Sweeping the world

Chapter 186 The Yu Sisters

Chapter 186 The Yu Sisters
"Passing through this mountain forest, and walking a little further, you will be able to reach the Zhuangzi."

In a deserted mountain forest, an old man dressed in gray cloth and looking not young looked at the front, and said to Chen Ming who was following him: "I can't go in here anymore, you should be careful. "

"Old man, please go back."

Chen Ming nodded, watching the old man in front of him leave, and his figure gradually disappeared in the dense forest.

Then, he turned around and continued to walk towards the forest ahead.

He walked very fast. With his footsteps, walking alone was far more convenient than walking with someone beside him. Even the difficult-to-walk mountains and forests were like walking on flat ground, and he crossed a lot of distance in an instant. .

Not long after, not far from sight, a dilapidated old village stood quietly at the foot of a distant mountain, standing there alone, seemingly uninhabited for a long time.

"Run! Run!!"

A hazy darkness enveloped the area.

In the dilapidated manor, the ground is covered with gray-black burn marks, with a strong smell of decay, which makes people feel sick.

Several figures were running fast here, and two of them looked very special.

It was two girls, one big and one small, the older one was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and the younger one looked only thirteen or fourteen years old. At this moment, their faces were full of anxiety, and they ran forward desperately, as if something was happening behind them. Just like chasing them.

Surroundings, Ruoyouwu screams came intermittently, making Yu Ying tense all over, sweating profusely at this moment, her head almost went blank.

A vague sense of oppression came from behind, and she seemed to be able to feel that there was a distorted figure following behind him at this moment, a distorted face seemed to be still facing her fiercely. Laughed out loud, as if looking at two prey.

But she didn't dare to look back, because she knew that once she looked back at this time, everything would really be over.

The things in this village have not fully recovered at the moment, and what manifested at the moment are just some shadows. As long as she ignores them, she will have a chance to escape temporarily and find a place to hide for the night.

"It's getting dark, I have to hurry up."

She shook her head, took her younger sister Yu Jia's hand and ran with all her strength, frantically running in one direction.

Finally, before dark, she ran to a hall.

In the hall, there is a huge Buddha statue, but it is dark gold, and the proportions are also very exaggerated and weird. A face occupies half the size of the Buddha statue. The eyes on the face are also pure black, and there is an inexplicable expression on the face. His smile seemed devoid of the Buddha's half-compassion, but instead seemed strange and inexplicable, giving one a chilling sense of horror.

At this moment, in front of the Buddha statue, there was a figure kneeling and sitting there, the figure was motionless, even when seeing Yu Ying and sisters rushing over, there was no movement at all.

He knelt there, looking at this posture, he should be prostrating to the Buddha statue in front of him, praying for his blessing.

Walking into it, younger sister Yu Jia wanted to go forward to wake up the man, but was stopped by her sister Yu Ying in the end.

The people kneeling in front of them were obviously not normal, and they might also have some weirdness on them. Their rash contact would only make their situation more dangerous.

With this in mind, Yu Ying felt the roaring sound behind her getting closer, and pulled her sister forward, and quickly found a hidden space on the wall on one side, and hid directly in it.

This secret compartment was found by them a few days ago. It seems to be left behind by people who suffered strange things here in the past. It is full of dense runes and spells, which seem to have a restraint effect on the surrounding evil spirits, so that they cannot find it. here.

Hiding inside until the next day's daylight, they will be safe.

At this moment, as they hid here, as time went by, the voice of the outside world gradually changed.

A whistling wind came whistling, followed by various weird sounds.

There were the screams of fellow travelers, the sound of monks knocking wooden fish and chanting sutras, the whispers of evil spirits, and a terrifying sound similar to teeth grinding.

In the outside world, as the night fell, it seemed that gods and demons danced wildly at this moment, and strange scenes began to descend one after another, but it gave people a creepy feeling.

Hiding in the dark cell, the two sisters trembled in fear, hugging each other, but tried their best not to make the slightest sound.

I don't know how long these tense days have passed. Until a certain moment, all kinds of strange sounds from the outside world seemed to disappear, only a clear sound of footsteps slowly came from the outside world.

"Is this the place?" A voice came from outside, just from the sound, it should be a gentle young man.

The two sisters Yu Ying were taken aback for a moment, a little confused about the situation, but they still didn't dare to act rashly.

After these experiences, they know that the weirdness of the outside world is very deceptive, and they will do all kinds of deceitful behaviors.

In the past few days, they had several partners who were tricked out because they heard the call of someone they knew well.

But today, the owner of this voice seems to be different.

He has clear footsteps, and it lasts for a long time.

outside world.

