Chapter 176
"The soul was completely shattered by that punch back then. Even though the main body still exists at this moment, the imprint of its own origin has been weakened to the extreme, and most of it has been wiped out together with the imprint of memory."

Putting his hand on the woman's body and examining it carefully with Buddha's power, Chen Ming frowned and came to such a conclusion.

Daqian Taizu's punch that day was too domineering.

Just observing some traces on the woman's body, Chen Ming couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. From some traces, he felt a domineering and decisive momentum and spirit, and just bombarded the woman directly, blowing away all the existence on her body. Broken, the divine marks on his body were almost wiped out.

This is just the aftermath of that punch that day. It is conceivable that if you are hit by that punch head-on, you may not be able to stop it even if you are on the top of Guiyuan, and you can't fight it at all. It is too terrifying .

After confirming that the woman in front of him really had amnesia, Chen Ming stood up, looking a little hesitant.

The woman in front of her has a mysterious origin, and at her peak she was at least one of the peak of returning to the source, far surpassing Chen Ming's current level.

A return to the source peak, even if it is reduced to such a situation at this moment, it must not be taken lightly.

"That's it."

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ming dismissed some thoughts, and his gaze towards the woman gradually calmed down.

If the woman wakes up before he is promoted to return to the source, then just in case, she must be resolved no matter what, and the hidden dangers around her will be completely eliminated.

But after being promoted to the source, his confidence was different, and this idea faded away.

The woman in front of her has lost her origin and her body is mutilated. If there is no accident, even if she can recover in the future, she will not be able to reach her former peak combat power, so there is nothing to fear.

In other words, when the other party really recovered, I am afraid that Chen Ming's cultivation base would have advanced further and reached a higher level.

"No matter what, this is a return to the source. Even if it has lost its memory, it can't change its essence, and it has great value."

Chen Ming looked forward, on the head of the bed, the woman's face was half ruined, nestled on the head of the bed, with her remaining left arm hugging her chest, a pair of timid eyes looked at Chen Ming, looking a little scared.

"what's your name?"

Chen Ming asked the name of the woman in front of him, but he was facing the confused eyes of the woman on the bedside, and he kept shaking his head.

"Have you forgotten?"

Chen Ming shook his head, pondered for a while, and said, "Then call it Chen Wei."

He looked at the woman on the bed and said, then turned around and left the place directly.

For the next period of time, it was very peaceful.

For more than a month, Chen Ming stayed at his residence in the Imperial Capital, and just lived here. Every day, he tempered his divine veins and recuperated with Buddha's power to help Chen Wei recover.

After more than a month of tempering, the divine patterns on Chen Ming's body have been perfected a lot. At this moment, the first divine pattern is almost perfect, and there is a surge of divine power in it, which is far better than before.

This is the gain, but in other respects, it is little.

For more than a month, Chen Wei's injuries have hardly changed. At this moment, she can only lie on the bed without a trace of Dongtang. If there is not a little bit of divine power left in her body, she will be almost indistinguishable from a disabled person.

Chen Ming didn't care about this, he just used the power of Buddha to nourish him day after day, and the rest let nature take its course.

The peaceful days passed like this.

It was early morning.

"Is it finally here?"

In the early morning, the golden sunlight shone on Chen Ming's body, shining brilliantly on him, as if he was covered with a layer of golden divine clothes.

Standing where he was, his face was calm, thinking quietly.

Just now, King Wu sent someone to inform him to go to the palace banquet with him, so that Chen Ming could get ready.

Chen Ming was not surprised by this matter, he had already known about it a long time ago.

In fact, these days, the news of the Heavenly Palace Banquet has been circulating in the imperial capital, but all the dignitaries and ordinary warriors are discussing it. Even if Chen Ming is alone in his house, he can still know the excitement outside.

"Whether it's a blessing or a disaster, there's no way to avoid it. Since it's all here, let's go and have a look."

Chen Ming turned around, put down the long knife in his hand, and this thought flashed in his mind.

The next day.

Outside a huge palace, Chen Ming waited quietly.

The palace in front of me occupies a huge area, paved with pieces of golden bricks and tiles, and looks resplendent and resplendent.On the ground are neat pieces of white jade, spotless and spotless, faintly shrouded in fluorescent light, flowing with waves, with a gentle beauty in the tranquility.

There was a faint mist rising all around, gathering faintly, and circled around this place, attracting Chen Ming's sight, and felt a wave of divine power flowing from it.

"There are traces of the movement of the gods. In this palace, someone branded the gods. There was at least one master among the original builders."

Looking at the splendor in front of him, Chen Ming said in his heart.

Returning to the source needs to condense the divine pattern in the body and transform it into divine power, but only the Grandmaster can reveal the divine pattern in the body and engrave the divine pattern in the jade, so as to condense the divine power and form a pattern array.

The palace in front of him is obviously the work of a grand master.

"How long have you been waiting?" A voice sounded from a distance.

Wearing a purple python robe, Yang An came from a distance, looked at Chen Ming and smiled: "I didn't ask you to come here later."

"There is no reason for His Highness to wait for his subjects."

Chen Ming said calmly with a respectful expression.

Perhaps it has something to do with the beatings experienced by the society in the previous life. He was reborn in this life, and he has always done a lot of these superficial skills.

It is always right to put on a low-key and sincere attitude, and there is no harm in it.

As for the arrogance of returning to the source warrior?

Chen Ming was very realistic, never had such a thing.

"You are still like this."

Seeing Chen Ming's respectful expression, Yang An smiled and said nothing.

On his side, however, a middle-aged man in a black robe who looked a little thin in the mountains nodded secretly, looking at Chen Ming with a much softer gaze.

"This is my uncle, Jinzhang Yujingsi."

Noticing the gazes of the people around him, Yang An nodded and introduced something.

After standing there for a while, they walked in through the main entrance.

Just as he took a step into the palace, Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat.

In the induction of spiritual sense, just entering the palace here, the surrounding vitality suddenly rose, reaching two levels.

If the vitality of the outside world is one, then the vitality here is ten, and the gap between the two has reached ten times.

"Cultivating in this place is useless for returning to the source, but it is extremely important for those who are inferior to the innate. As long as the talent is outstanding, you can reach the acme of acquired nature as quickly as possible and be promoted to innate."

This thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind, and then he looked around.

A piece of golden fireflies flashed by in front of the eyes, and golden ancient trees stood in front of them, their branches and leaves swaying, blooming with divine splendor.

(End of this chapter)

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