Sweeping the world

Chapter 167 Sweep

Chapter 167 Sweep
boom! !

The sky exploded with divine power, and a huge force powerful enough to crush mountains descended and fell to this place.

In mid-air, the two golden divine knives were brilliant, displaying their majesty at this moment.

One after another golden lights bloomed, like two suns appearing for a while, wrestling in mid-air, bursting out endless divine power.

If you look carefully, you can find that although these two golden weapons are both golden long swords, their styles are not similar.

The whole body of the Yueshan Knife is dark gold, and the body of the knife is engraved with layer upon layer of mountain textures. The blade is as thick as it is made in nature. Although it is powerful, it looks extremely simple. If it does not bloom with majesty, it is like an ordinary weapon generally.

But the Emperor Knife that appeared in front of my eyes was different. The blade was bright, with dragon patterns engraved on it, and it was extremely gorgeous. combat power.

The two faced each other in mid-air, and when they collided, the unrivaled power that erupted from them could easily destroy the entire imperial tomb, or even sink the entire mountain range, if it leaked to the ground.

The reason why this has not happened at this moment is only because the two sides wrestle with each other, and the forces between the two oppose each other and cancel each other out, so that the surroundings can be preserved.

But this balance of power is not destined to last long.

Outside the city wall of the imperial mausoleum, Zhongqiu stepped out, with streaks of blood shining all over his body, suppressing all the light, and pouring directly into the Yueshan knife, making the simple dark gold long knife shine brightly, making it even more radiant at a glance up.

He was burning his blood energy, using his master's power to bless the Yueshan Saber, fully activating the power of the divine weapon contained in the divine weapon, and increasing its divine might.

boom! !

A burst of blood energy surged into the sky, and with the influx of blood energy, the golden Yueshan knife let out a soft cry, and on the entire blade, mountain textures began to move, as if something had been activated, and the power in it began to erupt completely.

The next moment, Yue Shan's sword slashed downwards, and a golden light from the sword fell from outside the Jiuchongtian. The whole world trembled slightly, and a large piece of void shattered, unable to withstand this mighty force at all.

The golden Emperor Knife began to retreat, and there were faint wailing sounds, and the originally bright blade seemed to be dimmed a lot, being suppressed by Yueshan Knife.

"Qiantian Emperor Saber, formed in the hands of Taizu Taizong back then, it is a magical weapon made with the blood of the ancient Emperor Ming's family, and it will not work after all."

Zhong Qiu sighed softly, holding the golden Yueshan knife in his hand, his whole body was glowing.

His blood energy was strong, like a furnace. At this moment, blood energy surged up all over his body, directly submerging this place.

This is an extremely astonishing scene. If it is seen by outsiders, it is enough to be stunned, and it is almost shocking to worship it as a god.

Even though these are all strong men in front of them, and they are well-informed on weekdays, they can't help being shocked when they see this scene, and their originally firm and flawless martial arts will cast a shadow.

"This is really, what a thick blood."

They were shocked and sighed.

The blood qi of the innate warriors is already strong, if they are fully bloomed, they can cover the surrounding area for tens of feet, and the strong ones can even condense the blood column, soaring into the sky.

But even the most powerful person in the innate world, facing Zhong Qiu at this moment, he should sigh and concentrate his mind.

The blood on his body is too thick, like an ocean, with almost no end in sight, shocking and enviable.

"If Taizong was here back then, I don't know if you would dare to say this."

In the distance, the old voice sounded, and the voice seemed to have aged a lot.

At the moment when Qian Tiandi was repelled by the sword, along with the spiritual wailing, his vitality seemed to have been severely injured, and he seemed even weaker at this moment.

"Perhaps." Zhong Qiu was noncommittal, calm and composed: "The emperor's sword is no match for Yueshan sword. It must be a magic weapon. It's just that you, the master of the army, are far behind me."

"If Taizong is here, the result will naturally be different."

"But then again."

He said again, this time with a little sigh: "If Taizong is here, why use the Emperor Saber, I am definitely not an opponent if I only punch myself alone."

"In the final analysis, the strength of the victory or defeat depends on the person, and the power of the magic weapon is just an embellishment."

He shook his head and then stepped forward.

The golden Yueshan knife was flickering, and as he moved forward, the power of the divine weapon was revived again. The golden light of the knife fell from the sky and pierced through the sky, as if it wanted to split the world with a single knife. The coercion in it was unbearable .

In front, the Emperor Knife was dim, and although its spirituality was damaged, it still rushed to the sky and tried to block the blow, but in the end it was still lost, and it was directly sent flying, unable to stop it at all.

This was an unrivaled blow. With the power of a master to control the divine weapon, Zhongqiu was almost unstoppable at this moment, and a single Emperor Saber could not change anything at all.

Because, although the essence of the emperor sword is high, it is only a weapon after all, and it must have a suitable master to exert its due power. Facing Zhong Qiu who is already holding the Yueshan sword at this moment, he will naturally not be an opponent .

Excluding the Emperor Knife, although there are many strong people at this moment, to Zhong Qiu, there is no one.

boom! !

The unrivaled prestige erupted, like a golden sun exploded violently, and the sky was full of golden sword lights. Once the power contained in each ray of sword light erupted, it could easily destroy a mountain. All of them erupted at this moment , and immediately sank the land in front of him.

The entire imperial mausoleum collapsed in the blink of an eye, everything in it was destroyed, and occasionally some flickering patterns could be seen, but they quickly disappeared, and were directly destroyed by the power of the magic weapon contained in the Yueshan knife.

During the 800 years of the Daqian Dynasty, the imperial mausoleum has been built for a long time, and there are special guarding techniques, which are specially used to target this time, but at this moment, all of them have been done in vain.

Facing a pinnacle master holding a magic weapon, all methods here are useless. Unless Taizu Taizong is resurrected, there is no one to control him.

With one blow, the mausoleum of the 800-year-old emperor collapsed!
After sweeping away the ruins on the surface, Zhong Qiu walked to the center of the imperial mausoleum on foot, and there were already more than a dozen bloodstains on the side of the road halfway.

It wasn't him who killed him, but died under the aftermath of Cai Yueshan's saber just now, unable to bear the aftermath of the divine soldiers, all of them were buried with the emperor's tomb.

Even the owner of the old voice seemed to be the same, under one blow, there was no more sound.

“Very helpless and frustrating”

Walking on the ruins of the imperial mausoleum, Zhong Qiu walked very slowly, stopping from time to time, looking at the surrounding ruins with memories in his eyes.

"If possible, I don't want to"

He muttered to himself, the emotions in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he regained his calm.

Unknowingly, he walked to the very center of the imperial mausoleum and arrived at the destination this time.

(End of this chapter)

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