Sweeping the world

Chapter 159 Goodbye Zhao Ji

Chapter 159 Goodbye Zhao Ji
"Half a year is enough."

Outside the secret realm, Chen Ming walked alone on the road, quietly heading out of the city.

At this moment, his whole body was covered in blood, his undamaged body was cracked, and there were dense wounds all over his body. At first glance, it made one's scalp tingle, as if it would split open at any time.

Bits of golden Buddha's blood flowed in his body, bit by bit of golden radiance was spreading, it was the essence of Buddha's blood, if it was used to baptize ordinary people, it could elevate the bones, it was a peerless treasure.

But at this moment, on Chen Ming's body, the precious Buddha's blood was flowing everywhere, and a little bit of divine light spread, almost completely covering this place, pulling out a piece of vitality faintly, making the vitality of this area even more vigorous.

The spread of such a huge amount of Buddha's blood also shows that Chen Ming's state has reached a limit to a certain extent, so that he can't even control his own blood, and the blood on his body is flowing out uncontrollably, like a rolling Like spring water, there is no way to stop it.

What caused all this was none other than the thing he held in his hand.

A hideous human head.

The head is ferocious, with a little bit of residual blood on it, it looks crimson, it has not dried up yet, it looks very fresh.

"You killed King Dongyang?"

In the distance, a voice sounded.

Chen Ming looked up and saw a girl standing quietly at the city gate in the distance.

Shao Ling stood quietly at the city gate, still wearing the same attire she had in the secret realm before, but her demeanor had changed a little at this moment.

With some worry on her face, she looked pale at Chen Ming's bloody appearance and that human head.

"Well, I killed."

Chen Ming nodded, then smiled: "I'm leaving soon, before I leave, let's do some more things."

"If His Royal Highness knows about it, he will never be happy."

Shao Ling looked at Chen Ming's appearance at this moment, her face was pale, and there was a look of unbearable on her face.

She didn't know the content of Chen Ming's conversation with Xu Qing before, and she didn't know Chen Ming's physical condition.

But even so, looking at Chen Ming's appearance at the moment, she knew that he was in a bad state and had fallen into an extreme.

"Your injury is very serious. If you don't treat it, I'm afraid the end will not be very good."

Looking at Chen Ming, Shao Ling said so, and finally took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind: "Come with me."

"what are you going to do?"

Surprised, Chen Ming asked.

"I'll take you away."

Shao Ling said: "Your scars are serious and conspicuous. If you don't leave as soon as possible, if you meet other princes, it will be very dangerous."

"I know there is a way that can take you away."

Chen Ming was silent for a while, then smiled, then shook his head and said, "No need."

"I killed King Dongyang, and now I'm afraid I'm a thorn in the side of your Tianhuo clan. If you help me, if you are discovered by then, you may not only lose yourself, but also implicate your elders."

"It's not worth the risk for me."

He was dripping with blood, and said flatly, "Go back and take good care of your body."

After the words fell, he turned around calmly, stepped forward and walked out, and soon the figure disappeared in place.

Shao Ling stared blankly at the disappearing figure of Chen Ming, stood there in silence for a long time, then turned and left.

Because the action was fast enough, and because he had prepared for a long time in advance, Chen Ming left very smoothly this time, and no one caught up with him on the way.

Perhaps after a while, people in Wangcheng will find out about the fall of King Dongyang and Chen Ming's actions.

But by then, it was no longer Chen Ming's business here.

"This is all that can be done here, and the next thing is the other side."

Walking on foot in the wild, Chen Ming turned around and looked at the city behind him, feeling the deep breath in it, thinking in his heart.

After killing Dongyang King, the wound on his body further cracked, and it was hopeless at this moment, to an extreme.

Chen Ming locked the essence and blood of his body with a secret method, and barely condensed the body that was about to crack, preventing it from disintegrating directly, but it could only temporarily suppress this tendency.

In half a year at most, his body will collapse directly.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't care about this.

But he still had something to do before his body collapsed.


With this in mind, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, after more than four months, Chen Ming came to the foot of a high mountain.

This mountain is tall and majestic, with a layer of silver on it, which looks very unique.

Walking all the way from the outside world, Chen Ming went straight to this mountain, with a sigh on his face: "I'm back."

This is the Tianfeng Mountain where his body has lived for 20 years, and it is also the residence of the Tianfeng faction, one of the holy places of martial arts in the Central Region.

The journey of Chen Ming and Xu Qing started from here, and finally came all the way to the present.

Now, more than a year has passed since I left.

