Sweeping the world

Chapter 168: Great Grandfather!

Chapter 168: Great Grandfather!

"How does it feel to destroy the place I guarded back then with my own hands?"

Walking into the depths of the imperial mausoleum, a voice sounded in front.

Zhong Qiu raised his head: "That's it."

"This place has undergone hundreds of years of changes. Most of my old friends are no longer there. The only one who is still there is also killed by me just now."

He raised his hand, and on his arm, dots of golden texture emerged, which caused a little fear in the eyes of the person who appeared opposite.

The person standing opposite Zhongqiu was a woman. She looked fair-skinned and delicate-looking. Her entire upper body was covered by a deep black, and she looked hazy and beautiful at first glance.

"I haven't seen you in 300 years, Zhongqiu, you are still so strong." In the distance, another voice sounded.

An old man appeared at the end of the field of vision, covered in a black robe, with a rotten smell on his body, like an old corpse, the flesh on his body was beginning to rot.

If you look closely, you can find that the flesh on this person's body is indeed rotting away. An old face is extremely pale. The skin and flesh on it are riddled with holes. You can see worms crawling. It's frightening to look at. .

"Xu Changyi, you're here too."

Zhong Qiu raised his head, the expression on his face didn't change at all, but there was something strange in his eyes: "You have survived until now"

"It's just a matter of lingering, it's nothing compared to Sect Master Zhong, you live another life with the power of a magic weapon, which is enviable."

With envy in Xu Changyi's eyes, he looked at Zhong Qiu standing in front of him, with deep envy in his eyes, and a little bit of hidden deep jealousy.

He is also a contemporary figure of Zhong Qiu, and he was also an arrogance back then, and he reached the realm of a master before he was a hundred years old, and he was called the brightest of the moment along with Zhong Qiu.

However, now 300 years have passed, Zhongqiu borrowed the power of the divine weapon to nirvana, and lived another life, but he is still lingering on his last breath, and his life is not long.

"Yueshan Knife"

He looked behind Zhong Qiu, looked at the golden Yueshan knife, and finally sighed deeply, but didn't say anything in the end.

"The three of us have gathered together for this trip, so let's go on the road."

Zhong Qiu said lightly, then turned around and looked in front of him.

The other two people around did the same.

In the center of the imperial mausoleum, as the exterior of the imperial mausoleum was swept by the Zhongqiu, the things inside were slowly revealed.

Pieces of patterns are interweaving and manifesting, and they are beginning to emerge at this moment, like a silver ocean spreading, trying to submerge this area.

Huge power is being bred, as if there is a small sun hidden in it, the vast power is spreading outward, and a strange breath is felt, and something in it seems to be recovering spontaneously.

"Hmph, it's just a tomb, and I still can't turn over."

The stern voice fell, and the only woman among the three made a move. When she made a move, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. The sword shone brightly, like a silver dragon roaring.

This is definitely a terrifying blow, because with the fall of this blow, the surrounding vitality is roaring, and if the power contained in it bursts out, it can definitely kill all the innate.

However, such an unstoppable blow fell into the formation, but in the end, there was not even a wave of waves, it was directly melted away by the densely packed countless formations there, and the sword intent contained in it was completely removed, without causing any waves .

Looking at this scene, Xu Changyi frowned.

Although the woman's strength was the weakest of the three, she was also at the peak of Guiyuan, only one step away from the master. With all her strength, she couldn't even destroy a single bit of the guardian pattern.

This shows that the protection ability of this mausoleum is by no means as fragile as the periphery, and at least the power of a grandmaster is required to destroy it.

"Master Zhong."

He looked at Zhong Qiu. In the field, in terms of single-round combat power, Zhong Qiu who was holding the Yueshan Divine Weapon was undoubtedly the strongest. No one could deny this.

With a calm face, Zhong Qiu took a step forward, the Yueshan knife roared softly in his hand, and slashed out again, causing the surrounding vitality to vibrate in an instant, and the rolling vitality turned into a long dragon, bombarding forward, causing the whole world to tremble.

This time, the lines in front of him began to react, and one of the small lines flickered, spreading like a spider web, and finally formed a thick web, blocking Yue Shandao's attack.

There is divine power flashing in this pattern, and with layer upon layer of blessing, he finally successfully blocked Yue Shandao's attack, but it was not as easy as before, some of the pattern was breaking, which seemed a bit difficult.

In the final analysis, this is also the array that was set up hundreds of years ago. The person who arranged it back then is long gone, and there is no one to preside over it. The flexibility is not strong, and it is naturally not enough to face the supreme master like Zhong Qiu.

"The array is damaged, let's go together and add power to the Yueshan Saber!!"

Xu Changyi yelled, and then took the lead to step forward, with a faint divine light flickering all over his body, and black mysterious runes flickered in his eyes, which contained divine power enough to collapse mountains, all poured into the golden Yueshan In the knife.

