, oppressed by the frightening force that flashed around, Xu Qing reluctantly raised his head and looked at Qi Shan in front of him.

In his gaze, in the distance, Qi Shan's body began to crack slowly, and scars began to appear on his body one after another.

These scars spread on his body, gradually expanding to a frightening level.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing was stunned.


In his mind, Youhuo's voice slowly sounded, and at this moment, there was some surprise in the voice: "Although your elder brother's move is strong, but in terms of strength alone, he is only on par with this person. why"

"It's the palm print!"

After a long silence, Xu Qing suddenly spoke, with a tremor in his voice.

"What?" You Huo was stunned for a while, and then finally realized after a while.

Pieces of dust fell, and smoke and sand scattered one after another.

In front of him, Qi Shan fell from the sky at this moment, and the knife marks all over his body faded away, causing the skin on his body to disappear one by one.

In the end, on his chest, a golden palm print was clearly visible. On the palm print, a bit of life and death died away, and the artistic conception of reincarnation slowly flowed, with a suffocating meaning of death, directly turning into an old brand. It was deeply imprinted on his body.


Falling from mid-air, looking at Chen Ming at this moment through many barriers, Qi Shan's face is full of disbelief, his eyes are like a living person suddenly seeing a ghost: "Buddha"

He only said one word, and then his body shook, the power injected by the Great Compassion Seal exploded in his body, and it shook at this moment, shaking his body to pieces.

Then, one foot quickly stepped down.

Chen Ming stepped on Qi Shan's body, his face was calm, and he looked completely peaceful.


With a calm face and deep eyes, recalling the words of kindness, a thought flashed in his mind; "Is there really a Buddha in this world?"

After coming to this world for more than a year, Chen Ming has not seen any trace of Buddha so far.

In this regard, he has made various speculations, but judging from his good performance, the Buddha may have really existed in this world, but not at this time, but in the past.

"Perhaps, the Buddha of this world is also one of the ancient inheritances of this world, but at this moment, he is united with other ancient ways and fell into silence."

"Big Brother!!"

Behind him, a voice sounded.

He turned around and saw behind him, Xu Qing's face was agitated, and he was looking at him excitedly at the moment, with some excitement and excitement in his eyes.

After Man Yu said goodbye, the two of them hadn't seen each other for half a year, and it was naturally very exciting to meet again at this moment.

Looking at Xu Qing, Chen Ming also smiled, with a sincere smile on his face: "I haven't seen you in half a year, and you have reached this level, and you haven't let me down."

"I'm sorry brother."

In the same place, looking at Chen Ming, hearing what Chen Ming said, Xu Qing was stunned, and after a long time, he sighed: "That day, if it wasn't for me, how could elder brother be trapped there."

(End of this chapter)

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