Chapter 184
In the quiet Zhuangzi, Chen Ming sat quietly and gradually fell into deep thought.

Under the explanation of the visitor, he quickly figured out what happened.

"The maid at my uncle's place disappeared. She said she encountered a ghost, but she couldn't even find her body."

"Yes, it is"

The visitor's face was pale, his body was trembling, and his speech was a little slurred: "As a result, a lot of strange things happened in the house during this period of time, and several people went crazy."

"The master has been having nightmares too, so he had to ask me to find the eldest son."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded casually, and said, "I'll go there later."

After all, Chen Yu was his uncle, and now that something happened, he couldn't ignore it.

It happened that he was here alone during this period of time, and he didn't have any mundane affairs to entangle him, so it would be good to go and have a look.

this afternoon.

"Is it here?"

Stepping off the carriage, looking at the narrow alleys around, Chen Ming spoke calmly.

Beside him was a girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

The girl was young, wearing a sarong, her appearance could only be regarded as ordinary, standing in this place, trembling all over.

She looked a little mentally abnormal, her face was pale and bloodless, she couldn't help shaking standing in this place, and occasionally spoke, her voice was trembling, and she couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

This is the person who witnessed it that day. It is said that it was the lucky one among the two maids who survived. During this period of time, she was a little mentally disturbed, often staring at the wall in a daze, and did not respond for a long time.

Before coming here, Chen Ming also inspected her, and finally found that there was something more on her body, and there was an aura of participation left on her body, cold and strange, with an ominous presence, which seemed to have affected her spirit.

Walking to the alley, Chen Ming wanted to take the girl in to have a look, but it turned out that the girl seemed crazy, with fear in her eyes, and she acted like a lunatic.

Even if someone dragged her, she couldn't take her a step forward, let alone take Chen Ming to the place where the previous incident happened.

"Let her take it outside."

Looking at the girl's appearance, Chen Ming said casually, "I'll go and have a look."

"Don't you send two people to follow?"

Beside him, a clansman was a little worried and asked.

"No need."

Chen Ming shook his head, expressing his refusal.

It is difficult to say the power of evil things, but they are often the most weird.

With the body of Chen Ming returning to the source, he can protect himself without any worries, but it will be troublesome to carry it around.

With these in mind, he walked into the narrow alley.

The long and narrow alley looked like an ordinary old alley. Although it looked very long, it was narrow and dilapidated, and it was filled with a sense of desolation and coldness.

The old houses around are scattered around, dividing the alleys in one direction, which seems a bit complicated at first glance.

Chen Ming walked among them, feeling the feeling quietly.

After a while, he came to an intersection, then turned around as if feeling something, and looked at a corner of the wall.

On the old walls, patches of dark green moss grew there, as if green hairs had grown on the walls.

Among the dense moss, once a faint color emerged, it caught Chen Ming's eyes.

It was a bloodstain that wasn't too big, and it had already dried up by now, but the time shouldn't be too long, only two or three days at most.

I just don't know if the bloodstain was left by the maid in Chen Yu's house or someone else.

There is more than one victim in this neighborhood.

According to the results of the investigation sent by Chen Ming, in just a few days, more than ten people disappeared in this place, which has already caused panic in a small area, but because the time is too short, the impact is not too great.

The missing people included men and women, old and young. Like the maid in Chen Yu's house, most of them happened after walking into this alley.

However, the situation in this alley is strange. They also enter this alley, but some people will die, and some will not.

There may be some kind of law in it.

In other places in the alley, Chen Ming got something.

He found a wall.

On the wall, there are layers of pitch-black ashes, stained on it, and dyed it into a deep black, as if it had been burned by fire.

Chen Ming reached out to wipe off the gray on it, but he couldn't help frowning in the end.

After the gray on the wall was erased, some inexplicable lines were revealed, and finally converged into a Buddha sitting on the ground, naked and laughing.

