Sweeping the world

Chapter 177 The Mysterious Man

Chapter 177 The Mysterious Man
The golden divine brilliance bloomed, and among the four fields, a piece of golden divine light flickered, rushing straight up, like a fairyland in myths and legends, setting off the beauty of this place.

There are golden old trees standing there, each of which is at least three or four meters tall. There are complex golden patterns on the trees, which are natural and have a mysterious aura.

This is an extremely precious golden spirit tree, a spiritual material that is hard to find in the world. The fruit it bears can prolong life, and the heart of the tree can help people realize the Tao.It is shocking to see so many at once, even a grand master might look sideways when he sees it.

Chen Ming looked sideways, even though he never cared about these external things, he couldn't help but look sideways at this moment, and took a few more glances at the dozen or so unique golden spirit trees in the distance.

"How is the scenery of this Golden Spirit Tree?" A voice came from the front.

Chen Ming looked up and saw Yang An approaching in front of him, a young man in a python robe with ornate badges embroidered on his sleeves came from a distance, holding a wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his face, looking towards Chen Ming.

Surprised in Chen Ming's heart, his face remained calm, but he just smiled politely: "The scenery is very beautiful. If you are good at this place, you must even feel happier."

"I met a real person."

The young man smiled and said, "Third brother, this martial arts champion under your command is quite interesting."

"Fifth brother, what do you want to do?"

Yang An frowned, and said: "You don't treat the guests well, what are you doing here?"

"What, can't you?"

The smile on the young man's face remained unchanged, and he kept his previous appearance: "I also heard that the champion of martial arts last year was under your third brother, so I just came here to have a look, isn't that okay?"

Before Yang An could reply, he raised his wine glass and smiled at Chen Ming in front of Yang An: "You are very nice. If you have a chance, come and sit in my Prince An's mansion."

After speaking, he turned and left without saying hello to Yang An, and just left.

"The fifth son of Emperor Qian, King An Yang Yi."

Looking at King An who left, Chen Ming frowned secretly, and thought flickered in his mind: "It seems that the relationship between King Wu and these brothers is not very good."

"Let's go."

In front of him, Yang An spoke, and led Chen Ming and the two of them forward.

At this moment, there are many people standing in the whole garden.

Although there are not too many people coming and going, each of them is extremely extraordinary, and each of them is taken out individually and placed outside, and they are enough to deter one party.

If it is a civil servant, it must be at least the third rank, and if it is a warrior, it must be at least innate, so it is qualified to stand in this place.

These two groups of people seem to be very different from each other, and they are very different from each other, so they are easy to identify.

To Chen Ming's surprise, he saw a familiar person in the crowd.

At the banquet, his uncle Chen Yu was on the list, and judging from the situation, it seemed that the seat was particularly near the front.

In addition to Chen Yu, there were several members of the Chen clan present, all of whom were elders of Chen Ming. Seeing Chen Ming walk in at this moment, they looked at Chen Ming with gentle and encouraging eyes.

If Chen Ming, an innate talent, is included, there are quite a few members of the Chen clan sitting here.

After arriving here, Yang An was surrounded by a large group of people, surrounded by the stars, surrounded by the crowd.

Chen Ming happened to be quiet, so he found a seat and sat down. He sat there quietly and observed the people around him.

There were quite a few people who were like him in the field, and many invited warriors were meditating, with different appearances and postures.

"At least ten innates, and one innate peak."

In the dark, strands of energy merged, and the power of Buddha in Chen Ming's eyes flickered, and there was a golden light shining in them, and he could see through everything at this moment.

Except for Chen Ming, there were at least ten warriors who were superior in nature, including several princes.

In the depths of the garden, there is a long aura that is very faint, secretly watching the surroundings, its master is a congenital peak, only one step away from being promoted to the source.

Such a lineup is almost no worse than the powerful guards in the imperial tomb back then. The lineup is so luxurious that it is suffocating and terrifying.

With the arrival of these dozens of congenitals, the surrounding vitality became unstable. Just the instinctive huffing and puffing caused the vitality of this place to fluctuate, and it was absorbed too much.

If it wasn't for the golden golden spirit trees in the distance that were constantly shedding divine splendor to regulate the vitality, perhaps just a dozen innate talents would be enough to quickly exhaust the vitality of this place, and it would soon be exhausted.

"Ming'er, how is your year?"

After a while, Chen Yu got up and walked over to talk to Chen Ming.

The two haven't seen each other for more than a year, and they have a lot to say to each other, and they said a lot in this place.

"Your father is at home. It is said that last year he took in two more concubines and gave you a younger sister who is very cute. You will see him after a while when you go back."

Chen Yu said with a smile, and then joked: "Ming'er, you are not young, and it is almost time to think about this aspect. You can't let your father be more beautiful than before."

