Chapter 171

In the quiet quiet room, a piece of pure Buddha light flickered, and that kind of pure and extreme Buddha nature flickered, rippling here, almost turning this place into a legendary holy place.

A mysterious world unfolded at this moment, and in Chen Ming's field of vision, runes flickered one after another, directly rising into the sky.

Chen Ming looked at it very seriously, as if looking at the most cherished treasure, with extreme seriousness in his eyes, and a piece of gold shone in his eyes.

He found that compared to before, the field of vision at this moment seems to be much clearer, and the various scenes he can see have also changed. It looks very detailed and seems to contain endless mysteries.

In the end, Chen Ming saw that there were actually only nine runes on the woman's body, and more than half of them were broken at the moment. The divine power leaked out of them was astonishing. In the rune, there is something conceived in it.

On the broken runes, the vast essence of martial arts emerged.

"It's like a secret book of martial arts, which contains the master's deep understanding and comprehension of martial arts."

Chen Ming was shocked and came to this conclusion.

These runes are not formed out of thin air, but are closely related to the essence of martial arts mastered, which contains all the comprehension of their masters about martial arts.

Just staring at these divine patterns for a moment, Chen Ming only felt complex and profound martial arts emerge in his mind, revealing the remnants of a martial art. With this essence, it may be possible to trace a profound martial art. martial arts.

"A profound hidden method may be integrated into my Nirvana method to prepare for the next level of deduction."

Chen Ming's eyes flickered with divine light, and with the power of Buddha in his body, he was about to continue looking forward.

A strong roar rang out from the mind, and on the woman, a little divine power left behind by Daqian Taizu erupted, and erupted in a brief contact, roaring like mountains and rivers for a while, erupting with terrifying prestige.

Chen Ming's whole body was shaken, and his supernatural power exploded from top to bottom. A little red light flickered in front of his chest, and a little bit of red gold blood rose up into the sky.

He was fighting against the remaining divine power. At this moment, his whole body began to exert strength, his whole body was stimulated, and his internal energy surged, trying to suppress the divine power.

But it's useless.

Although the scarlet divine power is scarce, it is like an omnipotent divine weapon. No matter how strong the blocking force in front is, it will be cut down with a single sword, and it will rush forward, directly breaking through layers of barriers, and rushing into Chen Ming's body .

Along with the influx of divine power, an unrivaled spirit rushed into it.

In a daze, Chen Ming seemed to see a man with a cold face and a heavy breath. He punched him in the head, revealing a domineering and unparalleled spirit. No matter whether it was a god or a demon in front of him, he would hate this punch under.


Chen Ming opened his eyes, his face was icy cold, his whole body was covered with peaceful Buddha spirit, a frightening fighting spirit surged out, crazy for fighting, crazy for fighting, and rushed towards the man throwing his fist.

boom! !

The divine power surged, and with a bang, Chen Ming's body exploded, and he was directly blown away by the man, losing to the opponent's divine power.

But at the next moment, a powerful spirit surged, and a new god of war was born from the ashes, and moved forward again.

I don't know how long the cracking sound resounded.

In his mind, slowly, Chen Ming no longer knew how many times he had been crushed by the opponent, but he only knew that in the end, his sanity was a little blurred, because facing the divine spirit contained in the divine power, he was completely weak and weak. go down.

The figure of the man on the opposite side also began to blur, his whole body blurred. Although the frightening domineering spirit remained forever, his divine power was finally exhausted.

After all, this is Chen Ming's home field. Although the essence of the divine power he is facing is high, the divine power left in the woman's body is limited after all. If it is consumed time and time again, it will eventually be exhausted one day.

In the end, when Chen Ming was close to the limit, he swung his saber straight away, and transformed into a heavenly saber in his hand. The nine styles of facing the abyss were combined into one, and the stern man's phantom was wiped out, and the remaining divine power was broken.

After doing this, Chen Ming's body was cracked, the power of spirit was almost exhausted, and the vast internal force in his body was also consumed by more than half, and he fell into a trough in an instant.

This is the prestige of Daqian Taizu. Even if he is not facing it directly, it is just some residual divine power, which can make Chen Ming feel such pressure. It is no less than a battle with a congenital peak of the same level. It can be seen that his supernatural power is unmatched. .

