Sweeping the world

158 Chapter 2

Chapter 158

"It's enviable and admirable, but in the final analysis, it's still..."

Looking at the two people in front of him, You Huo sighed deeply and let out a sigh.

On the opposite side, feeling You Huo's mood change, looking at Xu Qing in front of him, Chen Ming smiled, and then said: "No need."

"Big brother!"

Hearing Chen Ming's refusal, Xu Qing felt anxious and wanted to step forward to continue persuading him.

But at this time, looking at his performance, Chen Ming waved his hand, and after a while, he said with some relief: "Don't worry, I left not because of the injury on my body, but because I was going to leave."

"There are deeper reasons for this, but at this moment, it is inconvenient to explain it to you in detail."

He looked at Xu Qing and smiled, seeing that he still wanted to speak, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore."

"In terms of some things, I don't feel at ease with you, so at this last time, I must remind you."

"Brother, you say"

Xu Qing opened his mouth, looked at the appearance of Chen Ming in front of him, and tried hard to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything, just sighed deeply, and then smelled: "What do you want, I will definitely Done for you."

"It's not me, it's you."

Chen Ming shook his head, looked at Xu Qing and said, "We escaped from the Tianfeng faction more than half a year ago and have come all the way to where we are today."

"You are now a descendant of the Skyfire King, but don't forget that Ling'er is still in the hands of others."

"At this moment, the only person I can't let go of is her."

Looking at Xu Qing, Chen Ming smiled, and said lightly: "After I leave, you must find her back, and don't let her fall into the hands of others."

"I will, I will."

Xu Qing's eyes were red, his voice was a little hoarse at this moment, he didn't know what to say: "Ling'er is my wife, no matter what I do, I will find a way to find her and bring her to my side. live on."

"I already have some clues about this matter. At most, there will be results after menstruation. I will never let you and Linger down."

"That's good."

Chen Ming smiled, didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

The next moment, Xu Qing froze in place.

Because at this moment, in his mind, there are a lot of information skipping in his mind, almost occupying his entire brain for a while, and there is a strange sense of expansion.

An indifferent and silent Buddha's mind rippling and whirling in his mind, Xu Qing seemed to see a War Buddha covered in loose armor and bathed in Buddha's light standing at the end of time. He looked directly at him.

boom! !

The huge and complicated information passed through my mind, and finally evolved into a war Buddha holding a knife forward. With a single knife, everything in the world is still, a piece of dead stillness and silence.

Great Compassion Seal! !

What appeared in Xu Qing's mind in front of him was the Great Compassion Seal deduced by Chen Ming, which contained Chen Ming's deep understanding of this martial point, as well as his deep understanding of martial arts.

"I'm about to leave, you stay here in vain, you can't do without means of protection."

Looking at Xu Qing, Chen Ming smiled: "Part of this Great Compassion Seal is a remnant obtained from that secret realm, but a considerable part is perfected by me, which can be regarded as my hard work."

"I entrust him to you today, and I hope you can carry forward this style of martial arts along the way."

"Brother, you."

The corners of Xu Qing's eyes were wet, and he didn't know what to say at this moment, but there were tears rolling in his eyes, and he felt an urge to cry.

He already owed Chen Ming too much.

When they were young, the brothers supported each other and were often taken care of by the elder brother. This is the kindness of caring.

When you are poor, you will give up everything and marry him. This is the grace of matchmaking.

Tianfeng sent his life to save him from the fire and water, all the way from the Central Territory to this place, this is the grace of saving his life
If you count this time again.
He owes Chen Ming, and I'm afraid this life will never end.

The corners of his eyes were moist, and his emotions were surging at this moment, which was extremely complicated.

On the other side, seeing his reaction, Chen Ming just smiled, and then quietly felt the warmth surging from his body.

Traveling thousands of miles to look for Xu Qing was indeed out of his original intention, but at the same time it was also profitable.

Since his appearance, the power of his wish has been growing rapidly, and it has reached a peak at this moment.

Especially after he imparted the Great Compassion Seal to Xu Qing, the growth of his wish power reached its peak, and there was an inexplicable sense of relief in the faint.

In the dark, it seemed that a kind of bondage was cut off, and when he imparted the Great Compassion Seal to Xu Qing, most of his ties in this world were also cut off, and there was a faint sense of sublimation.

Quietly feeling this feeling, a little enlightenment rose in Chen Ming's heart.

This world, during this period of time, is the home field of those who have destiny like Xu Qing.

On that day, in the secret realm of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord, if it weren't for him, the person who should have inherited the ancient Buddhist orthodoxy and perfected the Great Compassion Seal should have been Xu Qing.

He took this opportunity away from Xu Qing's hands, which caused a lot of involvement in this world, and to a certain extent, it was cause and effect.

Now that I think about it, the sentence that the Great Nirvana Buddha said that day: "Wait until it's not you", probably refers to Xu Qing.

Now the complete Seal of Great Compassion belongs to Xu Qing again. Although Chen Ming cannot completely cut off the connection with the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord, it has also grafted a large part of it, sharing the cause and effect that was originally carried by one person to two. On people, the influence is naturally much smaller.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and looked at the source force interface on his body.

Source power: 054.74
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic Level [-] (can be upgraded), Medicine King Sutra of This World Level [-] (can be upgraded), Great Nirvana Sutra Level [-], Magical Warfare Level [-] (can be deduced)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin
Bloodline: Buddha's blood (advanced)
In front of his eyes, the familiar wish power interface emerged, and all of them appeared at this moment.

Looking at the numbers on the Yuanli interface, Chen Ming nodded.

This shot can be described as a bumper harvest in terms of Yuanli's harvest.

A total of more than 5000 Yuanli, more than four times the previous one.

"More than 5000 vows. It is enough to upgrade to the next level of Great Chu Wujing."

Looking at the wish power in front of him, Chen Ming muttered to himself: "It's almost time to leave."

"But until then, I might be able to do something else."

Looking at the many figures outside and feeling the injuries on his body, he muttered to himself.

The original injury has not healed, and he used the Great Compassion Seal again. At this moment, his condition is already very bad, reaching the point where it is hopeless.

According to Chen Ming's own estimate, if he didn't use all his strength to suppress his injuries at this moment, he might still live for another year.

If force is used again in a short period of time, this time will be greatly shortened.

"Half a year is enough."

He muttered to himself, and finally said so.

(End of this chapter)

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