Sweeping the world

Chapter 166 The Power of the Grandmaster

Chapter 166 The Power of the Grandmaster
On the vast land.

The imperial mausoleum, which used to be peaceful in the past, is now in ruins, the majestic and splendid buildings are empty, and all the glorious history has been wiped out.

"Big dry. 800 years old"

A figure stood alone, dressed in Tsing Yi, walking up from the steps.

This is a man who looks very young. He is handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary bearing, and his every move is full of grand charm, which is shocking.

At his waist, a golden Yueshan knife was hanging, and it was whistling softly, and the spiritual instinct in it began to revive, as if eager to fight.

"I have been to this place, I have fought, and I have guarded it. The most ridiculous thing is that I am also the one who will come here to destroy it today."

Zhong Qiu walked up the steps step by step, and as he stepped forward, his aura became more and more terrifying. His eyes were like stars, seemingly gentle, but in fact they were far away, like ancient gods and men, making people inaccessible.

"Clock Hill."

An old voice resounded, lingering here, spanning several miles, for a long time: "I haven't seen you for 300 years, and you still dare to come here."

"Why don't you dare?" Zhongqiu held his head up, with a permanent calm and dead silence on his face, always with that calm and calm look: "The emperor's soldiers are broken, Taizong is dead, and I am here, who can stop me here?" ?”

"Rebellious ministers and thieves, do you really think that no one can control you?"

That voice was cold, and continued to sound: "Even if I fight this old bone today, I will kill you, a traitor!!"

"You can not."

Zhong Qiu shook his head: "Back then when you and I were in our prime, you were still no match for me, let alone now that you are old and frail, and your blood has faded."

"Retreat quickly, thinking about the old love back then, I won't kill you."

He said plainly, there was a sense of grandeur in his words, but he didn't pay attention to his opponent at all.


At this time, the surrounding strongmen guarding the imperial mausoleum moved, and someone couldn't help but make a move. A big hand grabbed it, and the wind of the palm engulfed the vitality pressure, causing ripples in the surrounding space, as if it couldn't bear it and was about to collapse.

Judging from the Hu Zhen of the vitality, this is obviously also a congenital, even if he is not weak among congenitals, otherwise he would not have such power.

Zhong Qiu's expression was flat, and he didn't make any unnecessary movements. He simply stepped forward with one foot, and then the whole world changed instantly.

A burst of vitality condensed forward, piercing through the nine days, and the horrifying blood energy rushed straight into the sky, as if to tear the sky and the earth apart, and the boundless spirit rushed forward. In an instant, it made the front The Xiantian who made the shot let out a scream, and the whole person fell directly from midair, his whole body was cracking, and he was directly seriously injured.

The blood-colored flowers bloomed, and the vitality surged down. The man's body exploded directly. Before he could react at all, his whole body was smashed to pieces like a watermelon, and the flesh and blood were shattered all over the ground.

Such a scene made the people around stunned, and there was a kind of terror in their hearts. Even though life and death had already been taken lightly, they still couldn't help hesitating in the face of such a brutal scene.

This is an innate person who, if released to the outside world, is enough to suppress a state and create a holy land. Even if you search the entire Daqian, you can't find much, but he died so simply at this moment.

It was just one move, and this innate was killed without even having time to say his last words.

Zhong Qiu was dressed in green, with loose black hair, and his movements were calm, like a god who came from ancient times, just quietly walked up the steps, his eyes were shining with golden light, and there were faint runes flickering in them, just like that Looking forward, the eyes open and close, looking through all the truth and illusion.

"Who else?" He said calmly, his eyes always looking forward, with the demeanor of a master.

The people guarding the Imperial Mausoleum in front looked coldly, but no one dared to act hastily.

The strength of the person in front of him is really rare in the world. An innate person in front of him is not much stronger than a chicken, and acting alone is the way to death.

"God and will are in harmony, reflecting the heaven and the earth, you have recovered the cultivation of the master"

The old voice said again, with fear in his words, and he couldn't believe it.

In his cognition, this is somewhat unreasonable.

Over the past 800 years, the oppression of heaven and earth has become more and more serious day by day. The people in front of them are not only not affected, but go against the trend and reach the realm of the master. It is too mysterious and makes people feel psychedelic.

"You still don't understand."

Zhong Qiu sighed softly, looked at the opposite side with some pity in his eyes, didn't say anything more, just pressed down with one hand, blood aura rose up all over the sky, and boundless vitality engulfed in the spirit, directly enveloped this place.

He slapped down the palm, and the palm was like a dragon, it actually covered the entire range of the imperial tomb, and with one blow, he was about to push down the imperial tomb and destroy the imperial tomb that had stood for more than [-] years.

"Dare you!!"

Someone let out a roar, and the spirit of the whole body emerged, urging the whole body's internal energy, trying hard to stop the blow.

However this is useless.

The Zhongqiu in front of him was too powerful, he just shot it down with a random palm, just like a star falling, coming down with a strong suppression, its momentum is almost unstoppable, and it is impossible for people to have the courage to resist.

As the old voice said before, he has already surpassed the innate category, even surpassed the return to the source, and resisted the invincible master of the world.

Even, with Zhong Qiu's previous cultivation, the strength he can display is far beyond the comparison of ordinary masters, and has greatly surpassed this category, and the gap with everyone present is so large that it cannot be made up.

If it weren't for this kind of strength, Zhong Qiu wouldn't have come here alone, and he was confident that he could slaughter the imperial tomb by himself.

The palm wind fell, tearing the sky and the earth apart. There seemed to be a fierce beast roaring indistinctly, causing the surrounding buildings to fall one after another. They were destroyed by the roaring vitality and turned into sand and dust fragments.

A suffocating atmosphere is rising, which is full of domineering and boundless majesty.

In the imperial mausoleum, more than one person vomited blood and retreated. Unable to bear the power of the master, his soul was severely injured, and his body was about to crack. He was not an opponent at all.

"Alas" a deep sigh rose from the front, which contained deep helplessness.

The unrivaled majesty of the emperor rose, and in the void, a terrifying aura suddenly rose, and a golden aura floated out, each of which contained a mighty power that could shatter the void.

The downward force of the palm stopped at first, but the next moment, Zhong Qiu froze.

In his field of vision, a golden magic knife was flying across the sky, with a real dragon pattern engraved on the blade. At this moment, the dragon pattern on it was twisting, as if a real dragon had come to life, directly driving the long knife to slash down, towards He cut it.

The Emperor Sword is revived! !
"The personal weapon of Taizu Dagan"

Looking at the magic knife in front of him, Zhong Qiu's eyes were blurred, as if he was lost in reminiscence.

Behind him, the golden Yueshan knife let out a roar, and then rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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