"There seems to be a lot of changes."

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

The scenery in front of me is still the Tianfeng Mountain in the past, but it looks a little different. It seems that there are more traps and the like, covering the surroundings.

Following a familiar path, Chen Ming walked to the side and looked in front of him.

In front of him was a house that he was very familiar with. The house consisted of a large courtyard and two houses, one big and one small. Although it didn't look luxurious, it also had a unique sense of tranquility.

Walking quietly, looking at the house, Chen Ming watched quietly.

"It's still the same."

he muttered to himself.

The house in front of him is the courtyard where he once lived.

This courtyard was assigned to him by Tianfeng when he was promoted to an outer disciple.

Since then, although Xu Qing was promoted to an inner disciple in the Tianfeng Sect and almost became a true biography, this courtyard has never been changed, and he has lived here without moving.

Following the memories of the past, Chen Ming walked forward all the way.

He walked through the long courtyard and went straight to the house.

In the house, there was a person waiting inside at the moment. Following Chen Ming's arrival, he seemed to have sensed something, and rushed out all of a sudden, accompanied by an angry shout.


The sound was thick and strong, and internal force had already been used in it, and it spread hundreds of meters around in an instant, startling a crowd of birds and beasts.

Then a person rushed out of it, looked at Chen Ming, and was taken aback.

"Brother Liu"

The figure was dressed in a black robe and looked very young. His whole body was full of gloomy temperament. Even if he stood still, he could make people feel oppressed, with a strong coercion.

"Brother Zhao Ji, long time no see."

Looking at this person, Chen Ming smiled, then opened his mouth and said the other person's name in one gulp.

The person in front of him was none other than Zhao Ji who had had several contacts with Chen Ming in the past.

However, compared with the past, Zhao Ji at this moment is obviously not what it used to be.

His aura is strong, his inner strength is boundless, and he has a bloody aura vaguely. In terms of cultivation alone, he is not much weaker than Xu Qing, which makes Chen Ming feel a little afraid to see it now. confidence.

"Have you mastered the two martial arts I gave you?"

Looking at Zhao Ji, Chen Ming was stunned, and after a while, he asked hesitantly.


Looking at Chen Ming, Xu Qing hesitated for a while, then nodded, and said, "That day, after elder brother left, I practiced hard every day, and now I am already Tianfeng's inner disciple."

"Inner disciple."

Chen Ming muttered to himself, then looked at Zhao Ji, couldn't help but smiled, and finally said: "That's right, much better than I was before."

Hearing this, Zhao Ji was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing.

isn't it
When Chen Ming left Tianfeng, the title he bore was just that of an outer disciple.

If according to the rules of the Tianfeng faction in the past, when Chen Ming met Zhao Ji at this moment, he would have to call Senior Brother Zhao instead.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help laughing, and the little estrangement that had arisen because they hadn't seen each other for more than a year gradually disappeared.

"This yard, you have been cleaning it?"

Walking into the familiar courtyard, looking at everything around him as before, Chen Ming smiled, and then asked.

"Brother Liu, after you left that day, not long after, I was promoted to an outer disciple and took this courtyard down."

Looking around, Zhao Ji said slowly, "Actually, I don't come here often. I just have people come over to clean it regularly. It's just a coincidence that I came here today. I didn't expect to meet you, Big Brother Liu."


Chen Ming nodded and sighed with emotion.

When he came to the familiar courtyard, he actually had a lot of things to say, but Xu Qing and Song Ling were not here at the moment. After he opened his mouth, he still didn't say anything in the end.

At this moment, the smell of blood began to radiate from his body bit by bit. The wounds that had been suppressed could not be controlled, and some of the breath escaped.

Feeling these breaths, Zhao Ji's face changed: "What's going on? You have injuries on your body. And is it such a serious injury?"

"For more than a year, some accidents happened, which finally led to the current result."

Looking at Zhao Ji and his reaction, Chen Ming calmed down and smiled: "Actually, I don't have much time left. When I come back this time, I'm actually dealing with funeral affairs."

Standing there in silence for a while, Zhao Ji looked at Chen Ming in disbelief, and couldn't tell what his mood was at this moment: "With your strength, who in the world can hurt you like this?"

"There's always someone who can."

Chen Ming smiled, and didn't say anything more on this topic, but changed his mind and said, "I still have about two months, and while I'm still here, you're still in the process of practicing. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

"And after that, I can only entrust you with my funeral."

Zhao Ji was silent, he didn't know what to say at this moment, he only felt the corners of his mouth dry, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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