Sweeping the world

Chapter 172 God Man

Chapter 172

"After innate, how to return to the source?"

Outside the small pavilion, Chen Ming looked at Ming Wei with bright eyes, and asked.

Talking about this topic, Ming Wei subconsciously sat up, her face seemed to be a lot more serious: "Little friend, do you know the beginning of martial arts?"

"The beginning of martial arts is the beginning of human beings. The ancestors fought in the fields and fought in the nine heavens. That is the beginning of martial arts."

This is the orthodox answer, and it is the interpretation and interpretation of the origin of martial arts in various classics.

But judging from Mingwei's performance, the answer might be different?

"Ancient martial arts originated from gods."

Ming Wei sat upright, with a serious and focused expression, like a devout preacher.

"Why God?"

Chen Ming asked.

If it was the previous life, the so-called gods would naturally be the product of idealism, but this is not always the case in this world.

At the pinnacle of martial arts, one can reach the gods!

If the so-called gods were only stronger people, then Chen Ming felt that the Daqian Taizu and Zhongqiu's generation could have been called gods in their previous lives.

Same for them.

There is no true Almighty God in this world, and their so-called gods are only relative to them.

At a higher level, maybe you can look at it head-on!
"God is the beginning and the source."

Ming Wei sat upright, with a focused and serious face, as if he was telling a piece of ancient history: "It is rumored that at the beginning of the origin, the world was chaotic in nothingness, and there was a god named Yuan, who opened up the world from nothingness, evolved all things, and all worlds came into being. "

"The primordial spirit was born from the sky, and its energy was left in the world. Three thousand gods were born in response to their orders, which is the source."

"This is the source of martial arts."

"The source of martial arts begins with God and Man!"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, he just felt that the wind of the conversation was changing too fast, the first kick was still fighting for supremacy in martial arts, and the next moment was breaking the world, he was not used to it.

"It coincides with what Zhao Ji and I said about the secret"

The thought flashed through his mind.

Zhao Ji was the destiny of a world, inherited by the ancient demon king, and told Chen Ming many secrets.

Some of them are consistent with what Ming Wei said.

"At the beginning of ancient times, gods and men were born, and they were born strong. At the beginning of every god and man's birth, they possessed the power to destroy the world, and those who were extremely powerful were called emperors."

Ming Wei continued to narrate, with a serious expression: "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were countless people in the continuation of the era, and then the gods and humans fought, and a catastrophe of the end of the world was born. The last god emperor died, the era of gods and humans ended, and the innate human race was born."

"The congenital human race was born on the corpse of a god and man, inheriting the blood of a god and man. It is inherently strong, and all human beings belong to the source."

He recounted the past history in detail and popularized the changes of the times to Chen Ming.

If these things are released to the outside world, there will undoubtedly be an uproar, a storm, and many people will be shocked.

Chen Ming listened very carefully.

What Mingwei said was basically the same as what Zhao Ji said that day, but there were many differences in details and many details were added.

Listening to Ming Wei's words, Chen Ming has a good grasp of the context of this world.

"The so-called return to the source is the process of refining one's own source blood and rebelling step by step towards the innate human race."

Ming Wei said: "This process is easy for some people, but for some people, it is extremely difficult, extremely difficult."

"Why?" Chen Ming asked.

"The inheritance of blood is different."

Ming Wei said, with deep emotion in his words: "The innate human race faded away and turned into the acquired human race. The people of today, in theory, all have the blood of the original innate human race."

"The gap between people is born from this."

"Some people's blood is mottled with blood, which is no different from a waste body. Some people are born with thick blood, born with a spiritual body, and the power of blood is strong."

"For example, the Daqian Taizu back then was born with an emperor body, and the divine veins in his body were awakened. He was less than half a hundred years old, and he has already certified as a celestial being."

With helplessness on his face, he told Chen Ming a secret.

Chen Ming was startled at first, then nodded suddenly.

As it should be.

How can a peerless emperor who can create an imperial court and defeat invincible opponents all over the world be a mortal? He should have peerless talents.

But speaking of it, in terms of physique, he is also somewhat peculiar.

This body was born with an evil spirit, which led to the death of the original owner. When Chen Ming was still weak, he was also in crisis because of this.

"You have an evil spirit body, although it is not as good as the emperor body, but it also has its own uniqueness."

In front of him, Ming Wei just mentioned this point: "The evil spirit body is very rare. Most of the people who possessed the evil spirit body in the past died young, so this kind of physique is unknown. It is far inferior to the emperor's body and the god's body."

"But in fact, this physique also has its unique features. It is naturally compatible with evil charms and magical methods. If you can practice the corresponding methods, it will be easy to achieve."

"In ancient times, this physique was once called a demon body, and there were many strong people."

"Demon body."

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

He is pregnant with Buddha's blood, and the Buddha's power in his body is strong, almost stronger than his own internal power. If it is revealed, some people may believe that he is a natural born Buddha, but now he is told that he is a demon body?
How not to make people feel ridiculous?
"Among the Kyushu, due to the Taoist struggle in ancient times, the princes exterminated the demons, which led to the decline of the demon sect."

