Sweeping the world

Chapter 178 Domineering

Chapter 178 Domineering
In a vast garden, indescribably huge divine power was raging. In the deep black mist, a person sternly made a move. With a punch, the divine power exploded, forming an incomparable momentum in an instant. Pressing down Come.

In the turbulent divine power, one can faintly see one after another mysterious runes, which bloomed with brilliance, which seemed to contain the ultimate truth between heaven and earth, and a mighty divine power appeared.

boom! !

This place began to collapse, and even the lines engraved on it shook. Some of them couldn't bear this mighty force. The buildings in it were shattering, and golden divine power escaped, destroying the vast palace in the distance.

The white-haired old man changed color, just touched it, and he couldn't help changing color, his whole body was trembling, unable to bear the majestic prestige and divine power, unable to fight against it.

With the sound of bang, his figure kept retreating, a little golden light flashed across his body, it was the remnant of divine power, it choked blood from his mouth, and his whole body began to crack.

It can be said that if this is not the imperial city, surrounded by the gods guarded by the master, if the divine power of the future man is partially removed, he will really die, and he will fall directly under this blow.

The gap between congenital and returning to the source can be seen from this.

"A congenital peak, although the blood is aging, but relying on the protection of the gods, he was defeated by a single move."

Looking into the distance, Chen Ming frowned secretly: "This is not Guiyuan who has just been promoted, and at this level, he is not considered a weak hand."

Sitting quietly on the seat, his figure was tall and straight, his face remained motionless. Although he could see the situation clearly, he had no intention of making a move.

The strong man in front of him attacked with malice, although the comer was not good, but if Chen Ming made a move, it would be too conspicuous.

How much time has passed, and it has not been a few years since Chen Ming was promoted to Xiantian in this world. In the blink of an eye, he became Guiyuan, what should the rest of the people think?
He is not from the Yang family. Although the king of Wu has kindness to him, but he has not reached the point where he will throw his head and blood. It is not good for him to take action in front of him, but it is easy to shoot the first bird.

Chen Ming would not accept such behavior.

"But that's all."

Outside the pattern array, the voice continued to sound, there was no disdain in the voice, only endless silence and indifference, like a demon god who ignored everything and didn't care about everything.

"I'm here alone today. Everyone here, if you feel that you are still a character, please stand up."

His voice was indifferent, echoing repeatedly in this place, it seemed that there were thousands of reverberations, and it was accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.


Hearing him speak like this, some people couldn't hold back and shouted loudly, but the next moment they saw the divine pattern flickering, and there were layers of mighty divine power falling down, causing layers of ripples in the space, circling around here and around.

There was no extra sound, and accompanied by a clear and shattering sound, the man's body exploded on the spot, and a crimson blood splashed, staining the white carpet red.

An innate, just fell.

The place suddenly became silent.

Some people looked indignantly, looking into the distance, as if their eyes were about to breathe fire, but they dared not say anything.

This is a return to the source.

Between heaven and earth, since the rise and fall of 800 years, it is difficult to find a master, and it is also difficult to see the origin. In the entire 800 years, there have not been many births. Each one is recorded in the annals of history and is worthy of a special book.

It can be said that if there is no one of the same level to fight against, as long as a thought arises in the Guiyuan statue in front of him, it is enough to kill everyone present thousands of times.

With this in mind, Chen Ming turned around and looked up.

On the high platform, at this moment, three people are side by side.

One is wearing a purple robe, with a majestic face, a tall and straight figure, and a stern appearance. He is the king of Wu, Yang An.

One person is dressed in white, beautiful in appearance, cold in heart, neither pleased by things nor saddened by himself, he is Yang Lian, Princess of Changping.

One of them is wearing a boa robe and looks like a young man. He doesn't look very old, and he is King An Yang Yi.

Facing the enemy at this moment, the three of them had different attitudes.

Yang An frowned, just now there was a moment of magic rising, but then it was suppressed, and hesitation appeared on his face.

Yang Lian's posture remained the same, but her eyes turned into pure ice blue, looking into the distance, as if she wanted to see through all the illusions, and see the figure hidden behind the mist.

As for Yang Yi, he was frowning at this moment, his face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The three of them had different expressions and seemed to have different thoughts, but at this moment, none of them made a move in a tacit understanding.

"They are called Yingjie, but they are just a bunch of trash."

The voice was indifferent and continued to sound.


Wu Wang Yang An got up, his face was stern, and there seemed to be anger in his eyes: "Your Excellency is so murderous, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven in the future!"

"God's punishment? A joke!!"

The voice was indifferent, and he replied: "My generation of warriors has risen from meagerness. What we do and believe is only the sword in our hands. If you are afraid of this, you might as well become a monk."

As soon as the words fell, he shot down indifferently, and shot down from the sky with one palm, without any scruples about Yang An's status as a prince, his divine power suddenly suppressed, and the boundless and majestic power came from the sky, and he was about to kill King Wu on the spot.

"King Wu!!"

Everyone present shouted loudly, some people looked horrified, and they didn't expect the scene in front of them at all.

In the majestic imperial city, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, the majestic King Wu was attacked and killed. If this scene had happened before, no one would have dared to believe it. I can't imagine that someone was so bold.

But such absurd things have indeed happened now, which is shocking.

Looking at this scene, even Chen Ming frowned, his body was faintly agitated with divine power, and he was ready to strike.

After all, King Wu treated him well, if possible, he didn't want to see King Wu bleeding and falling down in this place.

But to Chen Ming's surprise, in the face of this swift and violent blow, King Wu took the initiative to meet him, with the innate internal energy all over his body stretching continuously, and he punched out directly.

With a soft bang, the blood exploded on the spot, King Wu's figure retreated, his body was cracked, and there were many wounds.

But even so, in the face of the mysterious man's blow, he successfully blocked it, and did not shatter his body like the previous innate, and died directly.

However, it is the limit to fight Guiyuan with innate body.

Suffering this blow from the front, Yang An's body was cracked, and he was severely injured at this moment. If he strikes again, he will surely die.

"There are some skills."

In the distance, the man's tone was surprised, but he didn't care, and dropped another palm.

The divine power faintly intertwined in the midair into complex and mysterious runes, and then fell heavily, much heavier than the previous blow.

"Your Highness!!"

The white-haired old man from before changed color, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Yang An, trying to save Yang An.

Not far away, facing this blow, Chen Ming also changed color.

Because, within the range covered by this blow, not only the King of Wu, but also Chen Yu listed on the seat, and several elders of the Chen clan!
(End of this chapter)

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