The three of them worked together, each with mysterious runes flashing on their bodies, each carrying a deep imprint, engulfed in all their divine power, moving forward, and blessing it on the dark golden Yueshan knife.

boom! !

Shocking majesty emerges, like a little sun starting to recover, blooming with brilliance, on the golden Yueshan knife, the simple and simple mountain texture begins to shine, and the mountain above seems to have come alive, emerging at this moment, bringing With the force of the thick mountain, it fell down.

boom! !

It was as if a mountain had smashed to the ground, and a terrifying power erupted, instantly dimming the entire world, shaking the sky and the universe, and all the brilliance was taken away by it, which was horrifying.

Down below, the pattern array began to become chaotic, facing Yueshan Dao head-on, the situation did not look too good, one rune after another began to shatter, the divine power in it was stirring, and there was a terrifying force dissipating When it came out, a mountain was leveled in an instant.

This is a doomsday-like scene. If others see it, they will be horrified, and they will probably bow down on the spot and regard it as a miracle.

This is far from over.

Accompanied by the chaos in the Imperial Mausoleum pattern, the three of Zhongqiu were acutely aware of the weak point, and without the slightest hesitation, they urged the Yueshan knife to let the second strike fall.

boom! !

The heavens and the earth were roaring, and in midair, the dark golden Yueshan Knife was trembling slightly, the spirituality in it was enthusiastic, feeling the emotions of the soldier master, it was completely revived, and the divine power in it was completely blooming.

The power of the magic weapon contained in the Yueshan knife was completely released, and it was really like a sun for a moment, swallowing and looking at the vitality every moment, turning into divine power and slashing down, for a moment, the world trembled, and the space Waves of ripples rose up, as if they couldn't bear it and were about to collapse.

When the long knife falls, it becomes extremely simple. Thousands of shadows of the knife merge in an instant, turning into the most violent slashing of the knife. this place.

boom! !

An indescribably huge sound resounded around, and the wind and sand all over the sky were raging.

Under the long knife, the pattern array fought hard to resist, but after all, it couldn't stop the Yueshan knife's bombardment again and again. The runes inscribed on it continued to collapse, and finally reached a limit, and it exploded directly, revealing the appearance behind it .

"Did it work?"

Xu Changyi shouted, his eyes were as deep as ink, and runes flashed in them, looking forward.

In his field of vision, after the pattern array in front exploded, a bottomless pit emerged, and a strong bloody smell rose from it, which spread out the moment the pattern array collapsed.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, the woman in black among the three shouted, attracting the attention of the three.

Located in the center of the three, the figure of the woman in black was hazy, with a look of disbelief at this moment: "There is someone there!!"


The other two were stunned for a moment, their divine power was activated, their eyes flickered with divine light, and they looked over.

After the pattern formation collapsed, the Mantian runes that originally existed had already collapsed, but at this moment they resurfaced, but they were in the deep pit.

In the bottomless pit, one piece after another of runes flickered, slowly gathering into a shape, unexpectedly slowly gathering into a human form, gathering the appearance of a person.


Suddenly, there was a scream.

Xu Changyi knelt down on the ground, his whole body was cracked, holding his eyes with one hand, and suffered backlash when the figure appeared just now.

Pieces of black blood were continuously dripping from his eyes, and his entire face looked extremely hideous. Combined with his tattered flesh, it was enough to make people spit out their overnight meal.


Zhong Qiu's expression was shocked, and he could no longer maintain his previous calm look, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Compared with the other two, he has a higher level of cultivation, and as the master of the Yueshan sword, he has been protected by the Yueshan sword invisibly, and the backlash he has received is lighter, and because of this, he has seen more things.

In his line of sight, the man in the distance is majestic, majestic, and his face is as cold as iron stone. Even though he seems to be sleeping with his eyes closed at the moment, he can't hide that unrivaled domineering aura, making him want to kneel down immediately , surrender to it.

This is an outstanding person in the world. In Zhong Qiu's eyes, this person is covered with dense runes, and his body is full of divine power, which is almost unbelievable. action.

Compared to these, what frightened Zhong Qiu even more was that this person's face somewhat overlapped with a person he remembered.

Dagan Taizu!

Zhong Qiu was born 300 years ago, and he has not really met Daqian Taizu, but he has seen the portraits and remains of Dagan Taizu, and understands the appearance of Daqian Taizu.

And the person in front of him, whether it was his appearance or temperament, or the terrifying aura of divine power, was exactly the same as the Daqian Taizu in his impression.

This kind of situation is really horrifying, causing Zhong Qiu to flash many thoughts, and even think of many things.

Ahead, a majestic aura flickered, and surging vitality surged everywhere.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but with the collapse of the pattern outside, in the mausoleum, that majestic and incomparably majestic figure seemed to move, and a pair of eyes slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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