Chapter 169
"In half a day, the imperial mausoleum was filled with blood, what happened?"

On a tall building, Chen Ming stood there, looking into the distance with a solemn expression.

In his eyes, the golden Buddha power flowed from time to time, making his eyes golden, and the vision in them was also different from usual.

In his eyes, the direction of the imperial mausoleum in the distance was filled with blood, and the dazzling blood was ominous, making people creepy, even if Chen Ming wanted to ignore it, he couldn't do it.

In just half a day, the changes there were really big. First, the blood was soaring, then the vitality roared, and at the end there was a palpitating aura rising, which almost suffocated everyone who could feel it .

"The movement has stopped. Is it because the people there have left, or is it?"

Chen Ming calmly looked into the distance, carefully feeling the breath fluctuations there, and caught a certain kind of familiar energy from it, which made the blood in his body tremble, and a long-hidden power was rising and becoming active.

Feeling this, his eyes were deep, and he sighed softly in his heart: "The power of the magic weapon of Yueshan Saber."

Once on Yueshan, he had received the baptism of Yueshan knife, and he possessed part of the power of the magic weapon of Yueshan knife in his body, but he had not activated it, and had been in a deep sleep.

But at this moment, infected by a certain aura in the distance, the power of the divine weapon in his body spontaneously revived, echoing a certain aura in the distance.

What this means, Chen Ming is very clear.

"Someone used the power of Yue Shan Dao's magical weapon, is it Zhong Qiu?"

Thinking in his heart, after a little hesitation, he took a step and walked towards the direction of the imperial mausoleum.

Not long after, he came to the ruins of the imperial mausoleum.

In just a few days, the originally bustling imperial mausoleum has been turned into ruins, and there are almost no complete buildings.

Walking in it, through the blessing of the Buddha's power in his body, Chen Ming could still see the scarlet blood rushing to the sky everywhere, with some resentment and hatred that could not be dissipated for a long time.

This is the trace left after the fall of the innate powerhouse. His soul is tenacious and long-lasting. Even if he dies, he can't completely wear it away, and it will last for a long period of time.

After just walking casually for a while, Chen Ming found at least three places where innate powerhouses fell.

"How Many People Died"

Chen Ming muttered to himself, his eyes kept shifting around, searching.

He was looking for the traces of Yueshan Dao, trying to explore what happened that day through the traces left by Yueshan Dao, hoping to get some truth and the final result of that day.

In the end, guided by the power of the magic weapon in his body, he walked to the very center of the imperial mausoleum, where he saw something.

Through induction, in a trance, he saw a young man holding a golden Yueshan knife, smashing the entire imperial tomb with one knife, and then walked into the mausoleum in the center of the imperial tomb.

That person was none other than Zhong Qiu who had met once on Mount Yue back then.

Following the picture that emerged in his mind, Chen Ming also walked towards the mausoleum, but was shocked by the appearance of that place in the end.

In the central mausoleum of the imperial mausoleum, I don't know what happened to this place. The surrounding land is full of palpitating aura, and the surrounding vitality seems to be suppressed. There is a huge residual divine power entrenched in this place.

Just walking to this place, Chen Ming could feel a wave of heart palpitations. His body, which was originally capable of carrying mountains, seemed to have endured a lot, and he felt a mighty majesty.

With a movement in his heart, the internal force in his body surged up and blessed him, which relieved the pressure on him and made him feel much more at ease.

"This breath seems to have spread from the mausoleum"

After carefully exploring the surroundings, Chen Ming found that the residual divine power here was centered on the center of the tomb, and the closer to the central tomb, the stronger the surrounding pressure.

Feeling this, he raised his head, the power of Buddha flickered in front of his eyes, and he just looked at the mausoleum.

Under the vision blessed by Buddha's power, the vision in front of him has changed somewhat.

In the mausoleum, strange and mysterious runes flickered, looking extremely mysterious at every moment, with a unique charm, involuntarily attracting people's attention.

In the mausoleum, a dense pile of runes flickered, filling a coffin inside, but there were some gaps, and a shape could be vaguely seen.