The appearance of the Buddha is very exaggerated, the lines look very distorted, like a child's graffiti-style doodles, the entire Buddha's head occupies half the size, looks completely out of proportion, and has a strange feeling.

Looking carefully at the portrait of Buddha, Chen Ming squinted his eyes, and there were golden threads in his eyes, and the power of Buddha rose faintly, blessing his eyes, helping him see through the emptiness and see the truth in an instant.

From the perspective of the Buddha's eyes, the scene in front of him changed abruptly, and layers of faint black mist rose up, like real life forms, whistling continuously there.

In front of him, Buddha's eyes opened, a pair of pure black eyes were strange, he looked at Chen Ming, and looked at him.

From those eyes, Chen Ming felt a tyrannical, cruel emotion, and an endless desire to kill, which gave him a faint feeling of deja vu.

Soon, he recalled the source of this feeling.

It is his Chen family's old house in Changzhou.

Back then, when he had just returned from the world of King Wu, when he returned to the Chen family's old house, the place was full of evil spirits.

He eliminated the evil spirits in the house, and then searched the old house. He saw many horrible things from an old house, as if he saw the entrance to hell.

But now, the Buddha gave him the same feeling as he had in the old house back then.

He was thinking about this in his heart, and at the next moment, he looked away as Ruo felt, and then the Buddha's power surged all over his body, and Taos of Buddha's light emerged on the surface of his body, which was extremely soft, but also extremely sacred, setting him off like The Buddha is as sacred and majestic as he came into the world.

A big pale hand just rested on his shoulder, trying to grab his throat, but it was caught by the light of the Buddha, and it was directly set ablaze as if being roasted by a fire, and large and large wounds appeared on it. , exposing the white bones behind, and then retracted with a sudden sound.

Chen Ming exerted force on his legs, and his figure disappeared like a flash of lightning. He rushed straight in a certain direction, trying to catch the owner of that big hand.

The figure moved up much faster than he had imagined. He only saw a crooked figure in a coir raincoat turn around, and then the whole person disappeared.

Following the direction in which the figure disappeared, he rushed forward, and finally came to an inexplicable corner.

"dead end?"

Looking at the completely sealed alley in front of him, Chen Ming frowned.

"Child. Child" a slight whisper resounded in my ears.

Where Chen Ming's spiritual sense covered, a shadow appeared inexplicably at the corner.

He looked in that direction, and not far away, a crooked figure in a coir raincoat was sitting there quietly. The figure was thin, lonely and hesitant.

In a narrow and gloomy alley, a person suddenly appeared in a place where there should be no one. If this scene is discovered, a large number of people may be scared to death.

Chen Ming didn't have any thoughts of fear, his face was calm from beginning to end, and he looked at the people on the ground peacefully.

In order to see it more clearly, he started to walk forward, and stopped only two meters away from the figure. He stretched out his hand and prepared to take off the coir raincoat on the man to see his real appearance.


A cold and pale hand stretched out from the side, and accurately grabbed Chen Ming's arm, temporarily defeating his plan.

At the foot, the hunched figure slowly raised his head, revealing a rotten face full of holes, looking straight at him.

Looking at her appearance, Chen Ming was not surprised, but smiled instead.

"You finally stopped hiding."

After the words fell, a long knife had been unsheathed.

The long knife is pure black, it looks very rough, and its image is not good, but it is very useful for dealing with evil spirits.

This is the long knife that Chen Ming collected fragments of divine weapons in the past. Although the image is not good, it has a little divine weapon aura on it, which can be used to kill evil spirits.

This is the first time the knife has been used since it was built.

boom! !

The divine power was formless and formless, and it bombarded down. In the alley, Chen Ming's whole body was glowing, and the acupoints all over his body were vibrating, and there was a huge vibrating force coming from his body faintly, Cut through this knife.

The Buddha's light fluctuated in place, and a piece of divine power soared to the sky.The black long knife slashed down with a bang, the divine pattern on it vibrated, and slashed down Xiemei's chest with a bang
(End of this chapter)

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