Sweeping the world

Chapter 165 Demon Blood

Chapter 165 Demon Blood
"Brother Jiang is still handsome."

Looking at Jiang Lin, Chen Ming didn't move in his heart. With a polite smile on his face, he looked at Jiang Lin and cupped his hands: "I haven't seen you in half a year, brother Jiang, who is he now?"


Seeing what Chen Ming said, Jiang Lin seemed to have just reacted, and said in a daze, "The affairs of the family are complicated, and to tell you the truth, Brother Chen, my two brothers have been stationed here for several years now."

"It's been a few years and I haven't returned to my hometown so far. Thinking about it now, it really shouldn't be."

He said with a wry smile: "Some time ago, someone in my family wrote a letter, saying that my mother was ill a few years ago, and now she is bedridden, and I don't know what the situation is."

"In this case, as the Son of Man, I have to go back to my hometown to visit."

"Where's Brother Chen?"

Chen Ming blinked, and at this moment, a look of sadness flashed across his face: "Some time ago, I received a letter from home, saying that my father suddenly caught a cold, and now he is paralyzed in bed."

He bowed his head with deep sadness on his face.

"Brother Chen is an auspicious person, and if you respect your father, there will be no mistakes."

Seeing Chen Ming's appearance like this, Jiang Lin opened his mouth to comfort him. The expression on his face was so sincere that Chen Ming, who was looking at him, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"In this world, honest people really disappear, and insidious people are everywhere."

Looking at Jiang Lin's sincere face in front of him, the corners of Chen Ming's mouth twitched. He hardly knew what to say at this moment.

He had seen Jiang Lin in front of him before, but he didn't feel anything at that time.

Looking at it now, the scene that can be seen is suddenly different.

Pieces of black clouds were shrouding, wisps of breath began to rise, and then dissipated.

The moment a thought arose in Chen Ming's mind, the Buddha's blood in his body began to boil spontaneously, and drops of golden Buddha's power rolled up and were touched, causing a little bit of gold to rise in his eyes.

After bursts of brilliance flashed, in Chen Ming's sight, the image of Jiang Lin in front of him changed, and the layer of aura that was originally covering him was peeled off layer by layer, revealing the true content inside.

It was a deep demonic nature, faintly tinged with madness, completely inconsistent with Jiang Lin's current calm and easy-going image, but it did exist.

His inner madness, everything that is shown now is just a disguise to cover up.

Even the opponent's strength was far from being as weak as the opponent showed, but extremely powerful. The rising of the devilish energy made Chen Ming faintly feel palpitations at this moment. Obviously, he was also a congenital master, and he was born with the magic way. It is the congenital great achievement formed by the practice of Dharma.

Sensing this, Chen Ming lowered his head, and looked behind Jiang Lin, looking at Jiang Qu who had always been taciturn.

To Chen Ming's surprise, compared to Jiang Lin, who was full of madness and not a good idea at first sight, Jiang Qu's aura was extraordinarily pure, and an unyielding aura rushed straight up, Show nature.

"This person has a great mind and a condensed soul. Although his cultivation is a little weaker, once he explodes, he may not be much weaker than his brother."

Looking at Jiang Qu, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

If the scene in front of me is told, I am afraid it will shock everyone.

It is hard to find a master in this world, and it is hard to find a return to the source. Those who are congenitally accomplished are already at the pinnacle to a certain extent, even if you search the world, you may not find many.

Chen Ming walked casually, but happened to bump into two of them.

If Chen Ming himself was included, there would be a total of three innate accomplishments, and it would be enough to make one's scalp tingle if it was said.

Even Chen Ming himself was not in a good mood at the moment, he just felt that the water in the Imperial Tomb was deeper than he had imagined.

"Since Brother Chen is going back to Changzhou, why not go with my brother? It's good to have someone to take care of you."

In front of him, Jiang Lin was smiling and talking enthusiastically, at first glance he seemed very enthusiastic.

Looking at Jiang Lin's warm smile, Chen Ming showed some hesitation, and then declined with a smile: "That's all. If I have some business to do before returning home, I won't bother Brother Jiang."

"Since that's the case, I won't force you to be a brother."

Jiang Lin cupped his hands, with a look of enthusiasm: "Brother Chen, be careful all the way."

"it is good."

Chen Ming nodded, then separated from him, and quickly walked to another side road.

During this process, his mind and energy were highly concentrated, and his movements seemed random, but in fact he was paying attention to the scene behind him all the time, without any relaxation.

Nearly halfway through the journey, an inexplicable feeling came from behind.

As if a fierce tiger was approaching and patrolling, Chen Ming subconsciously tightened his body, then let go again, and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

He was prepared for a battle in his heart, if the opponent decided to make a move, then he had no choice but to brazenly draw his sword and fight the opponent.

After experiencing the previous world, after incarnating in Liu Changling's bloody battle, he has already transformed. No matter who is in front of him, he dares to step forward brazenly.

But daring to fight does not mean being warlike, especially in this occasion, there is absolutely no need to be so.

Chen Ming moved forward quietly, his face was calm from the beginning to the end, and he seemed to have no sense of what was going on behind him.

Brother Jiang Lin didn't make a move either, just watched him leave silently without making a move.

"You have murderous intentions in your heart, why?"

After Chen Ming disappeared, standing quietly behind Jiang Lin, Jiang Qu's voice sounded.

"He has an aura that I dislike."

Jiang Lin said lightly, the warm smile on his face faded, leaving only indifference: "Although he hides it well, I can still feel that aura like a natural enemy."

"Then why don't you do it?"

Jiang Qu was calm, and said bluntly: "With your personality, if you feel this kind of thing, how can you not act?"

"You do not understand."

Concerned about Jiang Qu's doubts, Jiang Lin just turned around and looked at the direction Chen Ming left, and did not give a direct answer, so he just replied.

In a place that ordinary people can't see, his hands are trembling slightly, and what is shining in his eyes is deep solemnity.

At that moment just now, it's not that he didn't want to make a move.

But at the moment when he was about to strike, the blood in his body conveyed a picture to him, giving him a vague premonition.

"The situation at that time, if I really made a move, even with my third brother around, I would die."

A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, and then he turned and left without saying anything.

In front of him, seeing Jiang Lin's movements, Jiang Qu didn't ask any further questions, just followed and left together.

In a remote town, Chen Ming's figure passed quietly.

It has been a day since leaving the imperial mausoleum.

In a day, he didn't leave too far, but came to the Yijiang River near the imperial mausoleum, and prepared to rest here for a while before leaving.

After staying here for a while, a throbbing feeling surged in my heart.

The golden Buddha's blood was boiling, and Chen Ming's body was full of golden light. His strong blood was roaring like an angry dragon, emitting bursts of blood.

His Buddha's blood was recovering spontaneously, and he couldn't control it on his own, and the Buddha's power all over his body began to surge.

"Something made my Buddha's blood react, what is it?"

Chen Ming raised his head, a divine light flashed in his eyes, like bright stars, and then turned into golden.

He circulated the Buddha power in his body to his eyes, which gave them a unique vision for a short time, and he was able to see things that he couldn't see normally.

Afterwards, Chen Ming saw an astonishing scene.

(End of this chapter)

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