Sweeping the world

Chapter 185 The Strange Buddha

Chapter 185 The Strange Buddha
"Just a shadow?"

In the narrow alley, Chen Ming frowned as he looked at the ground that was black as if it had been burned by fire, and put away the long knife in his hand.

The evil spirit that appeared in this alley was much more fragile than he had imagined, it just fell off with a knife, and immediately collapsed, without any immortality of evil spirit.

Even if his entry into Beijing is not what it used to be, this situation is too exaggerated.

And the gains in source power are not quite right.

Usually, killing a Xiemei would bring dozens of points of source power, but this time it was only a mere few points, which is considered very poor.

This is just a few days, and the powerful evil spirit that killed more than a dozen people only gave this little source power, which is really unreasonable.

Chen Ming had a premonition in his heart.

The matter in front of him has not really come to fruition, and there may be something waiting for him in the future.

When Chen Ming put away the long knife and was about to leave.

In the distance, in a dark underground fortress.

In the hazy darkness, a piece of miserable green oil lamp was lit, and a pair of dark blood-colored eyes opened suddenly, with a cruel killing intent.

"My demon servant was killed by others, who is it?"

In the darkness, an inexplicable existence woke up from a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked in a certain direction.

In her line of sight, an inexplicable scene emerged.

In the narrow alley, a young man with a stern face was holding a black long knife and slashed down, splitting an evil spirit in an instant. The whole process was clean and neat without any hesitation.

"That is."

Through the vision of the dead demon servant, she was keenly aware of some unique message, and the pupils in her eyes shrank suddenly, thinking of something.

"Demon body."

"Uncle, are you feeling better?"

In a mansion, Chen Ming put one hand on Chen Yu's shoulder, looked at him and asked.

"Seems better."

Chen Yu nodded and said so.

He looked a little tired, with deep dark circles under his eyes, but he seemed to be in good spirits. He nodded to Chen Ming at this moment: "Ming'er, thanks to you."

"This time, without you, it would be really troublesome."

"It's okay, it's just a small thing."

Chen Ming withdrew his hand and dispelled the remaining divine power from Chen Yu's body, then nodded and said with a smile: "It should be almost fine, I will stay at your house for the next period of time, let's see Is there anything else weird going on?"

"So good."

Chen Yu nodded, his face looked a little helpless at this time: "Oh, in this world, life is getting more and more strange."

"My Chen family has been an official for generations, a famous family in Changzhou, and I have encountered these things repeatedly, so there is no need to talk about those ordinary people."

"If I have an accident, I can still find you, Ming'er. If other people have an accident, I'm afraid they won't even be able to find someone to solve it."

He sighed deeply, with deep disappointment on his face: "Some time ago, a friend of mine had an accident at home. During a long trip, several coffins suddenly appeared in the house. The next day, the whole family died, and he was the only one left. Stay in the official office, luckily nothing happened, really."

Chen Yu opened his mouth to talk about what happened to his friends around him, and his expression became even more tranquil.

He has been an official for decades, and he has seen a lot on weekdays, and he has seen too many things like this.

Many times, a relative or friend you are familiar with may disappear just after a long trip, encountering evil spirits and dying, some even the whole family is robbed, and the situation becomes more and more miserable.

It was precisely because he had seen so many of these things that he immediately approached Chen Ming after he felt something was wrong, and asked Chen Ming to solve it.

Standing quietly on the side, Chen Ming quietly listened to Chen Yu's words, and understood the helplessness and hesitation in his words very well.

He was also a mortal, and when he first traveled to this world, he was just a weak boy.

In the face of super-standard existences like evil spirits, ordinary people have nothing to do. Even warriors, unless they are innate in martial arts, at most can only run faster. They also cannot compete with these evil spirits. They are too powerless .

And in this world, how many innate warriors are there?

Most people, facing evil spirits, may have no choice but to wait for death.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming sighed deeply, then looked at Chen Yu in front of him and bowed, and said, "I want to ask my uncle something."

"what's up?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Chen Yu smiled: "You and I are not outsiders, if there is anything, just speak up, there is no need to hesitate."

Chen Ming took out a piece of paper from his arms and spread it out, revealing an exaggerated figure of Buddha.

"I would like to ask my uncle to help me find this Buddha and see if there are any clues."

Chen Ming said so.

After walking out of the alley that day, he didn't find any abnormalities. He could only write down the Buddha he saw on the wall that day, and planned to use it as a clue to see if he could find any clues.

The reason for this is also for insurance.

This time, the evil spirit has not been eliminated at all.After some time passed, there was no guarantee that it would not spread again, and they would find Chen Yu and others.

This time, Chen Ming happened to be in the Imperial Capital, and ended the matter without causing huge consequences, but next time, he might not be so lucky.

To be on the safe side, it's better to take advantage of some free time to pull out the root of this evil spirit.

"Okay, I'll have someone check it out later."