Inside the spacious and weird Buddhist temple, one after another blue Buddha lamps were lit, standing quietly here.

A young man was tall and straight, with a handsome appearance and a peaceful temperament. He stood here quietly, looking at the strange Buddha statue in front of him.

"Just an ordinary Buddha statue?"

Quietly looking at the strange and ferocious golden Buddha statue in front of him, Chen Ming frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

The Zhuangzi in front of him is obviously very unusual, but since Chen Ming entered it until now, he has encountered nothing.

Before coming here, he collected a large number of files in the Imperial Mirror Division and consulted a large amount of information about this place, but it turned out to be completely useless.

For example, according to the records of Yu Jingsi, on the day of every month, there will be a few worshipers under this Buddha statue, sitting down and paying homage to this strange Buddha, who died under this Buddha statue in the past It was transformed by a resentful spirit, but today when Chen Ming came, he didn't see it.

The Buddhist temple was empty, if it wasn't for the strange and unsettling Buddha statue placed in the center, Chen Ming would almost have thought that it was an ordinary Buddha statue.

"Forget it, it's still a long time, just wait slowly."

Chen Ming shook his head, then walked to the side, ready to search around here for a while to see if he could find any clues.

Before that, though, there are things to do.

With a wave of his hand, a hidden compartment opened instantly, and then a burst of violent screams rang out crazily.

The two girls stood in the dark cell, with fear on their faces, and this time their whole bodies were trembling.

These are two little girls, Yu Ying and Yu Jia, who were hiding well in the dark cell, but they were suddenly picked out by Chen Ming.

"Is that enough?"

Chen Ming had no expression on his face, and he spoke calmly. As soon as he spoke, the two girls were taken aback.

"you are human?"

Barely recovering from the fear, Yu Ying tentatively spoke.

"Otherwise, could it be the thing behind you?"

Chen Ming shook his head, pointed behind Yu Ying and the two, and said casually.

His words startled Yu Ying and the two, subconsciously looking behind them.

I saw behind the two sisters, in the deep and spacious dark grid, suddenly there was an extra figure at some point.

This is a mummy. Judging by the costumes, it should be the figure that bowed to the Buddha outside before, but I don't know when it came behind them.


Yu Ying was horrified, holding her sister's hand, feeling a little creepy at this moment.

"Probably just now."

Taking a casual glance, Chen Ming judged: "The secret compartment in the Buddhist temple has runes left by the ancestors of Yu Jingsi, which is enough to avoid ordinary evil spirits, but if you want to avoid these worshippers, But it’s not enough.”

"If you really hide in there all night this time, you can only ask for luck in the end."

Yu Ying was a little scared, and patted her chest in fear, and then saw Chen Ming, who was beside her, took a step forward and lifted the mummy.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes: "What are you doing?"

Most people can't hide from this kind of evil spirit, but the person in front of him is lucky, not only didn't hide, but also actively contacted it.

"Look what the hell this is."

Chen Ming said casually, and then smashed the mummy on the ground with a loud sound. If the mummy was still alive, he might get up and fight him desperately.

Then with a wave of his big arm, he lifted the sleeves of the mummy's body, revealing large patches of dry black skin.

The dry skin on the mummy looked very special, it was black, as if it had hardened, and it looked a bit unique.

Looking at the appearance of the mummy, Chen Ming was a little puzzled, so he randomly found a sharp stone from the surroundings, and smashed it down hard, but it didn't move.

"This thing is a bit hard."

He smiled, and then exerted force with his hands, a ray of divine power came out soundlessly, and then fell with a bang, smashing a big hole in the mummy in front of him.

"But that's it."

Looking at the mummy under his feet, and the big hole in the opponent's stomach, Chen Ming shook his head and spoke in a bored manner.

On the side, the corner of Yu Ying's mouth twitched, she had a new understanding of Chen Ming's cruelty, but the uneasiness in her heart calmed down inexplicably.

In this environment, normal people would definitely not be able to survive. Compared with normal people, this murderous person in front of him is more reassuring.

Beside her, her younger sister Yu Jia tugged at her sleeve, pointed at the mummy in front of her, and whispered with some fear, "His eyes."


Yu Ying was taken aback for a moment, and then she noticed that the eyes of this mummy opened at some point, and a pair of dark gray eyes were staring at Chen Ming ferociously, like a dead man staring at his enemy.

"Death is dead, just be quiet."

A big hand slapped lightly, and the mighty divine power suddenly fell down, like a magic knife cutting down, directly smashing the mummy into two halves.

Immediately, the mummy closed its eyes, and its entire head was crushed by Chen Ming's foot.

(End of this chapter)

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