"This is... a person?"

Chen Ming hesitated, thinking of many things at this moment: "Is there a corpse or a person who was lying in it, but now it's gone?"

At this time, there was a very low sound in Chen Ming's ear, it was the extremely weak heartbeat, if it wasn't for Chen Ming's extremely sharp facial sense organs, he could hardly detect it.


He shouted violently, but he didn't get a response, as if it was just a hallucination.

So, following a vague feeling, Chen Ming stepped forward, waved his arm, and swept away the ruins, revealing what was behind him.

It was a woman in black, buried under the ruins, her whole body was broken, half of her body was broken directly, her two legs and one right arm were broken, she looked very miserable.

But what was surprising was that even though her body was so injured, she still did not die. There was a faint vitality remaining in her body, and Chen Ming couldn't help but be surprised by the tenacity of her vitality.

What surprised Chen Ming even more was that Chen Ming faintly felt a faint pressure on this woman, which came from instinct.

The strength of the woman in front of her was probably far higher than that of Chen Ming at this moment. Even though she was dying at this moment, her transcendent essence still existed forever, which made Chen Ming feel a pressure.

"Combined with the power of a strong divine weapon, this woman has the aura of Yueshan Dao on her body, and she has touched Yueshan Dao before she was alive."

Chen Ming's eyes flickered with Buddha's light, and he strode forward with one hand on the woman.

boom! !

A roar came instantly, and with the contact with the woman, the power of the magic weapon in Chen Ming's body suddenly boiled, and it resonated with the outer breath of Yueshan Dao, and a scene appeared in Chen Ming's mind.

On the ruined imperial mausoleum, did the golden long knife cut across, like a golden sun across the sky, exuding majestic power.

Inside the mausoleum, a man has a majestic figure, a stern face, and a mighty dragon aura. With a punch, the world is overwhelmed.

"Ah!! Taizu!!"

A hideous scream sounded.

The man looked cold and stern, and he punched out a golden dragon shadow flying all over the sky, tearing apart the body of an old man in a black robe, leaving a splash of black blood, and the rest of the wave fell on the woman beside him, severely wounding him to the point of death.

Then a touch of gold flashed across, and the golden Yueshan Knife galloped away, fleeing from this place.Afterwards, the figure suspected to be the Dagan Taizu also moved away, following Yue Shandao.

At this moment, vitality began to erupt, and the surge of divine power submerged this place, and the domineering and unparalleled martial arts will lingered here, completely drowning the rest of the scene, making it hard to see clearly.

There was a blunt sound of blood falling to the ground.

Unknowingly, Chen Ming's body cracked, and golden blood dripped from a pair of buddha eyes, flowing out continuously.

Just now, when the power of the divine soldier was surging, he seemed to have aroused the remaining divine power in the woman, and suffered the backlash directly, and was almost seriously injured by the backlash.

"Dagan Taizu."

Withdrawing his arms, recalling the scene he had just seen, Chen Ming's face was solemn, and he felt that he undoubtedly knew some secrets.

Daqian Taizu 800 years ago is still alive today.

If this matter were to be revealed, the sky would be pierced, and a crowd of people would be stunned, unable to believe this fact. ,

But if you think about it carefully, it may not be impossible.

"After a warrior is promoted to innate, his lifespan can reach at least one hundred. If he has practiced special longevity skills, it is not impossible to live to more than two hundred years old."

Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and he thought quietly: "Great Ancestor Daqian, although his cultivation level back then is not clear, but at least he was above the Great Grandmaster, at least he was the highest among heaven and man."

This is not an ordinary world, but a world where martial arts prevail.

In this world, if the Daqian Taizu was able to climb to the top, he must be an unrivaled warrior who has conquered the world, otherwise he would not be able to reach the top.

Zhong Qiu, who was reincarnated from fake death back then, was all at the peak of the great masters, only one step away from the strength of heaven and man. Daqian Taizu will only be stronger than this, and will not be weaker than this.

(End of this chapter)

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