Sweeping the world

Chapter 187 Demon Body

Chapter 187 Demon Body

The smile on Yu Ying's face froze. At this moment, she was a little dazed looking at the trampled corpse under Chen Ming's feet. Inexplicably, she felt that the person in front of her was also a hater, and she didn't match her gentle and refined appearance at all.

"Tell me."

In front of his eyes, Chen Ming turned around, felt the increased source power on his body and nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Yu Ying who was dazed to the side: "How did you two get in here?"

The place in front of me is a forbidden area, and as long as the average person is not confused, it is unlikely that they will come in on their own initiative.

Moreover, there are dense forests and wild beasts around the forbidden area. Judging by the appearance of the two girls, it doesn't look like they can walk in through these hurdles by themselves.


Yu Ying held her younger sister Yu Jia's hand, looked at Chen Ming in front of her, with some hesitation on her face, and finally told her sister's experience.

As Chen Ming guessed in his heart, the two sisters in front of him did not come in through normal channels.

Their home is located in Yangzhou, a scholarly family in the era, although they can't be said to be rich, they have no worries about food and clothing.

Until recently, for a while, they dreamed of a strangely smiling Buddha, and then unknowingly shifted their location and ran directly to this Buddhist temple.

"In other words, you had a dream, and when you woke up, you came to this temple?"

Hearing this, Chen Ming frowned and asked back.


Yu Ying nodded, recalling the scene of that day, she still felt terrified at this moment: "Not only our sisters, but also many more people were sent here, and their origins are different, some are from Yangzhou, some are from Dingzhou , are different."

"It's just that during this period of time, the surroundings have been haunted, and people are constantly dying at night. In the end, only us are left."

"Haven't you ever thought of leaving during the day when you have nothing to do?" Chen Ming asked back.

"Of course I have."

A wry smile appeared on Yu Ying's face: "My sister and I try to leave every day, but every time we walk halfway, we will walk back involuntarily, as if we were possessed by an evil spirit."

"This is a forbidden area. Since you have entered, it may be difficult for you to go out."

Chen Ming said casually, but the thoughts in his heart became deeper and deeper.

He was thinking about the girl's words.

The secret place in front of me is in the territory of Qianzhou, which is [-] miles away from Yangzhou.

It is not the slightest bit of difficulty to send the two sisters in Yangzhou to this forbidden area overnight.

At least returning to the source is definitely not possible.

At this thought, Chen Ming frowned a little, a little unexpectedly.

The power in the forbidden area in front of him seemed to be much stronger than he had imagined, somewhat beyond his expectations.

But now that it's all here, it's too late to regret it.

"I want to go around, you two, are you going to stay here, or come with me?"

He got up, looked at the two girls in front of him and asked.


Holding her younger sister's hand, Yu Ying got up quickly, not daring to leave Chen Ming's side at all.

It is already nighttime, and it is the most dangerous time for this place, and the probability of all kinds of weird things happening is greatly increased.

On this occasion, if their sisters stay here alone, they don't know what will happen in the end.

At this moment, only this seemingly extraordinary young man in front of them can give them a sense of security.

Chen Ming continued to walk forward.

The area of ​​the Zhuangzi in front of me is very large, but the whole place looks very clean. Although the surrounding walls are old, they are not stained with dust, and it looks like someone is still taking care of them.

The surrounding land was covered with bloodstains, and occasionally a few pieces of minced meat could be seen. They were placed straight in the center of the Zhuangzi, looking like they were afraid that others would not see them.

Walking into this place, Chen Ming's body felt warm currents surging, which meant that the source power was growing, and the speed of growth was very fast.

And this performance, to a certain extent, had already told Chen Ming something.

Walking alone in the front, Chen Ming walked under a big tree.

The big tree looks tall, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and it seems extraordinary, but when you get closer, it has a disgusting smell of blood.

Chen Ming looked up, and on the canopy of the tree, there was a dead body in white clothes hanging on it. The vines around the neck were entwined round and round. There were several big holes.

Looking at the hideous appearance of the corpse, Chen Ming shook his head, then stretched out his hand, and patted the tree body seemingly casually.

boom! !

A mighty divine power suddenly gushed out, and in front of his eyes, several divine lights flickered and intertwined in front of his eyes, that pure brilliance enveloped the entire tree.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming could hear a series of tragic howls, like the howls of wild animals before dying, ferocious and terrifying, with a strong sense of unwillingness.

A branch quietly fell down, itching towards Chen Ming's body, but it was not blocked by Dao Dao's divine light, it was directly blocked outside, and it was impossible to get an inch in.

On the body of the big tree in front of him, the bark was dry and cracked inch by inch, revealing the pure black body behind the bark, as well as flesh and blood.

