Sweeping the world

Chapter 163 The Secret of the Imperial Tomb

Chapter 163 The Secret of the Imperial Tomb
"Spirit of heaven and earth, what is the use of this thing?"

Putting down the book in his hand, recalling what was written in the book, Chen Ming frowned. Many doubts flashed in his mind, but he was destined to be unable to get an answer.

He wanted to find other sources of news, but he searched through the Temple of Martial Arts here, but he couldn't find a second record of relevant content.

This also made Chen Ming's heart awe-inspiring, and he had a clear understanding in his heart. He knew that most of these topics were related to secrets, otherwise relevant information would not be so scarce.

But at present, what is more important is not this, but another piece of news.

"If the other party is the spirit of heaven and earth, then what he said should be true."

Standing quietly at the same place, Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and he thought about the distance in his mind for a moment: "If you continue to stay in the imperial mausoleum, will there be risks?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he couldn't help hesitating.

The imperial mausoleum has been peaceful for too long. Dagan founded the country for more than [-] years. Even though there were rebellions on the way, the imperial mausoleum has never been affected and has always maintained a peaceful state.

And so, when it's Chen Ming's turn, will the Imperial Tomb be in danger?
This situation really makes people hesitate.

But even so, Chen Ming quickly made a decision.

This kind of thing, it is better to believe it is, not to believe it is not.

In any case, there is only one life, so be careful.

"It is stipulated by the imperial mausoleum that Gai Fan guarding the imperial mausoleum can go back to his hometown every year for one month to visit his relatives, so as to visit his clan."

Standing there silently, Chen Ming fell into deep thought: "Although it's been less than a year since I came to the Imperial Mausoleum, it's almost there, and I meet the conditions for returning home to visit relatives."

"Let's see the situation after returning home."

This thought flashed through his mind, then he turned around and walked to the side.

Back at his residence, Chen Ming was a little surprised.

Outside his mansion, a young man was standing there quietly.

The young man didn't look very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old. He looked bright-eyed and handsome, and he was wearing a loose Taoist robe and dressed like a Taoist boy.

"Uncle Chen."

Seeing Chen Ming coming from the outside world, Xiao Daotong showed a smile on his face, walked three or two steps forward, and bowed deeply to Chen Ming: "Qingfeng Guandeqing, I have met Master Chen."

"Clean Wind View?"

Looking at Xiaodaotong in front of him, Chen Ming was a little surprised: "Who are you, Mingwei?"

"It is the respected teacher."

Deqing smiled, and then said: "Xiaodao came this time, it was the master who asked me to come here to give you a message for Master Chen."

He seemed to be very open-minded. Although he was only about fifteen or sixteen years old, he was able to abide by the etiquette when facing Chen Ming in front of him. He didn't slacken at all because Chen Ming didn't look much older than him. Polite, very polite, put Chen Ming in the position of an elder.

"Ming Wei."

Looking at Deqing quietly, Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged, and he asked, "What did he ask you to bring?"

"Master said that after that day, he will miss him very much in Qingfeng audience. If you have time recently, please come to Qingfeng temple to have a talk. I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Deqing had a respectful face and a free and easy manner. When he spoke like this, his every move seemed very natural.

"Ming Wei."

Listening quietly to Deqing's words, Chen Ming's expression changed, and he immediately thought of something: "What does he know?"

The timing is too coincidental.

There was a warning from the spirit of heaven and earth on the front foot, and Mingwei sent someone over on the back foot, inviting him to be a guest in Qingfeng Audience.

This kind of coincidence had to make Chen Ming think a lot, suspecting that Mingwei knew some inside information, and it was even possible that he knew the exact situation of the upcoming accident in the imperial mausoleum this time.

"Royal Mausoleum."

Standing in place, he muttered to himself, and after a while he came back to his senses, looked at Deqing in front of him and said, "I see."

"Reply to your master and tell him that I will go to Qingfeng Temple in a few days and go up to pay a visit."

"So good."

Seeing Chen Ming's reply like this, Deqing smiled, and then said: "Then, Xiaodao will retire first, and Master Chen is at his disposal."

"Safe travels."

Chen Ming nodded, with a calm face, he didn't say much, but asked a servant in the yard to see him off.

Time passes quickly.

Standing in place, quietly watching Deqing's figure leave, after a long time, Chen Ming turned around and chose to leave.

Outside the imperial mausoleum, a mountain stands tall.

Deqing walked quietly on the road, all the way out from the imperial tomb.

Along the road, many people looked at him, with either vigilance or friendliness in their eyes.

After all, it is the key point of the imperial mausoleum, and every inch of the surrounding area is guarded by people. Even if it is a seemingly deserted area, there are actually many people watching there.

On weekdays, it would be impossible for even a bug to fly into the depths of the imperial mausoleum, let alone a living person like Deqing.

He has been watched all the way from the outside world, and has been watched until now.

It wasn't until he left the scope of the imperial mausoleum and did not make any outrageous actions from the beginning to the end that the people who were watching around him let down their vigilance and took their attention away from him.

Walking out of the imperial mausoleum, Deqing smiled, and finally came to an unnamed hill.

There is a small pavilion on the mountain, and there is a person sitting in it at the moment. It is an old Taoist wearing a plain white Taoist robe. Although his beard and hair look white, he is still very energetic. The whole person is full of vitality, which makes people feel energetic and strong .


Looking at Deqing who was walking all the way from the imperial mausoleum in front of him, Ming smiled, looked at him and asked.

"I have already conveyed the words to Master Chen. Looking at Master Chen's appearance, I should already understand what you mean, Master."

Deqing nodded, and then said, "It's just that, since you came in person, Master, why didn't you go to see Master Uncle in person, instead, let your disciple come forward and warn Master Chen by beating around the bush?"

"It can be considered helpless."

Ming Wei sighed, and said softly, "All the seven sects and eight branches of the world participated in the planning of the Supreme Dao. As one of the branches, I, the Qingfeng Sect, also mixed a lot in it."

"Although I am friendly with many high officials in the imperial court, if this matter happens, it will definitely cause an uproar, and my Qingfeng Sect will be affected, so I have to be cautious."

"It's already the limit to be able to remind me like this."

He sighed softly and said, even though his state of mind had already been fulfilled, he couldn't help feeling helpless at this moment.

"Have you reached this point?"

Hearing what Mingwei said, Deqing said softly, his eyes were pure and bright, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

"Master, do we have to fight Dagan?"

After a long time, he looked at Mingwei and asked like this.


Ming Wei sighed deeply, looked at Deqing in silence for a long time, then opened his mouth, and said slowly: "It's not that we want to fight Dagan, it's that Dagan is too persecuted."

"Do you know why Daqian Taizu founded the country, why did he choose the imperial mausoleum here?"

He pointed to the faintly visible imperial tomb in the distance, and asked indifferently.

"The disciple doesn't know."

Deqing shook his head, and answered honestly.

"This place of the Imperial Mausoleum is where the ancient Emperor Mountain is located. It contains the spirit of heaven and earth, and it is the hub of heaven and earth, the chain of all spirits."

Ming Wei looked indifferent, pointed to the imperial tomb in the distance, and said: "The emperor Taizu built the imperial tomb here, and it was based on this as a point to suppress the spiritual veins of the world, so that the vitality of the heaven and the earth will not be suppressed. way forward."

(End of this chapter)

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