Chapter 161 The Return
The lights outside were still burning.

In a quiet room, bits and pieces of wreckage fell and landed on the ground, accumulating a very thick layer of ash on the ground.

On a big bed, a thin young man slowly opened his eyes.

"came back"

Awakening from the silence, with the death of the clone, Chen Ming's consciousness gradually recovered, and at this moment he returned to the main body.

Familiar power surged up again, and in the body, along with the recovery of Chen Ming's consciousness, the originally silent body became active, and the blood in the body began to boil, rise and fall again, and gallop.

As if a river was rolling forward, a deep voice kept ringing on Chen Ming's body, crackling, as if the whole body began to tremble.

An inexplicable force emerged from his body, and then, Chen Ming was stunned, and subconsciously raised his arm.

Compared with the majestic body and rough arms of the previous incarnation, Chen Ming's main body arms are very slender and fair. It doesn't look like a successful martial artist, but like a handsome young man with a weak breath.

But at this moment, on Chen Ming's arm, a faint golden texture was flickering, and a force was boiling and brewing on it, and indistinctly, a complex Buddha pattern was condensed on Chen Ming's arm. Looks divine and majestic.

"This is."

Looking at the Buddha pattern on his arm, Chen Ming quickly realized something was wrong: "My strength."

Before he left, his body strength was only innate, not too terrifying.

But now, compared with before he left, the strength in his body has almost increased several times, it has surpassed the ordinary innate category, and is close to the level of innate perfection.

Such an astonishing change made Chen Ming aware of it all at once, and he was puzzled by it.

What shocked him even more was that there was a force in his body that was circulating rapidly at this moment, gushing out of his body quickly, bringing him a majestic force that seemed familiar to him.


"The Buddha power of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord."

Sensing something wrong with his body, Chen Ming lowered his head and looked at his source interface.

Source Power: 6014.24
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Great Chu Martial Arts Classic Level [-] (can be upgraded), Medicine King Sutra of This World Level [-] (can be upgraded), Great Nirvana Sutra Level [-], Magical Warfare Level [-] (can be deduced)
Supernatural powers: Tianxin
Bloodline: Great Nirvana Buddha Blood (advanced), Great Freedom Buddha Blood (extremely weak)
"Buddha's blood"

Looking at the vaguely familiar Yuanli panel in front of him, Chen Ming looked a little dazed.

The content revealed on the property panel in front of me is really too much.

In the past, Chen Ming always thought that the strength and blood of the avatar could not be brought back, but now it seems that this source power is much stronger than Chen Ming imagined, and it can directly bring the strength and blood of the avatar together. return.

There are too many things revealed in this, at least after knowing this point, next time, Chen Ming doesn't need to restrain his hands and feet, and can let go of his hands and feet to strengthen the avatar.

In addition to this point, there is another information disclosure on the Yuanli interface in front of you.

"The origin of the Buddha's blood in the Dagan world and that world is not the same."

Looking at the two different kinds of Buddha's blood displayed on the bloodline column, Cheng Min took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt as if he had seen the truth.

In the world where Xu Qing lives, the source of the Buddhist bloodline is undoubtedly the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord, while in the world of Dagan, the source of the Buddha's bloodline here is the Great Freedom Buddha Lord.

What is the difference between the two Buddhas?How are they similar?
All kinds of doubts plagued Chen Ming's mind, but the next moment, his expression changed.

Because on his body, a feeling as if being burned by a flame rose from his body. In his body, there seemed to be two forces of the same nature but with essential differences that were rising and falling, erupting in Chen Ming's body.

Those are two different bloodlines of the Buddha's blood. At this moment, there seems to be some kind of change under the traction of instinct. The two merged and produced various reactions.

Soon, Chen Ming knew what the result of this matter was.

On the source power interface in front of you, the two strands of Buddha's blood are fused together, which means that the blood of Lord Dazizai is disappearing, being completely suppressed by the blood of Lord Dajimie, and merged into it.

Compared with the already advanced Great Nirvana Buddha Blood, the Great Freedom Buddha Blood in Chen Ming's body was too weak after all. Even though the essence of the source may not be inferior, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent at this moment and be directly suppressed.

Afterwards, in Chen Ming's body, the originally surging Buddha power gradually calmed down, and the originally boiling internal organs also began to calm down, gradually returning to normal.

Feeling this, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and only then had time to think about the gains and losses this time.

During this trip to the world of great silence, he gained a lot. Not only did he acquire a lot of foreign martial arts, but he also gained the Buddhist master martial arts of the Great Compassion Seal.

In addition, after being in another world for two years, he has fought bloody battles in all directions for a long time, and his Great Chu Wu Jing has quickly completed, and now he is close to the distance of the third floor.

After a while at most, he can try to push this martial art to a higher level.

After quietly staying there for a while, silently suppressing all kinds of thoughts in his mind, finally, Chen Ming got up and walked out of the dusty retreat room.

Outside the door, as the door opened, a burst of harsh sunlight shone down on Chen Ming's body. The familiar warmth made Chen Ming a little distracted.

It wasn't until he stood there for a long time that he came back to his senses and continued to walk forward, wanting to know the latest news.

"Two years have passed in that world, but only half a year has passed in this world."

After a while, returning to the palace where he lived, Chen Ming lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

The flow of time in different worlds is different. Regarding this point, he knew it long ago, and now he has confirmed this point even more.

In half a year, the surroundings of the imperial mausoleum have not changed much, and the surrounding areas seem to be very calm. Many guest lords should retreat and guard, and there seems to be no disturbances.

For Chen Ming, this environment is undoubtedly what he would like to see.

Some people stride forward, even though a few people really enjoy the process, but more are actually forced by the situation, so there is no way to stop.

For Chen Ming, he had already grabbed a good hand of cards, and if he went on like this, there would probably be one of them at the top position in the future, so why take such a big risk to fight.

"The whole world is an enemy or something, let a man of destiny like Ah Qing do it, I'm an old bone, I'd better lie down quietly."

Looking at the vaguely familiar scenery in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, and finally turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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