Chen Yu glanced at the Buddha drawn on the paper, and said, "This Buddha is so weird that it is easy to give people an impression. If there is any news about it, we should be able to find it soon."

"You keep this portrait, and I'll send someone to your house in a few days."

"it is good."

Chen Ming nodded, then got up, said goodbye to Chen Yu, and left the Chen residence.

Sitting quietly in the carriage on the way home, Chen Ming was also quietly thinking about the next itinerary.

At this moment, the appointment sent by Qian Tianzi has been issued, and he is appointed as Dingzhou Siwei, in charge of a state's military.

Now that the Son of Heaven is still alive, Chen Ming has no plans to refuse this position, but he is not prepared to take up the post so soon, but is planning to wait a few months before leaving.

There is nothing wrong with this point, since he returned to the source dignifiedly, and he has just made meritorious service, Chen Ming still has some face, so it is not a big deal.

And taking advantage of these few months of hard work, Chen Ming himself has a lot of things to do.

This is one of the first things to completely eliminate the evil spirits in Uncle Chen Yu's family, and the second is the matter of Tianzhou Tianmen Sect.

Back in Yueshan, Lu Liang and his wife entrusted their daughter Lu Qing to Chen Ming, but when Chen Ming left, she was taken away by an elder of the Tianmen Sect.

The Tianmen sect is located in Tianzhou and belongs to the hermit sect. Chen Ming has also searched everywhere in the past, but he has not been able to find its exact location.

It wasn't until this time that Dagan Palace and his party met Prince Dagan and Emperor Dagan that he obtained a position in the Tianmen Sect from Emperor Qian, and he just took advantage of this time to go and investigate.

Not to mention anything else, senior brother Lu Liang entrusted his daughter to Chen Ming back then, but now Lu Qing is not in Chen Ming's hands, and he doesn't even know whether she is alive or dead, so it is a breach of his trust.

This time when he went to Tianmen Sect, Chen Ming didn't say that he would take Lu Qing away, but at least he had to confirm how Lu Qing was doing so he could rest assured.

With this in mind, Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes and meditated alone.

For the next few days, Chen Ming spent all his time in his mansion, where he practiced peacefully and refined his divine pattern.

A few days later, Chen Yu also sent someone over to pass on the latest news to him.

"Already have news?"

In Chen Yu's house, Chen Ming was a little surprised when he looked at Chen Yu who was sitting in front of him.

"I asked someone to look through the file of the Imperial Mirror Division, and finally found a lot of records."

Chen Yu put down a large pile of texts in his hand, looked at Chen Ming and said, "Look at these."

Chen Ming was not polite, and went straight forward, took out the top copy of the text and opened it, and the last thing displayed was a record.

"In the 13th year of Darun, the stars of Qianzhou appeared, and there were madmen howling at night outside Liujia Village. All the more than one hundred people died suddenly, and a black Buddha appeared on the corpse."

"In March 14, a child drowned outside the Imperial Capital of Qianzhou, but he returned home three days later and walked as usual. Half a month later, the night shift heard the sound of crying and howling. Xiao Er's whole family died, and Xiao Er's body showed the shadow of a black Buddha. .”

"Da Run April 14"

Looking at these, Chen Ming frowned, and his face was a little ugly: "So many, all happened in the past two years?"


Chen Yu's face was also a little ugly, maybe because he read the file before and understood that these things are not easy to mess with.

"In these cases, the Imperial Mirror Division has dispatched manpower to investigate, and finally locked down a place."


"Deep in the black forest outside the imperial capital, there is a small forbidden area there."

Chen Yu said: "It was a forbidden area formed in the early years, because there were no people around, so I didn't take care of it, and stayed there all the time."

"As a result, recently, the forbidden area has become active again. According to people who have entered it, there are such weird statues of Buddha inside."

"Has anyone ever gone in?" Chen Ming asked curiously.

"It's a warrior from Yujing Division. It is said that he went crazy soon after he came out."

Chen Yu's complexion didn't look very good. At this moment, his complexion looked rather hesitant: "Ming'er, what are you going to do next?"

"Go to the forbidden area and have a look."

Chen Ming said calmly, without any fear or worry about the so-called forbidden area: "If possible, I will level this forbidden area."

"Be careful."

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Chen Yu hesitated for a while, and finally sighed deeply, saying so.

"I know."

Chen Ming smiled, looking very relaxed: "Uncle, don't worry."

"I'm sure, even if I lose, I'm sure I'll get out."

For other warriors, the forbidden area is indeed dangerous, but for a returning warrior, the so-called forbidden area is just that.

There are many forbidden places in this world, and there are many people who died in them, but even Xiantian is extremely rare among them, let alone returning to the source.

Moreover, even if Chen Ming is really unlucky and encounters a super forbidden place where he can't even return to the source, he still has the source power.

Supernatural power, this is Chen Ming's trump card that can protect himself at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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