Sweeping the world

Chapter 160 The Spirit of Destiny

Chapter 160 The Spirit of Destiny
"Finally, have you reached this time too?"

Looking at Chen Ming in the fairly spacious courtyard, Zhao Ji finally sighed deeply with sadness in his eyes.

He didn't say much, because at this moment, in front of him, Chen Ming no longer concealed his aura.

A majestic dark atmosphere enveloped the place, and the oppressive atmosphere spread, with a sense of decay that was about to wither.

This is the feeling that one's own origin is cut off and is about to fall, and it also indicates that Chen Ming's own existence is about to wither and disappear.

When things got to this level, even Zhao Ji had no choice but to sigh deeply, bow deeply to Chen Ming, and then left.

For the next period of time, Chen Ming lived in this courtyard.

Zhao Ji now seems to have a lot of power in the Tianfeng faction, even though Chen Ming has been here for so long, no one has come in and come here.

Within a few miles around, only Chen Ming and Zhao Ji were here.

During this period of time, Zhao Ji also lived here, next door to Chen Ming, in the house where Xu Qing originally lived.

Taking advantage of the time when Chen Ming was here, he asked Chen Ming about all kinds of doubts about martial arts, and told all kinds of problems he had, without hiding anything.

This is extremely rare and very few people do it.

Every warrior has his own foundation and weak electricity. Telling others about his situation one by one is tantamount to exposing himself completely. If he is specifically targeted later, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But facing Chen Ming, Zhao Ji no longer had such worries.

One is trust, and the other is because he is about to die.

For at most two months, Chen Ming would sit here, even if he knew something, so what.

In fact, Chen Ming didn't mean to target him either.

"You have practiced a magic art, which is very tyrannical and cruel. If things go on like this, it may affect your sanity."

Sitting in the courtyard, looking at Zhao Ji, Chen Ming frowned.

Zhao Ji's cultivation is not simple, in addition to the two secret books Chen Ming handed over to the other party and the foundation method of the Tianfeng sect, he also practiced a profound side martial arts.

To be honest, Chen Ming was not surprised by this point.

Zhao Ji's own martial arts aptitude is only average. Without special circumstances, it is obviously impossible to get to where he is today in just over a year.

It's just that the exercises practiced by the other party are too evil, which makes Chen Ming feel very bad.

"I found this magic skill in a ruin. It originated from an ancient demon master. It is extremely powerful. It can even be used as a furnace, and its cultivation speed is extremely fast."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhao Ji said, "But every time I practice, my communication with the demon lord will deepen, and in the end, I will be deeply influenced by him and become a demon lord."

Facing Chen Ming, he said frankly that he was obviously aware of his own problem, and he hadn't been fully occupied by the demon nature.

"This is the method of seizing homes and transforming them."

After roughly listening to the content of this practice, Chen Ming shook his head, and said somewhat decisively: "When you practice this magic skill to a high level, you will be deeply influenced by the devil master, and eventually you will become the opponent's furnace. Ding, as long as the other party has a thought, they will be reborn from you."

"The best way is to give up this magic skill, take advantage of the current moment to cut off your own cultivation base, and start all over again!!"

Hearing this option, Zhao Ji showed a wry smile on his face, then shook his head: "I really want this, but it's a pity"

He confessed his situation frankly and told Chen Ming that his current predicament had reached a critical juncture.

"There is a big enemy who wants to be against me. I must be promoted to a god as soon as possible so that I can survive in the hands of that person. Otherwise, even if I don't become a furnace, I will die tragically in the hands of that person."

"In that case."

Hearing this, Chen Ming fell into deep thought, and then handed over a method to the other party.

He taught Zhao Ji the Darui Heart Sutra that he deduced, so as to avoid being affected by the magic power.

"This method can only be delayed for a while. If you get out of the predicament in the future, you still have to find an opportunity to cut off your own magic power, or you will be in danger sooner or later."

He explained it like this, but whether Zhao Ji would listen or not was another matter.

For the next time, they communicated like this. Of course, most of the time, Zhao Ji was asking questions, while Chen Ming was answering.

The farewell was imminent, facing Zhao Ji, Chen Ming did not hide his secrets, whether it was the thousands of secret realms obtained in the secret realms, the accumulation in the main world, or the tactics of the military strategists, all of them had not hidden their secrets at this moment. They were taught one by one, which made Zhao Ji sigh greatly, and hated meeting each other late.

Of course, Chen Ming also gained a lot from the communication with Zhao Ji.

What Zhao Ji obtained was not only the magic skill, but also part of the memory of the demon lord, so he knew a lot of secrets, which was also a good supplement for Chen Ming.

"In ancient times, there were gods and men on the earth, and each god and man was strong enough to carry the five mountains and smash the stars."

Looking at Chen Ming, Zhao Ji said: "The strongest among these gods and men was called the God Emperor, ruled the vast sky, and traveled all over the world."

"The congenital human race of the later generations was born from the corpse of the god-man and inherited the god-man's veins. Although it is not as powerful as the god-man, it also has vast potential. The strongest among them is called the emperor."