Chen Ming didn't know what to say, so he could only laugh dryly in the end, picked up the wine glass and toasted Chen Yu.

In the blink of an eye, they talked a lot, and they didn't stop until there was a commotion ahead.

At the end of the distant field of vision, a girl in white clothed Shen Xi all over her body. Her body was spotless, her appearance was exquisite, and her temperament was unrivaled. It was Shi Shiran who came from a distance.

She has a beautiful appearance, with peace in her eyes, like the surface of water without the slightest ripple, neither happy with things nor sad with herself, without the slightest flow of emotions, like a heaven and man descended into the world, high above, people dare not get close , unable to get close.

Beside the girl, there were circles of people surrounding her, talking constantly, looking very eye-catching.

"That's the fourth princess."

Chen Yu raised his head and said, "The fourth princess is a disciple of Nanping Dao. She has been retreating in Nanping Dao before, and she never thought that she would come this time."

Looking at Chen Ming, he opened his mouth to say something, but seemed a little hesitant to speak.

"I know."

Chen Ming nodded, making it clear what Chen Yu wanted to say.

The fourth princess of Dagan is named Yang Lian. On the surface, she is just an ordinary person, but she is far more dangerous than ordinary people imagine.

The other party has practiced a unique method of concealment, which completely conceals all auras in his body. He is a majestic innate, but he feels like a weak woman.

Through the extraordinary induction of the Buddha's power, Chen Ming could feel that the other party's spiritual cultivation was also very high, and all the thoughts in his mind had been eliminated. On the surface, he seemed to be talking and laughing, cheerful and bright, but in fact there was no emotional ups and downs in his heart. Calm and dead.

In the last second, I was deeply in love with you, and in the next second, I can swing my sword to cut you down, so peaceful that it is impossible to be shocked.

Chen Ming has always kept a respectful distance from this kind of people, even if he gets along with them, he must be absolutely careful, otherwise one is not good, and he may be sold out and have to count the money.

But in other people's eyes, the fourth emperor's daughter is gentle and approachable.

A group of young talents were attracted by him, and surrounded him, making a big circle inside and out.

Chen Ming looked forward again. In the center, Wu Wang Yang An had a bust and a tall figure. Looking at Yang Lian who came from outside, his face frowned for a moment.

"The relationship within the royal family seems to be very complicated."

Chen Ming thought to himself, then closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

He is sorting out the divine veins in his body. In his body, the purple blood of Emperor Chen Chen is surging, and wisps of divine light are constantly vibrating, and the divine power in it is unceasingly. If there is any leakage, it may destroy mountains and collapse mountains. Changing changes, unimaginable power erupts.

The divine power surged, there should have been bursts of divine light, and visions appeared frequently, but they were all gone at this moment. They were artificially restrained by Chen Ming, and they were not revealed, otherwise the whole scene would be disrupted and everyone would be shocked.

Chen Ming's nature is low-key, so naturally he doesn't like it, so he used the Great Rui Heart Sutra as a guide, combined with the strong Buddha power in his body, to lock the divine power and prevent it from being revealed.

He was transforming in peace, and he was sharpening himself quietly. At this moment, the first divine pattern was close to completion, with purple marks on it, with mysterious rhythm and trajectory, like the language of gods in myths and legends, with a kind of Boundless and ancient.

This practice lasted for a while before being interrupted.

At a certain moment, Chen Ming opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction.


An angry shout came from the center, and the next moment, a big hand stretched out from midair and grabbed it down.

boom! !

The golden glow exploded, and at that place, the golden divine light fell, and the divine power billowed, covering the place, and the vast power blocked that place in an instant, annihilating all vitality.

Afterwards, a mighty martial arts spirit soared into the sky, violently striking the sky, erupting with terrifying prestige in an instant.

"Who dares to violate the imperial city?"

A white-haired old man appeared with mottled white hair and a peaceful aura, but at the moment his face was full of shock and anger, and he was looking in a certain direction.

In that direction, a burst of black air enveloped, forming a mist, covering that place, with a little bit of starlight flickering faintly, gathering there to look like a person.

"I heard that the emperor called the heroes of the world here, and there must be many heroes."

In the mist, a man's stern voice came: "Let me ask for advice, to see if the title of hero in the emperor's banquet is worthy of the name."

"The people who hide their heads and show their tails are also eligible to enter the emperor's seat?"

The white-haired old man disdainful, but then his expression changed in the next moment, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Because in front, bursts of divine power are surging, and the vast divine power almost completely submerges this place.

Amidst the majestic surge of divine power, a divine pattern flickered faintly, and the unrivaled majesty made the faces of everyone present change.

"Return to the source? Impossible!!"

The white-haired old man couldn't believe it, and felt a mighty pressure coming from the front.

In front of him, the man's aura exploded, and he punched directly without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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