A ray of divine power fell, and the tree in front of him disintegrated directly, and the whole body of the tree collapsed directly, revealing a large smell of blood.

Behind them, Yu Ying and Yu Jia hugged each other, their faces were pale and their whole bodies were trembling.

After the trunk was cut off by Chen Ming, a section of corpse without human skin fell out of the trunk, filling the trunk.

All of a sudden, the surrounding bloody smell was strong, and it turned into a ball there, making people feel sick.

"It seems that the corpses that are missing from here have all gone to the belly of this tree."

Looking at the corpse inside the tree, Chen Ming said flatly.

He was still weird.

According to Yu Ying and the two sisters, there should be quite a few people in this place.Even if all these people died later, where did the bodies of these people go?
Now it seems that the bodies of these people did not disappear, but entered the belly of the tree.

Gently glanced at the tree, and when he saw some corpses, Chen Ming was stunned, then shook his head, turned around and left without saying anything.

He was not interested in watching the surrounding scenery, so he directly chose a yard and looked inside.

It can be seen that this place should have been quite a prosperous place in the past, but because of the evil spirit behind it, the surrounding people were sparsely populated, and only this large courtyard was left behind.

Walking quietly into the yard, Chen Ming casually looked around.

"It's strange."

He opened the mouth and said, with some doubts in his expression.

The reaction of the forbidden area in front of him was different from what he had learned from Yu Jingsi.

He entered the forbidden area in the middle of the night. According to common sense, the forbidden area should have rioted long ago, and the evil spirits in it should have emerged long ago, but in the end it was calm and almost nothing was seen.

This is not in line with common sense, nor in line with the normal situation, Chen Ming can't help but be puzzled.

"Before I came in this time, I had already run the Nirvana Sutra to gather all my divine power into the acupoints. What is showing up at this moment is just a mortal. There is no reason why the evil spirits that exist here can't appear."

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Chen Ming thought lightly in his heart: "Did my disguise be discovered, or"

"The Xiemei here has had an accident, and the others are already there?"

While thinking about it, he walked to a temple.

Inside the temple, the lights were brightly lit, and blue glazed blue lanterns were lit all around. If it were someone else, they would probably be scared to death at this moment.

There was no human habitation in this courtyard, and Chen Ming himself stayed with the two girls all the time, so who lit the ancient lamp in front of him?
Chen Ming glanced at the burning lights around him, and finally decided to ignore it, he was no longer surprised by it.

The existence of Xie Mei itself is an unexplainable mysterious phenomenon, in which no matter what happens is possible, there is no way to get to the bottom of it.

Chen Ming came here to deal with evil spirits, not to explore these things.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming stood there for a long time, and finally began to grope around.

But he didn't notice that in the center of the room, an exaggerated, mysterious and awe-inspiring Buddha moved, and there seemed to be a will flowing in it, watching Chen Ming quietly.

"It's really a monster!!"

A will secretly circulated, in the dark space, thinking: "I searched all the countries in the southern region and couldn't find it. I never thought I could find it in this region. It's really surprising."

"A demon body, if it is well practiced, is a good incarnation."

As he thought about it, he looked at Chen Ming who appeared in the distance, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

A clear voice flashed, and instantly caught Chen Ming's attention.

He turned around and saw that in a corner of the room, a piece of intact wall fell down, revealing a piece of handwriting.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, then stepped forward involuntarily.

What is revealed behind the wall is a piece of clean stone wall.

The stone wall looks very clean, but the handwriting on it is not like that, but inscribed with blood, with an ominous feeling.

Just staring at these handwritings, Chen Ming could feel a sense of magic from them, as if a demon head had come to write bloody chapters in this place.

".Return to the source chapter."

Looking at these broken scriptures, Chen Ming was stunned, a little unexpected at this moment.

The handwriting engraved on the lock on the stone wall in front of him is nothing else, but a piece of scriptures for tempering the god pattern.

Moreover, what this piece of scripture tempered seems to be a physique called a demon body.

"Demon body."

At this moment, Chen Ming frowned, thinking of many things at this moment.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that his evil spirit body, in the eyes of people in the past, is a demon body.

As a demon body, a tempering method specially made for the demon body happened to appear in front of him. Is this a coincidence, or is it artificial?
At this point, Chen Ming couldn't help frowning, thinking of a lot at this moment.

He had some doubts, maybe the encounter at his uncle's house was not accidental, but a deliberate one, in order to draw his authentic demon body here to see this inscription.

But this also has some doubts.

Few people know about the demon body within Daqian, and it is not easy to know about the demon body, and only a few people know that Chen Ming is carrying the demon body, and none of them meet the conditions for doing this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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