"Afterwards, it is the ancient times. The human bloodlines are further degenerated, the divine veins in most people disappear, and the gods begin to end. Humanity flourishes, and all the sons go hand in hand, creating an ancient orthodoxy."

"The strongest in this era is called the ancestor."

"It's really vast. If I have the opportunity, I really want to go to these eras and see what these peak powerhouses look like."

Chen Ming opened his mouth and sighed.

"I inherited the memory of the demon lord and learned something."

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Zhao Ji said: "In ancient times, a great war destroyed the entire world, causing a small world to be born slowly. The world we live in may be a small world." .”

"There is a teleportation altar between worlds. If you can find it, maybe you can go to other worlds to see it."

He said so.

Suddenly, Chen Ming froze, and a thought flashed through his mind.

"Is the world I went to originally one?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and it rose up somewhat uncontrollably.

Chen Ming has experienced a total of three worlds so far, but no matter which world it is, it seems that there is the inheritance of martial arts in it, rather than any other power.

This fatal coincidence, to some extent, already explains something.

However, although there are coincidences, at this moment, the doubts and questions in Chen Ming's heart are destined to be unanswerable.

In addition to these anecdotes, he also learned a lot of other things from Zhao Ji's mouth. Although it did not benefit much in the advancement of martial arts, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a great gain from time to time.

In this exchange, time passed slowly.

Soon, two months later.

In a quiet courtyard, the surrounding furnishings and scenery are still the same as before, without any changes.

In front of the courtyard, a long stick of incense is lit there, and as it burns, a little bit of fragrance keeps coming out, which makes people feel calm and peaceful.

Chen Ming sat quietly at the top.

At this moment, he put on a blue long gown, and his body has been carefully taken care of. There is no trace of blood, but he looks very peaceful, indifferent, with a kind of holy Buddhist charm, which is moving.

The gown is a standard, nothing else, it is the attire of the outer sect disciples of the Tianfeng Sect.

Since Chen Ming decided to bury this body in the Tianfeng Sect, he decided to leave as a disciple of the Tianfeng Sect, so he put on the decoration of an outer disciple, and just sat there quietly.

In front, Zhao Ji's figure flashed quietly.

He stood opposite Chen Ming, and after two months of communication, the gloom in his body had eased at this moment, his face was calm at this moment, he didn't make a sound, he just looked at Chen Ming quietly, as if he wanted to take Chen Ming's situation at this moment Keep the appearance firmly in mind so that you don't forget it.

In his gaze, Chen Ming's breath was calm and long, he was tall and majestic, and his face was ruddy. He didn't look like a dying person, but he looked very healthy.

But both Chen Ming and Zhao Ji knew that he was hopeless, and the state of his body at this moment was just the last bit of life that Chen Ming had locked up, and it couldn't express anything.

The place was quiet for a long time, until after a while, a crisp sound came from in front of him.

Zhao Ji subconsciously turned around to look, and saw that the stick of incense next to him had been extinguished at some point, and the incense on it had been completely burned, leaving only grayish-white incense ash.

Looking at this scene, he froze for a moment, then turned around and saw Chen Ming's eyes closed tightly. At this moment, the last bit of breath in his body was cut off, and he completely lost the last bit of vitality.

"Brother Liu"

Feeling Chen Ming's death, looking at Chen Ming's body, Zhao Ji's expression was extremely complicated. At this moment, his heart was boiling with emotion, but he didn't know what to say.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, when this moment actually arrived, he still felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart.

In the distance, in the city of skyfire, the long sword in Xu Qing's hand fell, and tears filled his eyes at some point.

"What's wrong?" The girl who was training with him in front of him was puzzled, not understanding why the person in front of him suddenly behaved like this.


Xu Qing picked up the long sword, wiped away the tears on his face, then looked into the distance, towards the direction where the Tianfeng faction was located: "I have a very important family member who has left."

"Very important very important kind"

He murmured, with deep sadness in his eyes, which made the girl in front of him feel distressed for a moment.

In Di Fan, who is invisible to ordinary people, a golden dragon opened suddenly, let out a deep roar, with a deep sorrow in the voice, and then flew towards the sky with a plop, gradually rising higher and higher.

Flying all the way into the air, there was a strange dragon chant from a distance, and then a fierce and unparalleled black dragon soared up, with a pair of blood-colored eyes facing the golden dragon. hostility.

In the instant of confrontation, the Golden Dragon's eyes showed vigilance, but in the end, he ascended together with the Black Dragon, a burst of purple energy leaked from his body, turned into a ball of pure purple, and disappeared in place.

The same was true for the black dragon, as a few scales dissipated and turned into pure purple energy, disappearing without a trace.

This is the luck and fate carried by the two dragons of destiny. If they are obtained by mortals, they can change their fate against the sky and change their own circumstances, which is extremely precious.

After doing this, the two dragons of luck looked at each other the same way, then they left and returned to their masters.

(End of this chapter)

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