"I can't imagine how strong this great ancestor would be if he was in full bloom."

Chen Ming sighed deeply, and couldn't help but think of Zhong Qiu.

The other party was chased and killed by Daqian Taizu, even if he held the Yueshan knife, he might not be able to please him, and he didn't know how to live or die at this moment.

After shattering the remaining divine power of the great ancestor in the woman's body, there seemed to be some changes in the woman's body. The vitality that Chen Ming had carefully maintained was no longer shaken. wounds heal faster.

However, no matter how much it healed, the opponent's legs and right arm were helpless.

Refinement and return to the source, rebirth of a broken limb, this is a supernatural power that can only be obtained after a master.

Although the woman in front of her is extremely high in nature, she is only better than Chen Ming at this moment, and she must not have reached that level.

Picking up the woman with one hand, Chen Ming left the place and walked outside.

Half a month passed quickly.

Outside the imperial capital, there is a narrow road.

A carriage drove past the path. In front of the carriage, the old coachman carefully drove the carriage forward, and it stopped slowly on a flat ground after a long time.

"Young master, the place is here"

The driver turned around and cautiously spoke to the inside of the carriage.

"Okay." There was a voice from inside the car.

Chen Ming stepped out of the carriage, looked at the vaguely familiar Taoist temple in the distance, and walked forward calmly.

Compared with the past, there has been no change in Qingfeng Temple, it is still so calm and peaceful, but there are more people.

"Uncle Chen, Master is already waiting inside."

A Taoist boy came from a distance. He was handsome and handsome, and he seemed to be gathering aura at first glance.

Deqing came to Chen Ming, respectfully invited Chen Ming to Qingfeng Temple, and came to a small pavilion.

In the small pavilion, old Dao Mingwei was sitting comfortably inside, with a ruddy complexion and an extraordinary air. When he saw Chen Ming approaching, he got up and smiled, "He's really a rare visitor."

"Little friend, it has been more than half a year since we last met."


Chen Ming nodded: "Time flies, in the blink of an eye, it has been half a year."

There was some hush and emotion in his words.

The passage of time is different, for Ming Wei, they haven't seen each other for half a year, but for Chen Ming, it has been two or three years since they experienced all kinds of things in a different world.

Two or three years, this is a very long period of time, at least longer than the total time Chen Ming stayed in Dagan World, it gave him an extremely deep feeling.

"Young man, it's not good to start feeling emotional now."

Ming Wei served a cup of tea, filled it for Chen Ming with his own hands, and then smiled: "Time passes by, when you reach my age, you will find that time passes faster and faster. It's been years."

"That's for later. As for now, I think I'm still young."

Chen Ming shook his head, then raised his teacup, and with a serious expression, he gave Ming a little respect: "Thank you."

What he thanked was half a month ago, Mingwei sent Deqing to remind him, hinting that he was leaving the imperial mausoleum.

Although he would eventually leave that place without the other party's reminder, he understood the other party's intention.

"Don't be so polite."

Ming smiled, accepted Chen Ming's thanks calmly, and then said: "You can understand what I mean, leave there in time, this is your choice."

"Some things seem natural, but they are actually preordained. Maybe even if I didn't remind you, you would still be able to leave from that place."

When he said this, it seemed that there was something in the words.

If Chen Ming, as he expected, is the emperor's line, or the heavenly star's fate, then he must have great luck. Even if there is no reminder from him this time, he will surely turn evil into good fortune. Under the interweaving of destiny, various things will happen. Make it leave the dangerous place in time.

Opposite Ming Wei, Chen Ming looked dazed, but he thought of Yang Jing, Xu Qing, and Zhao Ji.

All three of them are people with great luck who were born by destiny, and they are truly potential people who were born by destiny and born by destiny.

Isn't the situation that Mingwei mentioned before just describing the situation these three people are facing.

There was a moment of silence on the spot, neither of them opened their mouths to speak, and they remained silent on the spot.

It was not until a long time later that Chen Ming spoke again: "I have something to ask."

"After innate, how to return to the source?"

(End of this chapter)

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