Sweeping the world

Chapter 162 Mysterious Girl

Chapter 162 Mysterious Girl
I haven't seen you for half a year, and the surroundings of the imperial mausoleum don't seem to have changed much.

No wonder.

It has been more than [-] years since the Dagan Dynasty suppressed Hengyu. It has been the supreme overlord in this world since ancient times, and no one dared to provoke it.

Even if it was decades ago, the Nanshengmen rebellion, which swept dozens of states in the south, was only a disaster for the south, far from affecting the imperial mausoleum.

Not much has changed in the past 800 years. Naturally, not much can be changed in just half a year.

Walking all the way around the imperial mausoleum, Chen Ming was stunned when passing by a bamboo forest.

He stood on a set of stone steps, and was walking up step by step, and in the distance was a purple bamboo forest, which was full of purple crisp bamboos, growing vigorously there.

It's just that at this moment, Chen Ming was a little dazed, and saw a certain figure in the bamboo forest in the distance.

In the purple bamboo forest, a little girl in purple was standing there, wearing a long purple skirt.

The girl looked young, about ten years old, just at the age of innocence and brilliance.

With her back to Chen Ming, she was looking into the distance, as if she was observing something.

"You are."

Looking at the girl's back, Chen Ming hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Hearing the voice, the girl trembled, then turned around, facing Chen Ming.

The moment he saw the girl, Chen Ming was stunned.

From the girl's back, it can be seen that this is a girl about ten years old, but the girl's front face looks very strange.

Her face was covered with dense pockmarks, and her facial features were somewhat distorted. Although her appearance did look immature, she didn't have any cuteness of a little girl. On the contrary, it made people feel extremely disgusted at first sight.

"Can you see me?"

Looking at Chen Ming, the girl seemed a little surprised, and a pair of calm eyes watched him quietly.

Her eyes are very unique, they are not ordinary people's black, but a deep purple, giving people a deep hazy feeling, as if the vision suddenly became hazy, and vaguely saw many unknown things .

Stared at by her eyes, Chen Ming's heart throbbed, and it took him a while to calm down: "Which elder's descendant are you? What are you doing here?"

He asked, but what was strange was that the girl in front of him didn't answer, but just looked at him quietly.

The place fell silent for a moment, until after a while, the girl stepped out, walked out of the purple bamboo forest, and walked towards Chen Ming.

At this moment, a very mysterious feeling happened.

In a moment of astonishment, Chen Ming found that everything in front of him seemed to become hazy, and everything gradually disappeared, leaving only the figure of the girl in front of him moving forward.

At the same time, a warm current was rising from his body, representing the rapid growth of Yuanli.

"Evil charm? Or something else?"

Feeling the increase of source power in his body, Chen Ming lowered his right hand subconsciously and put it on the long knife on his waist, but then put it down again.

Although the girl in front of her had a unique appearance, she didn't look like an evil spirit.

More importantly, through the spontaneous induction of Buddha's blood, Chen Ming didn't feel any evil thoughts on the other party, only a piece of pure joy.

The surrounding scenery began to hang upside down. In front of my eyes, the little girl walked very fast and naturally.

A strange feeling began to fill, and then Chen Ming felt a hot feeling in his chest.

Feeling this, he froze for a moment, then lowered his head and looked down, just in time to see a crimson purple mark emerging on his chest, which looked mysterious and beautiful, with a deep sense of silence.

With the formation of this imprint, Chen Ming only felt an inexplicable connection in his body, he couldn't help but frowned, and finally couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

"This is my natal mark."

The girl said, her voice sounded a little joyful, and her face looked a little excited at the moment: "It's really possible!!"

"What exactly does that mean?"

Chen Ming frowned, and was about to continue asking.

A sudden change occurred.

As the imprint on Chen Ming's body took shape, the girl's body began to emit a strange noise, and then the whole figure began to disappear, looking a little illusory.

"My strength is almost exhausted."

Feeling the strangeness in her body, the girl froze for a while, looked at Chen Ming and said, "After my strength is exhausted, I will fall into a deep sleep."

"You have to be careful, these days, there will be danger here, there are very strong people coming here"

She opened her mouth and said, as the figure continued to blur, the whole voice sounded smaller and smaller, as if it might disappear at any time.

In the end, under Chen Ming's gaze, her entire figure blurred and disappeared, and disappeared directly in place.

Looking at this scene quietly, witnessing the whole process of the girl disappearing from the beginning to the end, Chen Ming frowned, and almost didn't know what to say for a moment.

The girl's background was unusual at first glance, and so was the imprint just now. It looked like some kind of ritual, which made Chen Ming think of something for a moment.

Especially the last sentence said by the other party made Chen Ming very concerned.

"During this period of time, will there be strong people coming here?"

After carefully pondering the other party's last sentence, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

"What is this girl?"

Looking at the place where the girl disappeared, looking at the vast purple bamboo forest in front of him, Chen Ming frowned, and all kinds of doubts reverberated in his mind for a while.

a few days later.

In a library.

"The spirit of heaven and earth."

Opening a book completely, looking at the book in his hand, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

"The heaven and earth have spirits, and everything in the world has its spirituality. When the spirituality accumulates to the extreme, there is a chance to give birth to the spirit of the heaven and the earth."

The content of this book ends here, and the various descriptions in it are somewhat similar to Chen Ming's experience.

"The spirit of heaven and earth wanders between heaven and earth, and is invisible in most cases. Only on rare occasions, when meeting someone who matches its spirituality, will it appear actively and make a contract with it."


Seeing this, Chen Ming was a little puzzled.

He didn't know, what fit did he have with that little girl?
But that's the end of the book's description.

More details, such as what is the use of this spirit of heaven and earth, and why it is contracted with people, these contents are not written, but left to the people behind to explore.

Chen Ming also didn't know what the little girl was looking for in him, and what was the purpose of making a contract with him.

But what is probably certain is that this does not seem to be a bad thing.

At least from this book, it can be seen that the author of this book undoubtedly highly respects the so-called spirits of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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