Ming Wei said, "But outside of Kyushu, there is a domain called Southern Region, where the Demon Sect is prevalent, and there are several Demon Sect holy places, which are astonishingly powerful."

"If you have a chance in the future, you can go to the Southern Region and find a magic martial art there, which may be more suitable for you than your current method."

"thanks for reminding."

Chen Ming nodded his thanks, with a very serious attitude.

"It doesn't have to be."

Ming Wei shook his head, and said: "In the imperial court of Dagan, the Taizu Dagan attacked everywhere and destroyed the sect, and indeed collected a lot of things, but the real inheritance of the holy land was far away, far away from Kyushu, even if there is something The harvest, at most, is just some fragments."

"The only inheritance that can be called a peerless succession is the Taihua Tianzi Chapter created by the Daqian Taizu."

"The Great Chu Martial Classics you practiced were originally a good inheritance, but when the Great Chu Dynasty collapsed, the core of the Great Chu Martial Classics has long been lost. What is left at this moment is only superficial, and many key points are missing, so The key method of tempering the gods is missing."

"The method of quenching the gods."

Chen Ming was a little surprised, it was the first time he heard this term.

"The beginning of returning to the source is to temper one's own blood and tap one's infinite potential, so as to conceive and nourish the divine lines and give birth to divine power."

Ming smiled and said, "This process, the stronger the physique and the thicker the veins, the easier it will be."

"For you, the most suitable for tempering should be the evil spirit body on your body, but this kind of peculiar body needs the corresponding tempering method to temper, and I can't help."

"In other respects, I might be able to help you."

With a meaningful smile on his face, he took out a golden page.

"Master, did you give that thing to him?"

Several hours later, in the small pavilion, Deqing put down what he was doing, looked at Mingwei and asked.

"That thing originally belonged to his ancestors, I just returned it to the original owner."

Ming Wei said calmly: "Emperor Chen's inheritance, it's useless for me to keep it, it's better to be a favor."

"Then what if he fails."

Deqing gritted his teeth and asked.

"That means that he is not the emperor's body, not the current emperor's line."

Ming Wei got up from where he was, and looked into the distance: "Some time ago, the Daqian Emperor's Mausoleum collapsed, and the Mandate of Heaven has been revived, and once again there is a great battle for the front."

"The great world is fighting for the front, and the destiny is shifting. There must be emperor stars born to compete with each other."

"Youzhou, the three characters of Gongsun's family have come of age. It is the blood of Emperor Liang. When it was born, it was surrounded by golden dragons. Its blood is black and yellow, and it is the body of Emperor Tianliang."

"Yangzhou, after Emperor Fu's family, the Liu family has a son named Xuan, who is only [-] years old and already at the peak of congenital status. I have personally seen that his heavenly court is complete, with hidden purple qi growing, which is the body of Emperor Tianfu."

"Some time ago in the Southern Territory, there was also a person who stirred up the emperor's spirit, suspected of being the emperor's body, plus the Qianzhou's intention to move more than ten years ago, and he is still alive."

"Among the many existing emperor veins, only Emperor Chen, Di Hao, Di Cheng and other emperor veins have not moved yet."

"So Master thinks that Master Uncle is Emperor Chen's body?" Deqing couldn't help but ask.

"Why not?"

Ming smiled: "The descendants of the Emperor Chen have been silent for too long. They are the ancient emperors, but now they have almost reduced to common people, and there is a tendency to cut off the inheritance."

"Every emperor's lineage is the legacy of the ancient emperor, and his luck is long. Now that he has fallen into this situation, under the sympathy of fate, most of them will be born to protect the inheritance of Emperor Chen."

"Chen Xiaoyou is less than [-] years old, and he has already achieved great innate talent. This kind of talent, even a thousand years ago, would have been the supreme arrogance. Why can't it be the emperor's body?"

Looking at his disciple, Ming Wei asked.

"I understand." Deqing nodded, expressing his understanding.

"The Tempering Method of the Emperor Chen Clan"

In the quiet room, holding the golden pages and carefully feeling the information inside, Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and he always felt a little weird.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that there is some kind of deep meaning behind Mingwei handing over this page of inheritance to him. Even looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he is looking forward to his success in practice, and his enthusiasm makes him a little speechless .

He shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts in his mind, and then carefully realized the power contained in the pages of the book.

This page is very special, it is made of an extremely unique material, no matter how hard Chen Ming tries, it cannot change its shape.

In a way, it's scary.You know, the current Chen Ming is already extremely talented, and with full combat power, he can definitely crush a mountain with one blow, but he can't do anything about this small page.

This golden book page is like some kind of unique secret treasure. There is a powerful force circulating in it, which makes Chen Ming feel very comfortable. It seems that even the internal force in his body has begun to speed up.

Holding the pages of the book, he began to sense the messages in it, and then a unique refining method emerged.

This tempering method seems very unique. The process of tempering not only requires the cooperation of blood energy and spirit, but also requires the practitioner's peace of mind to achieve the state of selflessness.

The three criteria were not too difficult for Chen Ming, but no matter how he tempered and tried to condense his own divine pattern, he couldn't do it, it was completely useless.

(End of this chapter)

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